>traps and liking traps is gay >trans agenda is why going to a public toilet is fucking difficult >you couldn't be deceived by a trap unless you were retarded >trans people get really ugly and disgusting after reassignment surgery >traps can't be seen in public, because everyone around them thinks they're retarded >trans agenda has lead to the creation of a million fake genders for twinky twonks to label themselves with to feel special
>itt: man talk, straight sex, manly music - anything that would work in an anti-trap/transfaggot thread
Trick question - Kanji needs MKUltra because nobody thinks a real trap looks like a girl. It's not even bisexual, because knowing the person is a trap Kanji still craves the cock and hairy man-ass.
Ayden Lopez
Because Sup Forums is being polluted by idiots who think traps are hot, or even real women, or even real people. Plus, gender dysphoria is fucking terrible and psychological disorders are being glamorised because of this lousy trans-fad.
Jaxon Williams
man i wonder what you were like in the 80's
Luis Walker
Thanks for this thread.
There is no such thing as "chicks with dicks", only guys with boobs.
People who like traps are homosexual. To be nice maybe bisexual.
Ryder Thompson
A real bisexual appreciates manliness, but also how fucking hot women are. Traps are just fucking disgusting and disappointing to look at. What's the sex appeal of traps anyway? It's like getting a surprise present on your birthday, and that surprise present is Bill Cosby and some quaalude filled water
Lucas Hughes
b has been like this for a decade you child
Angel Wilson
>tfw job forces you to go to a three hour long training course on LGBTALMNOP >I didn't hate them before >youtube.com/watch?v=4n8BPv43vhE