What's the spookiest shit that's happened to you or someone you know or are related to?

What's the spookiest shit that's happened to you or someone you know or are related to?

Let's tell stories, anons

Other urls found in this thread:


>be me
>sitting at home
>parents go to store
>home alone for few hours
>decide to dust computer
>In between sprays hear whispering
>turn to see what it was
>my cat scares the shit outta me
>everything is good
>finish dusting
>get back to pc
>suddenly my cat starts going fucking crazy
>hissing at doorway
>go out to check
>hear whispering behind me again
>pc turns off
>pic related

Pretty scary stuff mang

Come to think of it, the pc turning off was probably because I didn't close the case properly, but the whispering I don't really know...


the the cat killed its self whyyyyyyyyyy *sob sob*

Bumping for interest

oh th horrur

mai waifu

How did it kills itself?

Did it an hero after the day you got spooked? Or was it retarded like that?

this is reeul pickchure of mai kat

mfw spirits of mai dead desck fan haunt me