ITT: Quads decides what I do with this leftover pasta

ITT: Quads decides what I do with this leftover pasta

take a shit on it and then eat it you fucking nigger

>inb4 no timestamp

Down dickhole

Put it on your head

Feels like it's not even food...weird..

Carry it in your mouth, then spit it on someone.
Pics are ideal.

Inhale it through nose.

Stir fry with some bell peppers

Tie all the ends together to make one huge pasta rope. Use it to climb out of the window with.

insert into anus. one by one.

Creative, but no.

damn no ones gunna get quads. But on the off chance, throw it at a random person and record it.


Squish it into a ball then throw it at someone.


kill the pasta

creepy pasta


you're gonna eat that. and you're gonna eat it now

Take a shit on it


Add the leftover sauce.

Weave it together to make a moses basket.

reboil for 1 min. and eat with sauce bolognese

Flush it down toilet

stand in it

Throw it a ceiling.

Put it in your pockets

So demanding.. Kind of a turn on...

become the pasta

Insert into anus

stuff it all up your ass and video it

Figure out how to get them back into the hotdogs

Put that spag in your anus

Set it on fire

Put a dinner plate in your anus

Mix your shit in it, then eat it

quads is a tough one. but you know the drill: into the pooper it goes

Slurp it all up.

Use it as a masturbatory aid.

All into the pee hole

Mix it with two eggs, add salt, pieces of jam, a dent of garlic, and cock it in a pan.
and for god's sake dont fucking burn it.

You heard him.
Put your cock in a pan


Smoke that shit

rolling for rope


Make a noose with it and hang yourself


Needs more rope

put in pee hole


In the pooper it goes

So close

so close

[spoiler]Eat it[/spoiler]

Shove down dickhole

make it into a rope then in pee hole

Fist it into your ass and use bleach as lube

Can do with rope

Roll for shitting in it and eat !

Take a bowl, piss in it, dump the pasta in it, jizz all over it, if you can take a dump in it, then mix it all together and eat it. Insert half in your asshole.

up your nose

Prove it.


roll it up in a paper towel and smoke that shit
add some seasonings

Gonna take bit to roll around to quads

but, go through a Fast Food Drive thru and throw it at the employees through their little window and drive away, while filming it


I believe this will end with you shoving it up your ass.

Rolling for shove it up your ass.

mix it up in blender then drink it.

put it in your ass, then you push it deep inside with something

This is a good idea. Duet.

Such as more pasta.

cordage rope 20c rollan

Always a rope.


I would like some of those. I would really like some pasta please.

put it in your pockets


spaghetti in pooper

Sacrifice it

Pack dat pasta boi

>quads decides

1/1000 chance to see what you do with a bunch of noodles

fuck off OP you industrial cock inhaler

if quads kill yourself

Scooper it into the pooper bret


snort it all

Put a string of it around and in your eye.

Stick into your as, make video and scream "Heil Hitler! Defeat the jewish trump!"



up your butt

right in the ass
if you are brave enough


its gonna happen watch



drop in back of toilet tank. post update in one year.


reroll for ass