Who are you voting for on November 8 and why?

Who are you voting for on November 8 and why?

anyone but crooked Hillary

not voting


To piss people off

Andrew WK.

Some asshole.

Donald Trump, you are a gangster and which supports your chair, smell like sulfur I vote for those that never chose the easy path of history, i vote for Martin Luther King, i vote for David Dellinger, i vote for Sean Eldridge, i vote for Rosa Parks and for Eleanor Smeal, i vote for Nelson Mandela, I VOTE HILLARY.

don't care, i'll move to Canada

Gary Johnson because he stands for what I believe when it comes to how our country should be governed.

Trump. To bring industry back to the US, as well as comfy jobs that companies are importing Indians to fill because they will work for shit wages


Good, say hi to Muhammad and Ahmed for us


Just heard about the H1b visa bullshit and agree he seems to be the only politician serious about curbing it.


'Cause I'm sick of career politicians fucking up my future.

No, no just foreshadowing of what is to come

Trump because he will make America great again.

Trump because I'm white and I'm sick of niggers and gays and feminists fucking everything up

He's also one of the biggest abusers of it, and has spent hundreds of millions lobbying to keep increasing the number available.



just ordered some trump merchandise today, ready to make america great again

That force choke

Voting for Hillary before I hand the country off to Trump.

Bernie would have been nice, but he's like the Ron Paul of our era. Too good to be true.

Plus, I guess Bernie wouldn't be that great for the economy if we start giving everything away for free.

Bernie, because Trump will most likely initiate world war 3, and I don't feel like getting drafted into the military.

Well, I'd vote for Bernie, but he's just like Hillary.

I'd vote for Hillary but she's just like Trump. I'd vote for Trump but he's just like Hillary.

Have fun debating for 4 more months about an election that Hillary won a long time ago.

TRUMP because if this Warren idiot actually gets a say in government it will make Obama look like a genius.

Hillary Clinton

Because it's between her and Donald trump and I'm not a nihilist memester

What is this picture from? I can't reverse image right now...

Trump because Hillary is a crook, a terrible liar, and will do far more harm than Trump ever could. Not that Trump will do any harm, he's going to save America from leftists.

Source? Everything I've seen is saying to the contrary

Trump. Because why choose the lesser evil?

>nihilist memester
So funny how out of touch democrats are.