Other urls found in this thread:
>this is a typical day in australia
You want to have a go, cunt?
Holy shit it was choking out the doggo
Nearly gutted the doge too lad
pig hunters.
not like I wouldn't possibly do the same in identical circumstances, but it was a lapse of judgement.
- the roo had already let go
- the dog is wearing armour
- going tete-a-tete with a kangaroo is not a good idea, if it had come to its own senses it would have kicked his guts out of his backside
This was my wallpaper for 3 years
Roos are fucking dumb as fuck
Kangaroo looked a bit gob smacked tb h, he had a knife on his right arse cheek, you can see him hold ing it when the kangaroo looks back at him, roo could have still fucked him up though
I ended up hitting a Roo at 120km/h just 50km outside of Broken Hill on my motorbike, hit it with my knee guards on and stuck my knee out as it jumped infront of my bike, killed it and i came off unscathed, why do we massacre emus and not fucking Roo's lad? When is the Roo War starting?
This t b h
"Don't hurt us please"
Those claws, though.
Australia thread?
Some of you pademelons are alright
Don't go to Binna Burra this Friday
You havent seen the claws on their feet though? They can easily disembowel a human
>France replies to you
Urban myth
You know what isn't an urban myth, the lads and i coming around your place and fucking ur mum, thats not an urban myth, plugged her up in every hole we did lad
This. Fucking hate those arrogant bouncy fucks
Do'n't touch me or my brothas eva again you dumbfucks. I'll fuckin smash youse ay
*left hooks you square in the jaw*
*grabs you by the throat* back the fuck off!?!?!?
wtf australia?
This tb h
*grabs you both by the pussy*
*pull you close to me, smiling*
not that exact picture you frigging idiots!!!!!
I now want a buff kangaroo pet
>going to war with this