How hot is my sister?

How hot is my sister?


body k face trash


Brown eyes (-)
Manly face even with makeup (-)
Wide shoulders (-)
Small breast size (-)
man hands (-)
dresses nice (+)
nice hair (+) this a trap?

I don't know, post a picture of her and I'll tell you

Virgin detected


Hotttt, these are my sisters, who'd you pick and why

You are such a terrified little virgin.

7/10. rate mine pls

Everyone is trap until proven otherwise

i would jerk off almost daily

Forgot picture

roasties mad
I don't give a fuck tbo

Another one

Tits are in development i assume? When they fully grown can potentionally be 8 or even 8, 5


She's very hott! 8/10

any moar with the socks?


oh wow


did you try anything?


Would donkey punch/10

Found out she liked to peek when I shower. Only fondle her ass when parents aren't at home. I am too much of a pussy to make a move.


Take a shower when you are both home alone. Catch her and pretend to be very offended and angry. Tell her the only way to make it good is for you to see her nude too. Then you are even.

...and since this is the script to every porn ever you know what happens next. Just be sure to take pictures and record a video of it all for your brothers.

They are all hot. Rate mine

shiiiet dat ass

Easily 8/10


And my cousin.


keep going dude! Mooooore