Do you bang girls? Do you have many years of experience?

Do you bang girls? Do you have many years of experience?
If you do, is there something you know about sex that you wish you knew about earlier?
Share some experience with bros.
How to fuck efficiently? Let's discuss techniques.

Also, random porn thread, if pics related to discussed techniques, the better.

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Touch yourself to control sensitivity (stroking pulling hair, hand on throat etc) so you can give the right combination of pain/pleasure

Eat out. Always. always go down first. tease. when she likes something, don't stop.

Communicate - i use the hair gripping method, i tell the girl to grip my hair a bit harder when she's really into something (when eating out), that way I know when I'm doing something right.

Communicate - ask simple questions - does she want it rough, or sensual? "Tell me baby, how do you want it"

never thrust mindlessly, deeper =/= better. try 'stirring the pot' in otherwords, when you're fucking, try and add small circular motions to your hips so you're not just going in out on the same spot. Once again, contrast. Go slow, slow speed up, go really quickly, then suddenly back to very slow.

source - i am a beast

Experiment - every girl is different

I got a lot more and can elaborate if needed

go on.

Women love sex as much as men do and they want to get laid. The thing is you just cant tell them straight into the face if they want to fuck. Bit if you give them the right signs (woman language or wathever) its so easy to get every chick into your bed - message to my self 10 yeary ago

gonna need tips to get women down to fuck first, anons.

bump for pro tips

>If you do, is there something you know about sex that you wish you knew about earlier?

Not to ask if it was hurting, fuck i'm cringing hard

don't rabbit hump a girl
don't use your entire body to move your dick, just your hips
and like the other user said; change it up. try different positions and speeds throughout sex so it doesn't get boring and awkward