URGENT HELP WITH 20 euro REWARD for retarded drugie

URGENT HELP WITH 20 euro REWARD for retarded drugie.
OK I made three huge lines of 3 different product. One was 650 mg ethyphenidate, 2 crushes pyracetam (total : 1mg, but because of the organge stuff it is huge line)
And a 1.2 gams of ketamine isomer S.

I mixed them planning on trying an experiement, but of course the paper it was on fell from the table because i am high as fuck and a complete retard.
You can appreciate my stupidity with the next 3 photo, the bag with white powder is how it is support to look when pure.
So i got back what I could (785mg ), but now I got this mix of drugs with full of hair (i removed them a bit beforeposting the picture) and a lot of dust...

If someone give me way to clean these products and is legit with sources and stuff (I know its /b, i will check if these crystal i'm suppose to make creates mustard gas or not) I will give you 20 euro on paypal, or on steam, or whenever you want (legit site required).

So if you have a real solution, give every fucking little details (i suck without a video, so describe very precisely the procedure, or even better, make one), or if you have a tutorial i didn't find, send me mail at this temporary email address : [email protected]
with your solution and how you would like to get payed.

I live in a student 1 room apartement, I have
- double electrics plates in my room, down in the residence there is an oven and a microvave
- i have a sauce pan and a stove
- a kind of filter with very very small holes
- refregirator (with ice)

If your solution needs something else, tell me and I'll get it (but not more expensive than just buying it).

Remember, you can earn 20 euro.

Other pics

And here is a close-up on the normal white stuff

euro is not money, I will only accept USD.

get one of them filters for powdered sugar and shove it through that. All the dirt and shit will probably be fine.

bitcoin could be an option ? It would take 2 days for me to get them

naw, if you are from the EU, you are probably a sandnigger, thus I will not extend my help.

Instead of snorting take it orally and problems solved. Otherwise plug it.
Or use some kind of filter like a grinder one to remove the bad stuff from your powder.
Man I wish had some eph. You lucky..

I am a pure white french

T'es sur psychoactif ?

Dude, i want to order more stuff from Chem.eu, with whome i had no probleme, but no they telle the bin is not allowed when i want to purchase... i only have 400 mg left if i can't clean it...

Plug is dangerous (i do it tho) you can catch desease, so no. Orally, since no one clean the floor here, bad idea. What kind of grinder would you suggest ?

Eph c'est devenu illegal en France.

J'ai parcouru ce site, mais je suis pas membre

depuis longtemps non ? Et puis ils s'en foutent sur leur site y a un disclaimer comme quoi t'es sensé regarder la légalité par toi meme

Utilise une grille de grinder qui laisse passer le pollen pour faire office de tamis. Ou un truc qu'on met sur les poêles pour eviter les projections dd graisse. Tout ce qui fait office de tamis marchera.

stand up for yourself, go outside and fuck a Muslim's day up, then I will help. you french pussy.

Is this fliter enough you think ? And just the powder or in water.


I can't clean better, its weird

A part si tu injectes oui ça fera le taf. Essaye sans eau déjà.


Nan déjà de base faut éviter de iv un truc aussi caustic

Oui après certains s'en privent pas mdr. Mais là ca devrait virer le principal.

Je l'ai fais trois fois aujourd'hui ^^. Mais faut ajouter plein d'eau

Ben évites avec celle que tu auras récupéré là. Ou bien tu filtre plusieurs fois mais t'aura des pertes. A toi de voir. Mais le mix a l'air yummy

Add it to water, strain it, cook it down like you would Ketamine.


I've done it before, funnily enough with Eph. No idea why you added paracetamol.

And if you don't know how to cook off Ketamine.

>boil pan of water
>cover with ceramic plate
>add liquid solution to the plate
>once it starts to solidify around the edges, start moving it around with a spoon

Wow i need a video (i'll find them

What i don't understand is where did the pyrazolam went. There is no orange on the floor or on what i could get

Par contre tu as jamais rien eu des douanes avec bac? (Chem mtnt)

J'en ai achete 4 fois a un mec du canada, et deux autre fois sur chem eu.
Nan mais il le dise bin not allowed, or mon bin c'est celui de la banque postale et mon addresse de facturation est en france.

I'm giving advice whilst I sat with a DVD case holding a line and turned my fan on. What a dick.

La banque post a ptêt bloqué ça

Nononono i wasn't trying bo be a dick, its just that is cuk at following written instruction, especially in english

Une semaine après que je découvre le site ? en plus ce qui apparait sur les comptes c'est un truc chinois. Je vais payer en bitcoin et puis basta

>orally taking ketamine
say goodbye to your bladder

Bac est connu comme rcshop. Oui si tu peux go bitcoins.

Why can't i find any of the 20 centimers long crushed orange pills. Why did half the stuff disapeard ? i don't have a parquet

I mean I just did that, not you lol

Faut pas payer 300 euro minimum pour les bitcoins ? après c'est chiant va falloir faire un virement, attendre trois putain de jours...

Oh, i only red the first part, i get it now. Made a line, u
turn on the fan.. I see

Hey les gens on est en état d'urgence là, non ?
Y'a la surveillance de toutes les connexions sortantes françaises qui sont épiées, arrêtez votre bordel on est plus en sécurité !

Et sinon pour les bitcoins sur le deep t'as des services qui te prennent 14€ de bit avec une carte prépayée de 20€ achetable en bar tabac (je peux te donner l'adresse si ça t'intéresse)

Je crois que c'est bitcoin obligé a partir de 300. Ctout.

qui qui baguette je suis french paris paris

perso proxy. Pas la défence ultime, mais l'état d'urgence c'est pour des térroristes, pas pour faire une saisie de 1 gramme de rc.

If you have a coffee filter.... Ya know, the ones for coffee? Put it ontop of a cup, be careful you fucking idiot. Then you just put all your powder in there, and keep pouring water into it. Might take a while, but all the dissolved drugs will dissolve into the water, which will pass through the filter into the cup. Once you've got your white druggy water in the cup, get rid of the filter and evaporate the water off. You'll be left with some dried white power in the cup / pan you boiled the water in. Scrape it off and there you go. Pure drugs. If water doesn't work, try something like vodka (no flavoured bullshit. Just pure vodka), (the ethanol is a better solvent and may make the drugs dissolve more)

Just take the dick out of your ass and put the drugs in.

Ah c'est gentil mais j'achete déjà sur une plateforme de trading.

yes yes murica murica burger nine eleven

VirWoX ?

Cool thanks, i will try that (my filter sucks right no), and all the drug are water soluble.

Nan je vais pas révéler ça.

Ça reste très orwellien comme truc..

Ça à l'air tellement crade chez toi, essaye de faire le ménage au lieu de passer ton temps à essayer de rater ta vie asshound

J'ai fais le ménage ce matin :/


Ah je déteste ça aussi. De base les drogues devraient être légal.

j'ai pas de serpillère, y a des endroits où ça colle.

ja ja deutschland deutschland bier hitler actually

heh dont eat ket mate, aint a good idea

Je suis pour le cana, le tabac et autres drogues douces, même si j'en consomme pas du tout. C'est qu'une question de profit pour l'état ça merde, y'a juste à voir avec les histoires de colza qui fonctionnait comme de l'essence à tracteur là. Le jour où y'aura plus assez de pétrole ils vont nous sortir un autre carburant encore plus taxé. Sauf si on a Mélenchon à la présidence, c'est mon dernière espoir avant de me tirer de ce pays.

Okay but I'm french so ? Nothing more to say about french ? I still got tones for you fat lazy smelly potato

Les drogues dures aussi. Vus que les gens en souffrent plus en général, il faut les aider aussi

Shut up or Germany won't spam #JeSuisCharlie next time. Have fun with ISIS.

You can' realize how pissed i am right now. I was about to get cool nice night for the first day of vacation. I make this three lines, and boom.
I can't find my pyrazolam either now. fuck me

And fuck how dies orange crushed powder disapear.


Did the water filter thing. But itis going to be 3 drugs mixed.


Does someone know a reliable RC vendor in eu that deals with france ?

Micron filter coffee filters use water

You fucking plum, you only fucking need a few ml of water to filter it, not half a fucking gallon...

I'm sure you are a nice person user, sorry for my bad attitude toward you.

Yeah i feel kind of stupid now... How can i evaporate faster ?

Well you cant, try filter all the bits from the top, it looks like a bit of shit got in, or you're using a shitty dirty glass. Then just evapourate it in a pan and take your time. Yeah you wanna get high, but just have something to drink or something I don't know. Sniff some glue, drink some bleach, pass the time.

I have sky high and found the last pirazolam pills, plus the 400 mg of eph i have. But i'll wait, I just need to order fast.
i'll filter again tomorow