Is Catcalling common in your city?

Is Catcalling common in your city?



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Never seen it happen irl

Its very common, every mestizo males does it.


I cat call people all the time desu
Who here /Camden/

This, it's like not wearing a burqa in Karachi and expecting not to be called out on it

I've maybe seen one drunk dude doing it once, the ass stares are more common

Not in my experience. Although I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know.

In general it's not seen as proper to be loud or attract attention in public spaces so I'm guessing only gypsies, drunk bydlos and maybe some southern foreigners will be doing this kind of thing.

Never seen it happen in London.

We are all to shy.

Someone is clearly in danger and she's ignoring them

I thought it was something that only happened in murrican movies 2bh.

I recall witnessing it just once.
We usually rather banter with other guys how hot some girls are.

Is that really a bad thing? Why women act like its literaly rape?

That's what I always wonder.

How lewd.

kind of. It comes from gypsies , fat and sweaty workers and brainless chads.

Never seen it happen. There are jokes with the construction worker trope, but I've never seen it.

As a girl I have to say it is quite common.Even in smaller cities.

pls be in L O N D O N

Nah, it's rude and in some areas you risk of getting a beatdown. Or just dying.

Kde sú dôkazy

I dont think it even exists here, I have never witnessed it in almost 30 years of my life.

Dôkazy sú spochybniteľné,takže sa ich ani neoplatí predkladať.

Výhovorky, ukaž kozy

I've lived in a couple of college towns, I've seen it happen especially late night/early morning around the bars.

Dlaň+časová známka

I've been catcalled at but the people usually are drunk, so... probably doesn't count

R u a girl

I like to do the whistle

up-pause-up-down ( / /\_ )

post feminine penis bby

I enjoyed the repeating digits and the contents of this post.

Ale teoreticky to aj tak nemusí byť dostačujúce.

Nevidim ti prsty+kokotiny nehorazne v ucebnici ma vedu k domienke ze viac dokazov je nutnych


Thank you most kindly, my swedish friend.

The whistle is quite the trick - many a pretty stockholm girl has had the pleasure of meet me and has heard the whistle, which they have found flattering and gentleman-like.
Never have I spent a lonely night in Sweden, thanks to the whistle.

High-Low-transition to-High is objectively better desu

Are you attractive?

>not throat singing them to your bed
Don't just throw away your heritage.

I'm average I think

Tak to mi je ľúto že to nie je podľa tvojich predstáv, ale už to že si tu fotím ruku počas prednášky je dosť.

Do you like small white cock?

Did it once myself
Girls where I live don't seem to mind

Really? Never thought of that, but now that you said it I think you might be on to something. It doesn't have the dynamic form of the first whistle but it is indeed a smoother and more considerate way of whistling. As you are a female I also respect your opinion a bit higher in this subject.

It doesn't work that way in Sweden, once I throat sung and the place was suddenly filled with samis who fled into the bar via aurora borealis and all the pretty viking girls ran away frightened

mmmm I would have to say maybe not
I'm a bit of a size queen so it's not your fault...

o-o-oh okay...

>be 5'1 Hong Kongese
>size queen

How small is small here? Just wondering for research purposes.

*Hong Konger
* 5 10

More like King Konger


Never seen it. Everyone just has their eyes aimed at the ground and trudge along avoidibg contact.

haha.... nice one lol

5,1 inches = 12,9 cm

>tfw when 13,5 cm benis :DD

Can I whistle to you if I see you some day? :)

Post legs.

I imagine it makes them afraid when someone that's bigger and physically stronger than them shouts sexually suggestive things at them.
It may not be rape, but to the woman it may seem like it's soon going to be.

Offensive words do not cause harm.

Is that an actual thing people do?

Muslims do it quite often. Other than that, it's extremely rare, never seen it happen.