So this tumblr tranny on youtube makes an absolute fool of herself 25k

So this tumblr tranny on youtube makes an absolute fool of herself 25k

Watch and decide for yourself.

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fucking disgusting little faggot

Literally a retarded faggot

i see death otw

Id fuck xim.

Everyday we drift further from Gods light..

i can smell the self hate from here

Is it a boy or girl?

That made me vomit solid state autism

what can we do to humiliate this abomination?

Literal cancer

This thing has a crazed look in her eye.

How do so many young people get indoctrinated into the SJW cult, Sup Forums?

What has happened to our modern societies and education systems that people like this are created? They seem like more and more of a cult with each passing day, all spouting bullshit sociological theories that aren't supported by any of the hard sciences, data or facts. They all believe in this mythical thing called the patriarchy, with varying degrees of craziness like intersectional feminism, intersectional oppression, privilege, white supremacist capitalist patriarchy, internalized misogyny and so on and so forth.

They have all of these buzzwords like 'cis gendered' and genderfluid and non-binary and triggers and transphobic and islamophobic and cisplaining, whitesplaining, mansplaining etc etc.

They are like a religious cult and this shit has started to infect mainstream media too.

What the FUCK happened?

>quad 0's

holy fuck

dubs checked

You guys like Undoomed?
This video is about her.

Fucking crimson chin looking nigger

As is this one.

yes, it makes me want to punch a baby in the face then bounce it off the walls and jump on it until it stops breathing. this is the type of USI cancerous waste of oxygen that will eventually worm itself into a six figure salary probably in human resources and fuckheads like Sup Forums will be getting dictated to by this fucking condescending narcissist.


And they're all SO fucking OBSESSED with race.

Even when she/he/it was telling you that it got its ideas from two other Youtubers, it had to emphasize that they were BLACK and she was WHITE. These people are the real fucking racists. Their ideology requires them to view everything through a racial lens, so if you're white, your opinion on racism or matters concerning black people is less valid or relevant, as if all black people share the same opinions or life experiences.

You're white? Fuck you, you have privilege and you don't know what it's like. Your opinion is invalid.

How did we get to this level of madness and when will it end?

Bare in mind that these same people will espouse all their feminist views while simultaneously believing that we should support mass immigration of people - mostly men - from some of the most misogynistic societies on Earth into our western democracies.


i have to play undoomed at plus .25 speed

damn guy just talks so slow

>believing that we should support mass immigration of people - mostly men - from some of the most misogynistic societies on Earth into our western democracies.

Cause they love the cuck user.... Cause they love the cuck.

Seriously though, you're right. Leftists are the most racist fucks I've ever come across, they spew crap like "gender is a social construct" and in the very same breath talk about how all men are rapists.
I suspect double think is the cornerstone of liberial mindset.

i don't understand how someone can be that autistic.
>all white men are racist and misogynistic

Ha, yeah. But his voice is so sexy.

Funny thing: If you watch her first videos, her speech was normal.

As you progress, her speech becomes gradually impaired, until this video, where she speaks like an autist.

oh look, the silencing opinions on youtube videos guide


Did you expect anything less?

Whats with the labels? and why does she accept them?
Just because it's white doesn't mean anything

Obviously this specimen has internalized the vitriolic rhetoric of the failed third wave feminists taught by bitter second-wave feminists that achieved all their goals but can't kick the habit of bitching over something.
