Hey Sup Forumsois, do you have any conspiracy theories you want to share...

Hey Sup Forumsois, do you have any conspiracy theories you want to share? Any red pills to be handed out with you as the pharmacist?

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OP is a faggot

That's a fact, not a conspiracy, nigger.


Our life as we know it is all fake.


Project Bluebeam


>"Commited Suicide"

The illuminati took over my Bible...those BASTARDS!!!

There is a secret language that can be found and used in all other languages. Subtext gets shit done. Subtext gets my ass paid. Subtext keeps the masses in their hamster wheels.

Oh, was this a conspiracy thread? My bad. Get learned faggots

Obama is fucking op's mom rn and she loves it

Bush actually died on 9/11. He flew the planes.

All 4 of the planes were controlled by his cut off limbs.

Trump's campaign to be president is a joke gone too far.
>He watched that episode of the Simpsons and thought it'd be funny to put his name in the running.
>Knowing he's one of the few 1% with a KKK member as a father he would have no chance.
>To make it more of a joke he's acting racist almost to act as a anti Obama.
>The few things that are making the US advance as a country, he's degrading while saying "Make America great again", most likely referencing the racist 1930.
>He promotes American jobs while getting his own clothing line done in China.
>He then attacks other parties. When they reply in kind he says that's not the kind of person to be president.
>Too many Mexicans making over the boarder, his answer is a bigger wall. Wall off Canada too incase they sneak around.
He needs to stop before those with a lower IQ think he's serious.

Life itself is just a virtual reality

>two bullets in the head

There was never WW2, it was a cover up of a tryout genocide. Nazi Party won WW1 and governs the world. Slaves are not allowed to understand this.


This. Everyone is playing the game.

Fuck you all.

So did Martin Luther.
>66 books

The Americans couldn't beat the Soviets to the moon so they staged a fake landing to buy them time.

>implying ML wasn't an Illuminati.

proof please

There are plenty of sites devoted to just that. Google it.

i have tones of pdf about maconery

hey Sup Forums, lurker from way back. I found a bit of info that some other tinfoil fuck can deal with.

I don't want to deal with the government spooks so i can't more than that and I won't.

Anyways, prior to WWI about three thousand medals were awarded which lead to a need to a much more strict criteria to be set. The amount of people who didn't make the cut were 911. Which if you couple this with some rich faggot redneck who so completely bigot and proud to be American he goes ape shit that his grandpa/uncle/father/brother lost their medal of honor back in the day.

I think on that list of 911 people is someone who's related to cause of all this. Psychos would want someone to find out the meaning of their symbolism. Do what you will, those who need to see will and the rest will scoff. I'm done.

pic unrelated and dubs

To the back of the head.... seems legit.

My butt makes noises

All of reality is a lie
>your consciousness is a universe in itself
>reality is just a shared space between multiple universes that are individually timeless
>time is an illusion causes by the interactions between different universes (i.e. people)
>when you die your consciousness begins its cycle over again, and the only thing that changes is your consciousness itself
>but this changes the universe
Everything is nothing always so you may as well enjoy it.

that, i did not know. source?

mfw my own mind thinks this is the best life for me

this i saw on ketamine.
But what i understood, was that you'll have to live all the lifes of all human beings. Basically, hell is living as the people you made suffer

He was just a brother of the rosy cross...so yeah, most likely.

are you in any way spiritual?
asking for a friend, obvi.


death is change, change is death

If life is a simulation. How could I be sure that im not part of someone elses simulation?

The Australian government framed a retard for the Port Arthur shootings because the real killer got away and left them no evidence to follow. So rather than admit that there was a killer on the loose and the authorities had no way of finding him they rounded up some retard that looked like the shooter and framed him knowing that he wasn't mentally competent to defend himself against the government's charges. Then the state used the incident as an excuse to get gun control passed, since the first rule of politics is to leave no tragedy unexploited.

Either that or a mental retard with little to no shooting experience gunned people down like a fucking commando.

You decide which is less plausible.

dubs re'rollin'


the fagotry is real

Mine was from a really good acid trip, but the whole "everybody is the same person" idea stands starkly against my beliefs about the individual. You are yourself and nobody else, and you'll keep living your life becoming the best you you can be.

rolls. plz

Governments think by promoting big business they can balance out the economic hardship. If big businesses have more money they can hire more people and bring us out of the rescission.
Truth be said, big business is about making money and huge cuts to do so. Why hire four people when you can hire one to do the work of four? As well, pay that poor bastard the bare minimum. Don't like it? There hare thousands of people to replace him.

"Nothing is real...everything is permissible".
I love that quote cuz it makes me feel ok with being an asshole.

yep, which is why i like carrying a gun with my anger issues. i let fate decide if others will live.

In some sense, but I'm not religious. I believe in the human spirit and its ability to affect the world around it, and I believe at least on a perceptual level that what we see as reality is defined by our own individualistic human spirit.

I know I read it somewhere before but now I cant find the autopsy report anywhere. Interesting.



Lets talk real shit not joke shit.

You are conditioned from a child to be obedient.
this obedience goes into adulthood where you are a slave for green pieces of paper. Thats all that you are worth.
Then you come home and get beggars on the tv asking for money like homeless people. After that all the items you aquire dont mean shit because your dead.

Consumerism is a disease humanity needs to get rid of.

Red pill is a approved by the state meme
Made for everyone to be obedient to.
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

>Special snowflake spotted

Faggot detected

Special snowflake FAGGOT detected.

Special snowflake
Peasant detected

I think the reason why we feel so depressed is because we're so inwardly focused and disconnected from the rest of the world. Try not to focus on yourself too much. Look at the big picture.


Buy only 9.99 my logo and getting attention and profit is more important then your sadness! After you die ill still be around and all you will be is a name on a rock that 4 people come and see

the whole planet is trying to ban or regulate ecigs, it's bad for the tobacco industry.... the media lies about ecigs, actually they could cause lung cancer after 100-200 years of daily usage... thats all.

"Fake and gay."
>Thorne, 1955

Well, the powers that be really know how to play us. Separate and conquer. Give us this "individuality" complex and take away our natural tendency to work together; inter-dependently. That's how they're winning.

>The day has come when Fellow Craftsmen must know and apply their knowledge. The lost key to their grade is the mastery of emotion, which places the energy of the universe at their disposal. Man can only expect to be entrusted with great power by proving his ability to use it constructively and selflessly. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy.

I believe the government faked the plane crash and demolished the WTC north tower with explosives. The south tower, in a simultaneous but unrelated plot, was brought down by actual terrorists.

Also by saying one thing anf doong another, misleading and deceiving through suggestion. Such as you are now by promoting the slave/master relationship many who read your post have with their televisions.

Hall was a shill. A learned shill, but still a shill.

Every meme on Sup Forums confirmed

That place is mass brainwash

No lucifer = lightbringer= inner godlihood instead of worshipping another being you are worshipping yourself.

Alot of contradictions and dis-information. It's done intentionally to deceive. A lot of people watch some Youtube video on the Illuminati and automatically thing they're enlightened. We all have much to learn.

>spotted the Illuminate of Thanateros!

Get the fuck out of here. Hall was one of the greatest and humble esoteric teachers that taught the truth and brought it to the world

Esotericism is the study of the unseen and how it affects us by trying to put scientific reasoning behind the phenomenon

Why are we even here? Sup Forums is an assembly line to hell; and we're the product being manufactured. Toys and entertainment for the few to torture and ridicule for all of eternity.

Don't worry, your mind be so horrifically abused into debasement, your psychic essence will partition reality to your deepest desire, effectively nullifying your perception of the total nothingness of our frail, insignificant, deplorable existence.

Pray tht you can love hate, if you seek a chance to glimpse at the ethereal substance beyond this realm of faulty perception. Embrace slavery to seize freedom: freedom from your embarrassment as an entity wandering these endless realms of fantasia.

I dont touch magick. It's like giving a 3 year old kid a loaded gun. We'd just end up killing ourselves. We're not at that level of consciousnesses.

Speak for yourself, youngun'!

Steps in defeating the "Illumianti":
1. Know thyself
2. Put aside any Earthly-bound feelings and desires (greed, lust, envy, etc.)
3. Learn to meditate and pray
4. Come together and become as one
5. Let peace and love reign.