Drug Q and A:

Drug Q and A:
I have some questions about meth a friend of mine introduced me to it and I've been on it every now and then for about a month and noticed somewhat significant weight loss but much better social skills and I'm just curious if I can do it maybe once or twice a week and still live a normal productive life

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>doing any meth
>living a normal life

You fucked up. Quit before it's too late

Random question here dudes. You ever gone on those south american sites that sell like coca tea and coca leaves and coca powder. WELL WTF IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN COCA POWDER AND COCAINE? I DONT GET IT.

Idk I'm not doing it a lot and don't look like a crack head

It's probably the production because cocaine can have tons of additives depending on where it's been

Turn back now.

not yet user, not yet.

I kind of want to quit but it makes it so easy to talk to people when I'm high I can sit there and have the most interesting conversations with people

Nvmd figured it out. Cocaine is just a single extracted alkaloid from Coca and Coca powders way weaker and has alot of different alkaloids.

you only think you are having a good conversation. really you're just fucking tweaking

I'm also a junior in high school so I still have time to quit I plan on cutting cold after this semester

lol this, other person is probably wondering what the fuck is wrong with OP

Also I become so productive I even started taking up drawing again because I actually have spare time

The problem with drugs, meth included, is to get the benefits you need to live with negatives.

Meth is one of the most addictive drugs around, you think methheads start out injecting shit everyday?

No they ease into it one party at a time. So there is a very real possibility, one may even call it a certainty that you will become addicted.

Any benefits you see of use are also taken away when you quit smoking, and even if you keep smoking those benefits will diminish soon you won't be getting high anymore its just be getting normal to avoid feeling like shit from withdrawals.

Also meth is dirty as fuck and you never know how well its made or what's in it unless you do it yourself.

If you wanna use speed just pop adderall, you could probably even get a script for it.

It's not like I'm twitching out and saying random shit I'm just more direct and can hold a conversation I really don't think anyone knows I'm on something

Ive been told I have depression and anxiety and I want to get something to help but my family just puts it aside when I ask for help or they call me selfish and needy

dude listen to the other user, i know exactly what im talking about when i say what im gunna say aswell(i sold tweak and heroin and cocaine throughout highschool to ppl like you)
and i regret that shit so much.. so many ppl like you were getting high occasionally thinking they could control it(sound familiar?) but slowly but surely they all turned into tweakers with no morals only caring about how to get that next fix. and meth is the worst of them all.. i refer to it as the devil incarnate.
get off it while you are still here dude or you will become a shell of your former self who will still from the people closest to you and help them look for the shit you just took. you WILL(trust me you fucking will) turn into a fucking monster/loser and regret everything from your past once you are in your mid 20's and have a major major drug addiction
>i am the reason people have OD'd and died in front of me
>get the fuck away from the stuff user, please do heroin or coke at least some people can keep a handle on that shit

Check out /r/stims on reddit. Literally the only reason my faggot ass uses reddit. Really good content for us users. Hardcore to amatuer

>fucking with the chemistry of a developing brain.

Quit now, you have done enough damage.

The are still studying if the damage meth addiction does to the pleasure centers of the brain will ever reverse itself.

So far it looks pretty bad, like people who use meth regularly will experience anhedonia most likely for life.

You will soon enough

I get it for free and what you're saying makes a lot of sense and I plan to quit after this semester ends I just want to know if I can make it one more week and be fine

It just starts with a week, then another week and another week

>use meth now and then
>significant weight loss
>body is already showing symptoms of degradation

You're making a big mistake son. Stop while you still can.
This is not a joke OP, countless before you have walked this beaten path.
You will waste away like all those before you. Meth will creep into every nook and cranny of your life and corrupt it from the inside.
You will never feep happiness again OP, really think about what you're doing here.

Just get some dabs faggot

this guys right
and tbh dude its usually free until ur hooked then it aint free anymore.. its a tactic i used to use to get ppl hooked and once i saw the meth sunk its teeth in, the price shot up and the tweakers came to me after selling all their shit and spent it all on tweak.. sad shit man
please cut the bullshit about the "one more week then ill get clean" shut the fuck up and get off of it TODAY dude because one more week could be the difference between that week turning into years or you getting off the shit

You're better off doing heroin man at least then you'll be dead instead of being stuck in a constant state of displeasure.

There is quite a big difference between methamphetamine and speed(amphetamin) though. I do speed from time to time and it's no problem however I would never ever touch methamphetamine. That's a no go.
If you want to do uppers, do speed or coke (I personally prefer speed) but do it in moderation.
There's nothing worse than a person that doesn't know how to do drugs but still does. I've seen way too many friends fuck their lives up with drugs but I've also seen many pull it off. If you're going to do drugs, make sure you're among the ones that know how to do it well.

My main language isn't English so I might be off with the nicknames since i just translated directly.

i use to do meth my life went downhill rapidly, i would advice you to stay away from it being that i thought i could live a normal life and still do meth here and there
>no you can not live a normal life while on meth

No one here has any reason to lie to you or misinform you. So far all the replies seem pretty uniform: stop now or you wont' have a chance to turn back. No one here is saying it's not so bad. Trust me, stop now or you'll be remembering this day later, wondering why you fucked up so bad.

I wish people would quit using the terms speed and dope because the disputed definitions. Even acid isnt that great of a term because douchebags sell bullshit that isnt LSD as acid

this user is right listen to him
meth is no good
>maybe if you do like 10mg every month you can live a normal life but just stay awaay i wish i did. you only end up wanting more and more till you have nothing left

Don't sell your soul for a high. Don't lie to yourself about your control over it.

I've been smoking weed for almost 3 years straight and it makes me feel paranoid and I gain tons of weight


The guy I get it for isn't a dealer he's just a guy who I found out does it and we both do every now and then

Fuck needles

I dunno cannabis usually improves users weight even tho cannabis users eat a lot more calories a day. Also theres cannabis strains that have THC-B and THCV in them that are appetite suppressants. You ever think your just a paranoid fatass?

Would speed be things like adderal and such?

jesus you keep ignoring the point entirely. just fucking stop

google adderall, what is in it?


I used to be pretty big but I quit smoking and started working out and eating right and lost a lot of it and meth has helped me drop a lot of weight but it also kills my muscle mass and it's harder to work out which is why I'm thinking about quitting

How many smokers when asked by a non smoker if they should start would recommend smoking?

I know adderal has amohetamines I was just curious about other things like it

I'm not I'm taking all points to considerations while adding details to better explain the situation

Adderal is ADHD medicine isnt it? That contains amphetamine which is called speed, atleast where I live. But I dont to adderal, I do amphetamine in powder form, like coke

I've done coke once but it wasn't enough to feel anything so I never really got into it also it's apparently like $300 a gram here for something decent

>300$ a gram
>being this gullible

I didn't say I believe that's just what I here I haven't found any actual coke hookups anyway I can barely get a shrooms guy anymore

>we both do every now and then
You are already in denial, already an addict, and are already dead.

There's not even a point in talking to you any more. It's like talking to a zombie. You're a walking corpse.

German politicans are all on meth so yeah, you can probably live a normal life doing it every once in a while.

I didn't say I believe that's just what I here I haven't found any actual coke hookups anyway

Ye the price is one of the reasons I prefer amphetamine over cocaine. Plus I enjoy the effects of amphetamine much more. Amphetamine is cheaper and better according to me. But it's not an everyday drug.

Soon your teeth will rot and fall out real fucking quick. Only reason your better socially is cause your gacked. At least do coke instead of meth, that shit is battery acid chemical mix that'll fuck your shit up quick

I honestly don't know much about amphetamines so if I start asking around what do most people call it like meth is called G here

Agreed with everyone else. Seriously, user, QUIT NOW. Meth is terrible stuff, and it creeps up on you. You try it and think it's okay, then you try it again, and you start doing it semi-regularly. That's where you are now. You think it's not so bad, so you keep going, and all the while you're getting worse and worse.

Yeah, it looks now like you can handle it. That's because you're just starting. If you quit now, it'll be a fuck of a lot easier than later.

That woman in your pic? She didn't change overnight. It took years, and for the first few she probably thought exactly as you do now. But you're already ahead of her, because you have a chance to turn back.

No bullshit, OP. Walk away, now, while you still can.

The main difference is refinement/concentration. It's the same for almost any drug, including sugar.

I do plan on quitting for sure if so are there other safer alternatives for uppers I've been doing nothing but downers forever and I'm tired of feeling like a lazy piece of shit and uppers help a lot

please fucking listen to this dude OP, this is the user whos been writing paragraphs to you this whole thread.. i fucking hate tweakers btw so this is my last time i will try this shit. get off of it while you're still ahead.

You can live a normal life on cocaine or heroin, as long as you have a reliable supply. Can't do that with meth.

"Spun" does a terrific job of illustrating this.


I appreciate the help you guys have honestly convinced me pretty well to quit but now I want to know if there are safer uppers I can do instead

yeah dude ur a fucking lost cause.. u literally talk to ppl on here like you're autistic
its obv ur already hooked as fuck since ur only thinking about what else to get high on once u get off the tweak.
holy fuck u just pissed me off
>yeah im mad

Where are you from? I'd guess the street name would be speed or throttle. Should cost a little more than weed but not a lot

Cocaine is really expensive and I have a huge fear of needles so I'd say those two are pretty much out

I live in AZ and everyone here calls meth G and coke is usually just coke

Also I always thought speed was a big tweaker word inb4 meth is a tweaker word but idk it seems bad to ask around for speed how easy is it to get adhd prescriptions?

this is sad man... please just realise what you just typed in and what the fuck you are asking, you are asking for something else too get you high... man you are gonna have too go through a few weeks of withdrawal man, you are gonna feel bad and want uppers but dude don't give in. I have been where you are and guess what? I quit smoking cigs and drinking soda and everything man do you know why? because i realised how disgusting I had become. I didn't give a shit about my self and really just wasnt taking care of myself. and too think how sad my life could've went if I hadn't stopped. don't do this man. STOP RIGHT FUCKIING NOW! IF YOU HAVE ANY ON YOU FLUSH IT RIGHT NOW! the first step is hard but if you just say fuck no and flush it block your dealer that will give you confidence that you neeed too hold on too man, at least for now.

Sorry to say but it's the only escape I have and it helps me and I still plan on quitting

best feeling in the world man is the feeling of not being addicted too anything.

There's only one way to quit a drug, and that's to actually quit. Cold turkey, none of this "plan on quitting" bullshit. Just stop. And if you do it now, you won't have to go through withdrawal, which is fucking awful.

And that also means no other uppers. Those will just lead you back to meth.

go too a rehab facility, tell your family! NOW! DO IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW! CALL YOUR SISTER OR PARENTS AND CRY ON THE PHONE TELLING THEM WHAT YOUY ARE DOING TOO YOURSELF. they care about you, and at the moment you don't but do you care about them?

It'll be cool for a couple years but a couple years after that you will wonder how you became such a piece of shit

I was clean for a long time and became really depressed I've suggested my family look into anti depressants because I need help and they don't seem to care I have no one to turn to

dude just give up, hes a lost cause and see how he keeps saying hes gunna quit 'eventually'
that means he has no intention of listening to us..
hes a lost cause

No idea how it works in the states but where I live (Sweden) amphetamine(speed) is the most used narcotic after weed so it's not hard to get a hand on. The really hard drugs are less frequent here than in the states i guess except for heroin which is not that uncommon. I have been in pretty drug liberal environments since my earlier teens so I've seen or heard the most and i have never once encountered a meth or crackhead, not pcp either.

yeah done now, just really pulls my strings too see this dude act like he got this shit under control

just kill yourself before its too late

No I am listening maybe I'm just not saying it right. I am going to quit tomorrow when I'm offered I'll say no but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna be happy after I quit I have depression and I don't know what else is going to fix that except maybe a PRESCRIPTION drug like anti depressants and I want to know if that would be a better alternative

nobody does GHB anymore? the original 'G'?!

Not that I know of

try to use drugs one's in a month. easy to get adicted

The problem i got with this argument is that people want to make the damage undone without loosing their experiences on these drugs - which is a totally retarded and seflish wish.
>inb4 smoking tabacco has no social value
>inb4 drugs don't make new and mostly good experiences possible
>inb4 i tried *some* drugs, so everyone else should know that my personal experience should be enought for everyone else to not do drugs, because telling people is equal to taking them yourselves

Jesus, OP, look at where you are! This is Sup Forums! This IS the wretched hive of scum and villainy. This is the biggest bunch of amoral degenerates you'll ever see. And we're ALL telling you to get the fuck off this shit right now! So it must be pretty fucking bad, right? Listen!

obviously, worked for me but takes a few weeks too start working and the first ones can be really hard, all you need is will power though.

I knkw that's leary and dafoe, but who the hell is the first guy?

punctuation is always the first thing to go

On my phone so wasn't really worrying about it.

Enjoy your tooth decay and constantly greasy skin user

If you have a depression you shouldnt do drugs. Drugs enhance the state of mind you're in. Do drugs because you're happy, not because you're sad.
I speak both from experience and from a professional role as a psychologist. I love drugs and people should do drugs if that's what they want to do but drugs should not be used as a way to get through tough times, that's a bad idea.

What people don't realize when they start doing drugs is that after a long while of using them, your brain responds to them differently.

That great feeling opiates give you? Use them for a decade and see if your body will ever respond to them like they "used to".

Same with meth.

Yes, OP, antidepressants work. Some people are harder to treat than others, they might have to try a different drug or dosage, but they do help. I would have killed myself years ago if not for Zoloft.

Please, OP. Call your family, tell them everything, and let them help you get off this shit and onto something that'll actually make you feel BETTER instead of providing an escape.


>you have clinical depression, congrats and join the fucking club called everyone does faggot
>i remember being your age and thinking the world was totally against me and i was a special snowflake because i was depressed(still am) so i turned to heroin.. im still trying to get clean off that shit dude.

FUCK YOU ASSHOLE. you have all these people pleading with you to get off the shit and u arent listening and i can tell. u arent going to quit unless you hit rock bottom

>Drugs enhance the state of mind you're in.
wrong in some cases (whoever thinks weed makes you emotional like alcohol can suck a fat duck dick), but covering up an aperrent problem is never a good idea

>wanting to use stimulants
Bruh if you actually had clinical anxiety, meth would send you into a fucking craze.

I'm sorry I'm upset and I've never once felt like I have it worse than others I try to keep my head up I really do but it's hard sometimes and if there's something that might actually help then I'll take it

I don't know I get pretty bad ocd when I'm on it and just start cleaning or working or doing something to keep myself busy thats probably why I feel so productive on it

Also I tap my feet until it hurts to walk and flex my arms and legs until they're sore and breath to fast like I know it's really bad for me and I'm going to quit but I still need help and I don't know anything else that can help

i know what will help OP, get off the dope you fucking moron.
are u trolling me or something? like really u are stupid as shit
like how come u think doing meth will somehow help your fucking depression