YouTube hate thread

YouTube hate thread.

Am I cool now

whats wrong with his face

is that a fish?

Is Leafy the new Onision?

Yeah user.

I only really hate Markiplier. He's cancer. But Pewdiepie is best youtuber.

Just hate the stupid fucking fans mostly

The cunt Christina Warren

The both are cancer you dumb faggot

This dumb slut, I would shoot this bitch in the chest

Onision is far more creative and intelligent than 'Leafy' will ever be.

Every time I see Leafy's face and hear is voice.. I imagine what he looked like at age 15 or whatever.. thinking he's all edgy hating on things.

Onision is a cuck. He even says that women are superior, kek.

Pewdiepie seems like a chill dude though


It's his fans that are cancer


Tbh pewdiepie is a cunt nothing like opening up my subscription feed and listening to I almost 30 year old man scream like a 14 year old girl

I watched Pewdiepie several years back when he wasn't as big.
I enjoyed his videos because it was just chilling with a dude who was playing a video game and laughing at him if he fucked up or got a fright.
But now he seems to only do short videos edited down for those with short attention spans with click bait titles and a whole lot more yelling.
But I suppose if he wants to keep the viewers up he's gotta cater to the ones he's got which are unfortunately a bunch of 12 year olds.

You want a good swed let's player, watch robbaz, he's not a faggot

Anyone else notice how he looks like that emo who from Dr. Seuss movie?

i really don't know any youtube channels. Whenever I'm on youtube it's because I wanna see specific videos.