My cat died today. He loved baseball. He was a fan of Yellow Panteras.
My cat died today. He loved baseball. He was a fan of Yellow Panteras
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Damn, how will Kot ever recover?
He's in a better place now user
fuckin mods sticky some 100 year old has been but not this guys cat wtf
>tfw he is sharing a condo in heaven with Ali and Gordie Howe
Do it do it do it
Yes, not eating Cancer in a bag american cat food and visiting cancer in a vaccine greedy american veterinarians.
RIP mittens 2002-2012
He was from Poland. We couldnt stand him watching a sport we dont understand all day. Rest in pieces Kot. I hope we ger sticky for this.
Good night sweet prince
>watching basebore
Are you 100 years old or something?
the cat was
I'm not gonna judge Kot for things he loved. How do I ask for sticky?
black people don't get into heaven
It was his alarm song
Sure thing buddy
i think he deserves a sticky 2bh
>cat dead
>liked a dying "sport"
Funny how the universe works sometimes.
To be honest this is more sports related than a roided street fighter passing away familia. Sticky
RIP in pieces your cat op, bless his little heart.
Does getting and given brain damage count as a suicide bomb?
Our hearts breaks with you Poland. The loss of a beloved cat is never easy and I hope you find happiness knowing that he/she was awesome.
Come sticky this mods. The Cruyff shitposting would be perfect
I remember when Kot fought the Orange Giant supporter. Fucker had to be hospitalized. Polish blood.
rip fluffers
>Yellow Panteras
I have my new band name
I hope he had a good life user
so why aren't mods stickying this? ?"
What cat have you got? I've got an exotic persian, he's a right little shit. Lovely lad tho.
Sorry for your loss user. You sound like a great owner who encouraged his interests.
He is on the pic. We've found him in a bar drinking alone cause Panteras got relegated.
F :(
RIP in pieces kot
just don't let tihs thread die. STICKY STICKY MODS.
>tfw walking home from work because my bus came stupidly early and I see a dog tied outside of a pub crying and whining with a hat next to it
Scumbag alcoholic owner, should I call the SPCA bros?
Sticky now
that dog knows its master's team is losing
Fug mayne, sorry for your loss
Posting my cat in solidarity with cat lovers. Here he is with my gf
Here is another picture of him
I don't think anyone can really love baseball
Rip puppers
Rip kot say hi to Saartje in catheaven
Das a good kitty mane
Why didn't your kotek watch football like all the others kotki in Poland?
Anyway, mods please sticky this, we don't want another Cruyff