Gary Johnson 2016

Gary Johnson 2016

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Trump and Clinton?






>Gary Johnson facts

1. No one is going to vote for him

search interest doesn't mean shit





2.Gary Johnson has done jack shit in terms of fundraising or awareness



you cringe you lose


>still shitposting







your faggotry is mighty OP






you are such a faggot OP



go to bed Gary

Why don't you sit down while you jimmies are rustled.

Gary Johnson=loser 2016




says the faggot shitposting Magic Johnson memes

Do you feel the Johnson?

Pro guns
Pro weed
And wants to keep the government out of your life.

>another dumb Gary Johnson pic

>another stupid reminder of what a cringefag OP is

Bahahaha I love listening to Trumptards. Deep down they know Shillary will beat them unless they rally behind Johnson.


Are you like his gay lover or some shit?


he's gonna cut your taxes you boys

>the campaign is resonating
>cricket sounds heard coast to coast

pick one

Does this mother fucker look like he wants more regulation in government? Hell fucking no.

another faggot who doesn't understand why there are so many regs to begin with



I am and you should too. This election is the perfect time to do so since the two major parties have shitty meme candidates. We should at least get the third party votes very high so the normies can see there are more than two options.

Kill yourself faggot.

Why are you wasting time with Trump. Do you want Shillary to win?

A vote for anyone but Trump is a vote for Clinton

Get fucked independents.

except nobody knows or gives a shit about Gary Johnson

you are pushing for an asshole who doesn't even know how to run for President

Fucking this

Weak as fuck

There is only one way to stop Shillary.

your faggotry is now beyond mighty

beyond the beyond of possible realms of faggotry

keep shitposting OP

nobody gives a fuck about your non-candidate


nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody nobody

Anything other than the democrats is fine with me.
Id love Gary Johnson, but Trump is just fine too.

inb4 404

that's how cringe your thread is

4 0 4

Pro 3rd world immigration
Anti-Social Security
pro-milk shitter

3rd party for 2016!


I like this, but I'm pretty sure Trump should be the giant douche.

it's actually the other way around

Republicans always have enough votes
it's the Democrats who get fucked by 3rd parties

I think Trumptards like big government telling them what to do just like Shillary supporters.



I'll bite

what is "big government" telling you "what to do?"

you sound like a petulant child

We can beat Shillary. Trump is a lost cause.

you can't even beat off OP

your mindset is super super cringe it's beyond all known levels,. even the secret levels

If someone wants to smoke weed then they should be able to.
If you want to trade with someone in another country then do so without taxes. The efficiency of comparative advantage benefits both parties.
If you want to own a gun then you should be able to get one.

>10 posters
>77 replies



none of that has even an inkling of an effect on your life whatsoever


Come on guys lets get this guy into office!!
2016 Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidate
Futurist, philosopher, speaker and journalist

>can't raise funds for shit


yeah you and 10 posters are going to get this nobody into office

have fun faggot

2016 Transhumanist Party Presidential Candidate

Zoltan Istvan

Futurist, philosopher, speaker and journalist

Yous trollin', nigga.

I didn't realize that you got arrested for pot

that you can't get a gun

and you're actually some dude "trading" with another country and not some butthurt lolbertarian talking shit

my bad

said nobody ever

Actually enjoy President Trump faggot

because that's who you're voting for if you think there are any other options politically than what we're being offered

don't like it? get off your fucking ass and join a movement to start a viable 3rd party

but no you'd rather just troll faggots to lazy to get up and open another beer

1. Are you fucking stupid? People get arrested all the time for that shit. Check out our fully booked prisons.

2. Have you not fucking seen how the government is trying to take out 2nd ammendment away?

3. Any time you buy something at a store from another country that tax is being applied.

>Have you not fucking seen how the government is trying to take out 2nd ammendment away


jesus you fucking guns are paranoid

>wants to keep the government out of your life.
Actually I want government in my life to raise the minimum wage
I want government in my life to get a system of single payer healthcare
I want government in my life to protect people from hate crimes and discrimination
I want government in my lie to punish polluters, and mitigate climate change issues
and I want government in my life like the fire department and law enforcement

fuck you and you utopian honor system bullshit

1. low taxes
2. ignore social problems
3. low taxes
4. aid and abet corporate tyranny through deregulation

Ross Perot.

You realize that with less regulation there is more competition for big business in the market from smaller companies? That helps consumers and employees.

Clinton still won

We have over 130,000 pages of regulation. It's a miracle we even have new businesses in this country.