You're in a tight bus. Dubs the bus picks a passanger, trips and the bus picks up 10 more passangers...

You're in a tight bus. Dubs the bus picks a passanger, trips and the bus picks up 10 more passangers, quads the bus stops at your station and you can leave, quints everyone leaves at the next stop.

No farting please.

Hey guys, what's up

No shoving you fucks

Ey *burps* what up

Fuck it's tight here.

Wow it's empty in here


First passenger inc

Maybe this ride will go smooth. Where's the bathroom?


Hey where is my wallet??

Hope u don't mind nigs on the bus

public transport is for degenerate poor fags

enjoy your mobile disease wiener tank fagg0ts

Hi everyone!

I'm getting a boner guys.





*farts* blame it on the nigger!


I fucking hope the next one to get on isn't a nigger


What is so interesting that a dog, two chickens and a kitten stop what they are doing to watch it? The camera is pointed in the wrong direction.