S/fur thread

s/fur thread
Sharks need love too edition



















Fuck yea!

MOAR of this




















So there's like this thing called high fever, and i just thought i'd tell you guys it fucking sucks, just incase that wasn't public knowledge yet.


how many degrees C?


That sounds like a real breakthrough in medicine. Also heya sweetie!






>Y is for Yiff





Somewhere between "kicking my ass" and "my vision is occasionally blurred red". I really need to get a thermometer.

I can only hope this suffering im going through somehow betters mankind, or atleast makes you cuddle me out of heartfelt pity.






Get an ice-pack Sup Forumsro






moar lucario, rekt that pussy tho


>"my vision is occasionally blurred red"
Oh wow that sounds not good at all. You didn't have any fever yesterday or did you?

>I really need to get a thermometer.
You have to do that yeah.

>or atleast makes you cuddle me out of heartfelt pity.
I'd cuddle you either way, and not only when you're really hot. Hope you'll feel better quickly, any idea what that fever might come from?








Weenie Hut Jr.?!



Super Weenie Hut Jr.





Yes, I just realized that. I am ashamed.
What're you up to?




>Oh wow that sounds not good at all. You didn't have any fever yesterday did you?

Nope, it came outta nowhere when i went to bed last night and i was coughing and hacking when i woke up.

Im kind of just assuming it was spawned from sheer karma and a need for universal balance, i've basically been styling on life for the past week or so after all. Bout time somethin' knocked me down a peg.


Trying to catch up anime. Been putting off watching the new eps of things because been busy with vidya.


used any substances in the pas few days?

It ain't easy bein a weeabo, huh?




