Why do girls like guys who treat them like shit?

Why do girls like guys who treat them like shit?

Honesty Sup Forums, I'm sick of it, I know this sounds beta but I refuse to treat a girl I like like shit. And I'm sick of meeting women who accept it

By shit I mean talking down to them, cheating, playing games with them, treating them as worthless etc. I don't get it

Women are just stupid in general. If you treat them like shit, they will love you.

If you treat them like a decent human being... they will call you sexist, racist and do everything in their power to make your life miserable.

Women aren't worth it. 2D for LIFE!!!


Just be yourself eventually you'll find a girl more beta than you are. Until then stop complaining that alphas get to fuck all the women your too much of a bitch to authoritate over.

I just don't want to do that

It makes me think about if I were to have a daughter some day. I would hammer that into her head; never let a man treat you like shit and you don't need a man

Is it mainly daddy issues? My sisters boyfriend treats her like shit too and my dad was around. It makes me not want to live on this gay earth man I'm sick of it

lol I went to high school with this bitch. you're the second person I've seen to post this on Sup Forums

Why is this so hard to understand?

You expect women to dress nicely, wear make up and do a million other things that are not the "real them" - they do it, changing themselves to fit what men are programmed to find attractive.

Women are far more psychological - and they find dominant, confident and slightly aggressive guys attractive. It's not their fault, it was an effective strategy in our evolutionary past.

So - if you want women - you wear the "psychological make-up" that men are required to wear. Women do the aesthetic make-up in return.

Otherwise, you need to start fucking greasy haired, poorly dressed, overweight women - because they also want to be "loved for who they really are"

Explain to me how it is alpha to treat someone you find attractive like shit

I know, right? Last girl I was with said she wanted to be treated like a princess, so I kept her locked in the house until I married her off to strengthen my alliance with Poland. Then out of nowhere the bitch got all upset.

Maybe you're just and idiot who thinks spaghettiing is treating them well.

I find it sad you took the time to type that out, yet it doesn't even answer the question whatsoever

its all about the chase, everybody wants something they cant have

It's biological, it's a massive shit test and women crave to be put in their place. Do your rightful duty as a man and give them what they deserve.


Everything I chase is with the intention of getting it

If that's true then women are fucking stupid

It completely answers the question, you're just too stupid to grasp it.

Want the simple answer:

Men and women find different things attractive.

Why? because nature programmed us this way.

You don't like that you have to change who you are to be attractive to women.

Well guess what, neither do they - but almost all women do it for men.

Women change their looks, men change their personality and attitude.

If you are unwilling to make yourself attractive then you need to not have standards for women's appearances either.

>If that's true then women are fucking stupid

there is so much truth in this sentence that you don't even realize.

But let's be honest, men can be pretty fucking stupid at times too. a lot of times.

In contrast to common wisdom, they're not all the same. Some people believe in the rule of the stronger, some have principles. Avoid the former, try to single out the latter.

>now shut the fuck up, all it means is that you haven't been digging hard enough for the right grills

>If that's true then women are fucking stupid
It's as if you didn't know this before

>Women are just stupid in general. If you treat them like shit, they will love you.

But that's not thew wimin u want. In the end, they're just trubblesome.

Super nice guy here. I'd give the shirt off my back to anyone who needed it and I've never had problems finding women to date / fuck. In bed though I'm all about domination, pulling hair, fucking a girl hard even if she begs me to stop and so fourth. Maybe females can just sense that in me or possibly I give off an air of confidence as well. Who knows, but finding someone to fuck has never been an issue for me and I am super nice irl.

Because it's human nature to want to be with someone who is better than you. You don't treat them like shit straight up. But small digs here and there to let then know you're superior. I expect the complexities of this are lost on you. Seriously just be yourself.


People are stupid in general

look, the vilest thing I've ever read is that women want to be treated like shit. There's no reason for that to be true, if a girl really wanted just extreme emotions, shouldn't she just be tortured for her pleasure? Torturing somebody is putting them close to death or in extreme psychological conditions that expect death
Somebody would have to have backward wiring to want this

I went to school with Robin in London Ontario, she was super nice.

Quads speak the truth.

good job, you're of a decent character outside the sheets, in bed a rapist

Hah, did you get cucked by a Chad, OP?

because women think they can change people. so women get with people they feel need the most change. they look at these people will woeful eyes, they think they see someone whos hurt. women just seem to have a natural instinct to heal and nurture, IN REALITY though, men find women completely annoying, and people don't take change so well or someone trying to change them. Nice guys are too feminie like, and women need a more male role leader in their life. it's just the natural way of things.


>Why do girls like guys who treat them like shit?
If you think that's at all true, then you're hanging out with the wrong chicks.

I treat my gf like a normal person, because she is. Besides the sex obviously, she's cool to hang out with and I can have interesting conversations with her. You know, like adults do.

I fuck up, I apologize, and vice versa.

well what you see as "beingn mean" to then is really just the guy acting confident. It all boils down to reproduction. At a genetic level the female doesnt want to recieve weak genes. Since we men usually cant kill our competition in a modern society, we must attract a mate in other ways. We find other ways to show our genes are good enough to pass on. Think about it! Wearing nice clothes, shiny stuff around our neck, nice cars.....and CONFIDENCE even if its douchy says we think our genes are good. If you dont act like you are doing her a favor by fucking you,why woukd she fuck you?

Ok then, how do I find actual quality women that don't let people treat them like shit? This is not something I'm willing to compromise on, at least not relationship wise

That's not what I'm talking about. I mean literally blatantly treating them like shit.

But it is true I see it all the time

>It makes me think about if I were to have a daughter some day. I would hammer that into her head;

That does not work. It will likely be coutner-productive. Some people are nhilistic. They grow convinced through the teenage years that having values is foolish and dumb.

You will find a lot of such moral nhilists (mostly males) here on Sup Forums. Some border on psychopathy. Some are beyond that.

The important part is that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy (getting away with cruelty reaffirms the believe that life does not honor values) and breaking this cycle will take a lot of coordinated effort by a lot of people. It's not a one-man task.

this guy gets it

So women are shallow as fuck?

>Women are far more psychological - and they find dominant, confident and slightly aggressive guys attractive.

That's only partially true. Women like attention. If you can secure positive attention, you don't need many of those negative traits associated with alphamaledom.

Women don't like being treated like shit. Women are just normal people. They don't like to be hurt or alone. Women are attracted to confidence, something most douchebags have and many of the type of guy who spends his time on Sup Forums doesn't. Women are attracted to a man, not a whiny bitch boy. That's just nature. So, they keep coming back to douchbags because at the end of the day women are just as, if not more insecure than men. They don't want to be alone or emotionally hurt through rejection, so they keep trying to find acceptance in what they know.

Moral of the story is, it's not women's fault entirely. It's yours too. I'm a nice guy. I would never cheat or abuse or do anything to hurt the person I care about, but I'm a fucking man too. Make decisions, be physically fit and strong, be sure in your decisions and women will see that.

DUHHHH. They HAVE to be choosy, but are pretty reckless about it

I was with you until you named materialistic shit to prove your point

You dumb bro?

Well said ;-)

Cuz they deserve it, every single one of them, women suck at everything and mooch off of men cuz they can't do anything for themselves then bitch about stupid shit, so I let one stay with me occasionally so she can cook my food and sometimes I let her suck me off but the second she sucks at cooking or sucks at sucking that bitch is gone and I'm on to the next.

fuck off chris nobody likes you

You might just be autistic.

Not all do, but it is mind boggling
My best friend in high school was the shittiest guy possible to girls and they could not jump on his dick fast enough. He's have a girlfriend, cheat on her 5 times a week until they break up, and then another girl would be thrilled to start dating him immediately after. And then surprised when it happens to her