Come here and get comfy bros
Today's matches...
Group A:
Albania vs Switzerland 0-1
Group B:
Wales vs Slovakia 18:00 CET
England vs Russia 21:00 CET
Come here and get comfy bros
Today's matches...
Group A:
Albania vs Switzerland 0-1
Group B:
Wales vs Slovakia 18:00 CET
England vs Russia 21:00 CET
Other urls found in this thread:
previous thread
>previous thread not in OP
Step it up next time user.
>them albania feels
So far it's shaping up to be a good tournament lads.
Am I crazy thinking England have a legitimate chance this time?
Sure thing, I'm working on editing a couple of pictures for the upcoming threads
nth for this fucking shitty BBC build-up
Sagna > Jallet > Coman > Rami > Schneiderlin > Lloris
the rest is not worthy of noting
Place your bets now!
Wales vs. Slovakia
You are crazy. Let's see how they play tonight.
2-1 to Wales
Prove me worng.
Allen to score a Hat-Trick
draw or 1 - 0 for slovakia imo
pretty good matches so far lads, Albania showing heart tubihonest m8s
why do black men hate black women?
>Am I crazy thinking England have a legitimate chance this time?
You have a legit shot, but you also did have legit chances the last few years and threw it away by choking and getting emotional.
That's a nice image.
When is the next game?
Slovakia - 0
Gareth Bale - 2
Who here /parents who won't fuck off/?
I live with my parents and all I want is some privacy. I booked this entire month off work so I could sit in my bedroom and watch the European Football Championships but my dad has decided that whenever a game is on and he is home, that I have to watch with him. He seems to think I want to spend my time away from wageslavery hanging around with him when I want to post on Sup Forums and watch the games online
Switzerland are playing Albania right now. For the entire match so far my dad has been forcing me to eat some Lindt Swiss chocolates with him and before the game forced me to go outside and play catch with an old shoe 'because Albanians steal peoples shoes'.
We have to do this for every match in the tournament. He has prepared a long list of activities for every single match so we can 'be more like a father and son'
I don't want this fucking shit. Why can't normies leave us alone? Football is one of the few things I enjoy and I want to enjoy it my way.
Surprisingly normal tier women
/comfy/ as hell in my couch, nuts on the cushions, beer inna hand, 420 blaze it in the ohter.
Let the games begin!
I'm not even English, but I reckon they have a good chance. Also with an easy way into the knockout and avoiding big teams like Germany and Spain, possibly going up against Portugal and Italy in the quarter finals. As long as they're defence holds up, they'll do well. Vardy and Kane together will be entertaining.
Lets go Whales!
I'm Irish living in Ireland. No idea why I have a UK flag. I reckon the other big teams will underperform like they did in the qualifiers.
Cross the channel and come watch it here, you're welcome, as long as you cut the banterbox.
Serious proposition, Football before bantz.
HT/FT - 2/X
Just banter m8
they don't want someone to discipline them like their mom did
and white girls (as opposed to black ones) are more gentle and caring
yeah. some are quite cute but its nothing to go mad about
as are most of the frogettes. Their élegance and style is what put them above average.
I like Digne's chick. Pretty foxy.
better thread for you. We /comfy/ here.
nah I see more above average girls than ugly ones in Paris
like just by walking for like 5 minutes I see more good looking girls than the one in the picture
maybe it's because wags put too much makeup on
Pilot Whales are literally the GOAT whales. Orcas are the inbreed english hoolgians of whales.
What's the bottom left one?
how do i get a french qt grill?
I was talking about all the french girls, not just those particular ones.
They're normal girls, but our conception of style is what makes the difference. Imho.
Elles sont bonnes, mais leur classe leur rajoute un rang quoi.
Coman and Jallet for me
I'm willing to trade my qt loli sister against anything with blond hair, particularly from finland.
Fuck yeah Danny Ward.
Reminder that this gentleman is literally considered second choice to Simon Mignolet.
yeah I think there's some truth in what you're saying. I don't find that kind of prestance from girls in other countries, except in some scandi countries but it's rare
Jallet's girl is like an ersatz of a girl who was in HS with me. It's crazy how they are similar
>Wir dutzen uns ja gar nicht
It's not just your conception of style, though. German girls can't dress for shit, even though they are obsessed with shopping. On the other hand, all French girls I know just know how to pick clothes that fit their type.
Fuck you
post yfw shorks win the Stanleyc Up
sorry i don't have anything for you, i'm the only blond in my family
>the way he awkwardly touches the grass
holy shit how awkward
At this point even a somali girl dipped in yellow paint would do the trick.
post pics svp
>Hamsik is 28 years old
weow lads
How the fuck Albania qualified again?
I want a kind german girl with the style of a french one.
But really you're not to pity. Your girls give fantasies of leather and nazi uniforms to nearly every man alive..
> Tfw never been whipped by a qt blond griselda while the march of the valkyries is playing in the background
This is my only reason to live desu
wew, why are you obsessed with blondes?
But user, loli boards are forbidden since a long time ago :^)
>19 years old
>won ligue 1, serie A and bundesliga
>beautiful girlfriend
damn, coman is one lucky man
fantaisie militaire
german girls are really shit tbf... Most of them look to angry even when they have a neutral face. otherwise they have really ugly face traits : pig nose, fat faces, ugly eyes. A good looking german girl is like a diamond in the rough. I'd take a french girl anyday
>be me
>get 9 points in first fantasy match
>after game can't sub in Sommer
>He keeps a clean sheet and gets 6 points
I really envy British national team fans, our national team fans are so shit, but our club fans are million times better, but nobody cares about the Bundes so everyone thinks our fans are shit
I red somewhere that we're genetically predisposed to find blonds more attractive, something to do with them having less chances of inbreeding or sth like that.
And as stupid as it sounds, now that I know it, I just can't see beyond. Brunettes are m'kay I guess, Gingers too, but blondes is what makes my cock diamond.
Pic 10/10 related. And I fucking hate nazis. I just don't know anymore man.
What's the first major tournament you watched with Sup Forums? 2010 world cup here.
This song gives me feels.
Not every blonde is a nazi
>I red somewhere that we're genetically predisposed to find blonds more attractive
That's some bullshit dude
Depends, but what i'm sure of is that most blond french girls live in pas-de-calais and well... we all know what's going on there.
Me mum doesn't care about football so I can watch in peace. You should counter your dad with some actually fun stuff to do (and also beer to potentially immobilize him some) so you can have some really fun father son time though.
EC 2008
>Danny Ward making his first international start in goal for Wales
Fuck me
>something to do with them having less chances of inbreeding
But blonde is a recessive gene?
This doesnt make any sense pham
No but the backgound kinda is. and I want to be prisoner of a stalag ruled by mean nazi bitches who always put their prisonners on the edge of cumming an then extracts their powerfull hormones to make somekind of super soldiers.
I'm a complicated man.
looking forward to a Wales victory & an english loss, for keks
I'm not stating anything, I'm just sure that I red this. And i'm very easy to persuade really.
that girl is just soooo bland
i'm more of a isabelle adjani man but here have some blonde
Pssh don't ruin the retards aircastle.
have you heard a sheep outside?
how many players?
i don't know man, i have blonde hair, blue eyes and really dark/black eyebrows & beard and i prefer girls with similar features above all others
blondes have been devalued since so many dye their hair that colour, and it looks less than well.
Who /based celtic Rhinelander with pure brown hair and clear brown eyes/ here?
I thought we were allowed to make sense outside of Sup Forums
I have read it as well long time ago and if I remember correctly gingers should be least attractive to us. Can't find the source now tho, so I could be just some made up crap.
i seriously hate sea beasts
>play catch with an old shoe 'because Albanians steal peoples shoes'.
it could be*
How do gingers even exist?
ginger pubes on a pussy are best pubes on a pussy followed by blonde pubes
The start of an explanation. Give or take.
>mfw brune metro ticket
well don't read it then. I'm no genetician.
> The genes for blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive, meaning both parents must have the genes for them to be expressed in their offspring.6 So it has been proposed that blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed women as mates because they have some degree of certainty over fatherhood.
People didnt know this shit back then
And that still includes giroud's captain points so it's 29 really. Will sub Rami out so 27 from 4
This dance is so shit can't we just watch football