Balding at 26

>balding at 26


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>British genetics

He should just man the fuck up and shave it all up. I hate pussyoles with combovers who think nobody's going to fucking notice

Kek wasn't there a thread like this after a Madrid game?


what a cruel joke

just do implants like every other millionaire.

mfw I haven't had the courage to take a picture of that area of my head, (or use a small mirror) even though I suspect I've been full Bale for years

I thought this was a male sport?

Oh shit so it is true!.. I thought the Madrid photo was just a bad angle

It's called being a man, if you're not at least receding you're either low test or underage.

Keep telling yourself that, Mr. Clean

Why the fuck doesnt he get a hair transplant? Rppney was full frontal JUST tier a few years back and now at least his hair line is back

ramsey will be bantering him off on the whatsapp today

>there are people on this board who aren't high test Latinos

Say that to my face you little bitch

Hope Bale's beard genetics kick in because it's time he shave that shit off

>22 years old

wales in charge of hair

A transplant is even more embarrassing since it not only looks shit ,but also illustrates how insecure you are about it.

He's almost gone full Art Garfunkel.

i bet you think losing your rotten teeth is also manly.

Rooney looked better as a balding man desu.

Whose bonce is that head?

No it doesnt. Just wear a fucking cap and let the hairs grow back on their own.

Wayne shouldn't you be in Marseille?

Not really surprising when their entire royal family is balding

Who's Ralf?

Doesnt even make sense since I dont have a brit flag m8...

It doesnt look bad tbqh
Look at McConaughey or Elon Musk

>tfw you're balding too but you don't even have a 1.000.000th of Bale's money or success

He's talking about the bleeding scabs right after the operation, not the end result.


I am worse and 27. started happen when I was 20


fuck off get back to misc

LMAO bald faggot spotted

JUST shave your head m8



>a transplant looks like shit

The whole point of the operation is to make the scalp start growing hairs again by using some of your hairs to insert, letting them fall off, and letting the hairs grow back. How is your own natural hair going to look like shit from a hair transplant?

balding at 23 here. noticed it when i was 19.

>britcucks tried playing this off last time by saying it was the lighting

>tfw thought this was a woman until I saw >Bale

JUST shave it off and become Robben la

azza ramzey lookin fresh tho famalam

what did you notice? where was balding first?

>balding with dignity

pick one

gee I wonder who could be behind this post

Tbf IniestGOD already shaved it off. He can grow a beard as well so I dont understand why he doesn't go full Heisenberg look

>can't grow facial hair, not even sideburns
>both grandfathers in their 80s never lost their hair

would Sup Forums prefer my genes or:

>great beard genetics
>go bald in 20s


why do all you morons assume that everyone from the uk is one big happy family that love and support each other dearly?

literally no one from any of the nations gives a single fuck about the others national teams or players you moron. english people dont give a single fuck about wales team. scottish people dont give a single fuck about northern irelands team. northern ireland doesn't give a fuck about englands team.

Shut up you Britcuck, no one cares about your retarded little 4 country 1 kingdom retardation. You're a brit

>full head of hair at 23
>many of my friends are jealous because theyre balding more and more
I'll b-be fine, right

well lets first start by saying it isnt THAT bad yet. i still have plenty of hair and can hide it pretty well due to the cows lick on one side, see pic related. it wouldn't even bother me at all if i didn't have an ugly shaped skull

i first noticed it in the corners of my hairline, and my hairline was itchy a lot.

>fifty nine percent

Check your family history and see if any males were bald. That gives you a good indication

>tfw his hair looks exactly like me

growing the top too long just makes it look stupid. no 3 or 4 at top and 0 at rest is the best

Nice "dont go to school tomorrow" pic

doesnt look bad at all mate wouldnt call that balding just looks like your hairline

Holy shit has it gotten worse this season??

>Muhhamad is Great Britanistan's most popular baby name

>200 million white aryan Americans compared to some 40 out of 60 million emasculated Britcucks



it's nothing like balding mate. it's just wide.

>his whitest city is 71% white
just fuck my country up senpai

First alternative. Take it from me.
>thick hair
>good hairline
>need to shave every other morning

I value my hair far higher than my facial hair, it was cool growing a beard in my late teens, but now it's just a chore really.

Your head shape is normal senpai. And you look like you have a decent beard so shaving it off wont be bad for you at all

I'll take a beard in all honesty




Just Mecca my shit up, inshallah

Next Zidane confirmed


Just Mecca my shit up, inshallah

>this is what Brits look like on Sup Forums

Holy lel look like you're going to go on a stabbing spree with your butterknife

nah its definitely receding, just my hair grows nicely in a way that aids hiding it. if you shine a light over it, it looks full frontal JUST.

I may not be rich, but I've still got my hair. :^)


just end it all

>be 25 years old
>look like this
>British "people"

whats wrong with it? i was just leaning forward to show my hairline. i think im pretty handsome desu

Beards are great if you have shitty facial features
A friend of mine has a huge ass beard because hes fucking ugly

holy shit is that a legitimate bald patch or just unfortunate lighting?

It's time to come home, Gareth.

you tell me :^)

A lot of professional athletes go bald very quickly in life. They also age terribly very quickly, many of them look 20 years older than they are by the time they finish their careers in their 30s. Think about it, you have to constantly exercise every single day of your life for 20-25 years, it's going to take a toll on your body.


Nice logic there fucking idiot

Steroids do that too

I'm ok with being bald and shit but I don't know anymore, mates. My corners receeded four years ago and I still have the same. Cap is full of it, like hair next to hair.

If I'll be bald, let me just be, but it's really going slowly. Could it be just corners at the end and I won't even be bald? Is that even possible?

Gareth pls go

Paletta was balding when he moved to Liverpool at 20


relax britcuck its just a meme

Dude, exercising your entire life will make you WAY YOUNGER compared to others. Are you seriously thinking that exercising a lot makes you bald?

The only negative affects the exercise has on your body is just degenerative conditions of joints and maybe if you're in the sun a lot and it makes your skin look older

why the fuck doesn't he get a hair transplant?

ayy caramba

It's possible, Ashley Cole has had a heavily receading hairline since he was like 22 and he still hasn't gone all the way bald

It messes with your performance. Players that went full JUST after hair transplants: Rooney, Casillas, Fabregas. Even Lebron James isn't the same after his transplant the last year

Im pretty sure they arent allowed to take hormonal meds like finasteride. You dont need to take hormonal meds with a hair transplant