You now remember based Germany 2006
>10 years ago
what the fuck have you done with your lives?
You now remember based Germany 2006
>10 years ago
what the fuck have you done with your lives?
Man, that Germany-Italy semifinal was the first full match I ever watched, at age 9.
Still nostalgic desu
I now remember one of our strongest player ending his international career on a red card
jesus, I still remember korea-japan 2002 and remember watching the final of france 98
First match I ever watched was US somehow drawing Italy despite being down 11-10 men.
I would have been 11. Time flies
I remember that in every package of Donas Bimbo there were this little 3d holograms with the flags of every country competing in France 98, and I remember getting one of Jamaica and liking it because of the weird colors of their flag.
>being 9 in 2006
you have to go back, kid
Teamgeist is the best ball ever.
France '98 > Brazil '14 > Germany '06 > South Africa '10 > Korea/Japan '02
fucking Portuguese scum
He'd be 19 now, old enough to use this site.
I know it's saddening to you that there are actually people younger than you, but you just have to accept you're and old fuck now, Pedro
>what the fuck have you done with your lives?
Had a few gfs. in a relationship with a Finn I have a lot in common with, forged a good relationship with people from all over the world to the extent of having a very cheap place to crash in most bigger countries of the world.
I don't think I like this feel
Korea/Japan '02 > South Africa '10 > Germany '06 > Brazil '14 > France '98
I graduated high school with surprisingly good marks
And then I became a failure
South Africa was shit m8 and Brazil '14 was great
Surprised that you rank your 7-1 higher than anything
will boring countries ever host a world cup again ? we can only hope for uruguay/argentina after qatar
fugg time flies. I've done nothing since then
Got a nice job, gf (6 years relationship and going), my own house, new bike, ps4, husky dog etc. Never been hapier desu senpai
Because losing a final against Zidane & Friends still very hurtful m&.
Still amazed that they gave the WC to irrelevant countries
>South Africa
Eyy that's me.
Graduated high school with an a+ average.
Got a chemical engineering degree from a top 10 world ranked school.
'06 = '14 > '98 > '02 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> '10
fucking deco and figo literal pieces of shit
GOAT intro
>tfw 28
I hope to god we never host again, fuck soccer and its """"fans"""" here that come out en masse every four years and pretend to give a shit about the sport.
Imagine how annoying NFL fans in your country are. That's what soccer fans here are like
we still beat you in two worldc ups m8
but i'm glad for you, my man
at least you graduated from university
How long have you been unemployed?
>what the fuck have you done with your lives?
Fucked it up.
such is life when you're depressed and have no work ethic
in b4
>im not depressed
yes you are, that's why you don't feel like doing anything
2 months
I am severely depressed because I broke my spine 3 years ago and because I have adhd.
good one m8
PhD and four patents in materials chemistry. Still not as interesting as shit posting on a Indonesian doll sculpting forum.
Fuck, the first WC I watched was Italia 90. I was 12. WTF am I doing here??
>what the fuck have you done with your lives?
both my parents died in 2010 studied at night worked at day cucked twice punched a nigger in the balls got devastated by a pack of niggers that same night i live on the edge now I make TNT and other explosive for living
Mommy and daddy pay for my shit and it makes me incredibly uneasy.
2006 was the last year I had sex.
They aired France-Italy 2000 the other day on tv
Great feels, I almost forgot 2006 for a moment
tiki taka before there even was a tiki taka
>still a kissless virgin
Stop making fun of my misery ;_;
And married.
>no era penal
no era penal
Ayala, Sorin, Mascherano Maxi Rodriguez, Cambiasso, Riquelme, Saviola, Crespo
I'm being completely serious Deutschem8. I want to be able to be independent and repay them for putting me through school but I'm still dependent.
They were based on PES 6
Almost a year after that World Cup I moved to the other side of the country, graduated high school, and now I'm competing with 8 other people for 2 spots in my town's police department.
>tfw woke up at 6am one day and watched based Tim Cahill tear the japs a new one
That's the match that I remember most
l agree with him and I'm 27. How is that an old fuck?
did messi already play back then?
Why are people so young posting here?
Brazil was shit m8. Besides 7-1, there was nothing memorable.
>that last robben goal
>allowed to post here
I need to leave Sup Forums
Graduated uni, work in Architecture, still no GF
Yes, he was a kid
I still don't believe you
On the offchance that you are serious: The economic situation is dire everywhere. There are countries in southern yuro where people live with their parents till their late 30's now.
Literally nothing
Except got a gf
Btw: 06>98>02>14>10.
>I now remenber Maxi RodrÃguez goal
fuck you, OP
I was 21 for that game.
>all the oldfags are literally 27-30
Revolution when? Take back Sup Forums from the young!
last good year of my life
Agree. Hope it is never here again.
My first tournament was Euro 96, first WC was 1998.
>Bierhoff smashing Czech Rep.
>Zidane smashing Brazil
17 here.