Fuck this!, i give up!, im out!

fuck this!, i give up!, im out!
pce Sup Forums

`lol it fucking hurts

Tinestamp before die

is this real?

Doubt it... had time to make a collage and no timestamp? Could just be water in the bottle


Definitely not... unless that was cut like grade school cocaine, that shit would have eaten through that moron.

I'm gonna kill myself

but first, let me fire up photoshop

Step 1. get HCL bottle and clean it out
step 2. add water to bottle
step 3. Get red food dye
step 4. ???
step 5. profit!

oh boy

Try it and let us know you dumb shit

>The Solution

leave cap on
lips around bottle
troll Sup Forums



>lips around bottle
Seriously, who drinks like that?


Hydrochloric acid isn't a strong enough to do this, 100% fake.

Fake as fuck!

Used to work with thousands of litres of this shit, heated to 80 degrees Celsius. Often without a respirator.

It would tear the fuck out of your insides straight away! No way this cunt is tough enough to take a fucking photo.

oh the hydrochloric challenge?

it was huge in Brazil last year. Americans don't have a strong enough faith in God for it not to kill them.


exactly that, americant arent strong enought to do it... its like eating hot sauce

can confirm. I worked in the ER where a guy shot his wife then drank acid. He freaked out and changed his mind about dying. he called for cops on himself and they made an emergency stop at our ER (supposed to go get the next town over) he was conscious when he arrived but within 15 minutes his systems started failing. the acid ate through his stomach and leaked. he was dead 10 minutes later

then he must be dead by now?

as a doorknob