How can u white people just sit by and let ur civilization fall if i was white i would of been the biggest racist this...

How can u white people just sit by and let ur civilization fall if i was white i would of been the biggest racist this Bullshit multiculturalism About all of us are one doesn't work compare countries like china and japan to the US and Europe




>if I was white

fuck off nigger


99% deserve to be killed. I hate (white) women in general.

If it wasn't for the preservation of the white race the sandniggers could rape and abuse the living shit out of the dirty white cunts.


I feel for you. I was fourteen once.

>bullshit multiculturalism
>compare countries like china and japan to the US and Europe

Everyone wants to be in first place.

Your sentence structure is mind boggling

What's it like being a 30 year old virgin?

is that fag suppose to look attractive?

fucking disgusting

literall whos

kill urself

>UK leaves EU
>Merkel leaves office after 2016
>open season on Muslim invaders
>EU dissolves
Oh you just watch, the underground nationalists are about to let the powder keg loose


don't be ashamed, what race are you pray tell?

i cant believe there are people like you in this world

i hope ur baiting

have a banana

Someone on here predicted that the current state of the EU is set to cause a massive right-wing backlash and usher in the era of the fourth reich.

I doubt it but I wouldn't be surprised at all. I suspect there'll be a lot of sectarian violence in europe in the next few years.


American Renaissance, a pro-White publication that is quite Kosher, not working and getting backlash by the general Kosher White population is proof soon Whites will face extinction in culture and population if nothing dramatic is done to secure their future.

The hate-European Left and cuckedRight vs Trump

are you fucking retarded

Your time is coming, ye enemy. Europeans will live, Europeans will thrive, and Europeans WILL crush the enemy who hides.
