I've had a fucking awful, horrible day Sup Forums.
Can we get a YLYL thread going?
I've had a fucking awful, horrible day Sup Forums.
Can we get a YLYL thread going?
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Please detail. We're here to help, user.
That's my first image posted on here ever.
Hope it helps OP :)
This makes me laugh everytime.
Sure, Trump's a loud asshole, but godDAMN few things are more satisfying in life than watching greedy, out-of-touch politicians getting BTFO for all to see.
Things like this give me hope for the future generations.
>bl*c* people
I'm sorry, I wasn't aware this was You Cringe You Lose.
Ugh... It's a long story. Basically the short of it is that my mom and my sister haven't been getting along and my sister ran over to my grandma's and refused to leave so the police were called, and then my sister started telling them a bunch of bullshit that could have gotten not only her, but my baby brother taken away.
Luckily the police didn't buy into it and made her come home, but this has just been a horrible day.