I came inside a friend, she took the pill after 20 hours. It's been two weeks since then and she hadn't had her period...

I came inside a friend, she took the pill after 20 hours. It's been two weeks since then and she hadn't had her period. Should I worry? A lot of people told me that if she took the pill before 72 hours everything will be ok.

>pic not related

Grats with a baby...

plan b etc are less effective than daily contraception. you can look up the prevention rates, i'm sure. pic of your friend?

ur fine. girls are weird and miss their periods for many reasons, and the pill will def throw off your usual clock. also even without the pill and during ovulation theres only like a 5% ferti chance.

buy a pregnancy test dipshit. What are you, 12? Why are you having unprotected sex when clearly neither of you know anything about how reproduction and birth control works?

Bleach will kill the baby

gj corey

Couple of misconceptions here:
1st: Morning After Pill doesn't work within a time frame. If the egg is already fertilized the pill doesn't do shit.
2nd: Stress and outside forces can postpone a period, she could be up to a month late and still not be pregnant. Also the pill is known to also prolong the start of a period.
3rd: Just because she has a period doesn't mean she's not pregnant.
4th: You didn't actually have sex.

im more curious as to wtf im looking at, then OPPs post.

looks like little kids, and orange juice. but why?

>Morning After Pill doesn't work within a time frame. If the egg is already fertilized the pill doesn't do shit.
it's most effective within 72 hours, and can prevent implanatation. agree that it won't terminate a pregnancy.

You have to wait until she has her period, it's not a pill that makes her blood. You ignorant faggot

Your first Fathers day will be in june

I thought it looked like they're spitting cake ingredients on that kid

She has been stressed lately and haven't eaten well.

same happend to me. 1 month later she got her period.... Scared the shit out of me.

I think it depends on the pill she takes, I thought it was like a 24-hour window or something like that, if not then congratulations, just don't do anything stupid like push her down the stairs or anything.

Then, what are OP's possibilities?

My GF was stressed and wasn't eating well and she was 3 weeks late, the test was negative and she most definitely is not pregnant. I suggest you get a test to be sure, but she is likely NOT pregnant. Get 2 or more tests to be sure, and make sure she pees on it first thing in the morning as it is the best time to take a test. Best of luck, Sup Forumsro

Dude. My girl was stressed for the our entire Senior year. We had sex and worried for months cause her period stopped for 6 months.

As soon as she finished her senior project, her period came. Blood got everywhere, but we didn't feel like killing ourselves.

Stop stressing and get a pregnancy test.
If you're worried about attracting attention, you, as the guy, go get it and say it's for a friend you're worried about. After the test, go to a McDonald or some fastfood place and dump it in their trash. With box and receipt.


Wtf she tool THE pill. It's not a single pill you idiot. She has to take one EVERY DAY.
I guess you are FUCKED FOR LIFE
Pick related

Can she take the test? It's only been two weeks



post a pic of who you came inside


I don't have one, sorry.

Pretty sure it depends on day of conception, but I'd take one or two now to see if it comes up positive, and if she doesn't have it even after the results are negative, I'd take a couple more to be sure.

>quickly googled "when to take a pregnancy test
>says doctors use it as early as 10 days after a missed period
>2 weeks is 14 days
>pretty sure she can do a preg test, OP

>wtf is facebook

She is one of those paranoics of having personal information on the web. I'm kinda regretting the fact I fucked her.

14 days or more after sex is best for a test, which is right around your time, but 5 or more days after missed period is best. Does she track her cycles?

i don't blame you at this point

She said she always tracks her cycles but after sex she told me she had forgotten.

is your friend a squatch?

heavy chicks pretty much can't use it, so if your friend has more pounds of fat on her body than eggs in her reproductive system you're pretty much fucked

is she over 165? Its not effective if she's a fatty. Google it

She is not fat.

is she over 165 tho

lol, I recognise that pic
good taste, user

........go on......

It may not have worked if she is that big...

Nope. She is like 130 pounds.

Can you explain what the fuck is happening?

user, theres a good chance you're OK, but theres a slim, not too slim, chance you're a daddy

She sounds stupid, and like a liar, but does she at least remember when her LAST period was?

Some friend you are

She has been suffering cholics since she took the pill. The doctor ordered studies, but she is the kind of girl that makes you feel pity. She is kinda a lier and answers almost all the time like "I don't know", "yeah", "whatever is ok". She only tells me what is happening after I send her a message. This bitch is so depressive. And I'm a huge faggot because I came inside this bitch.

lol, the lot of them are still extant on the net if you want them

yeah, it's a summer camp game

start choosing baby names and get the landwhale a nice ring.

No, she didn't when I asked her.


Will dubbs decide OP's baby's name?

Ohh, and yesterday she told me that she thinks she might have Hepatitis

What if OP's girl is pregnant? Does that means abortion?

She sounds like a horrible person, OP. I'm sorry to hear you came in her. Hopefully she is not pregnant. If you think about it, pregnancy is actually pretty hard to achieve. It has to be perfectly timed. She is 130, and the pill will likely work. She hasn't been eating well and is stressed, which can delay a period for months. You can take a couple of tests whenever to be sure.

Remember all of this, and just relax a little, I am sure things will work out, but DEFINITELY don't continue hooking up with her. Find someone better, and get an STD/I Test. Best of luck with your situation, OP

My g/f routinely goes more than a month between periods. One period fine. Second fine. Third 2 months. Fourth month and a half. Fifth month fine. So on and so on. Give me a month then have her take a test. Dont freak over 2 weeks.

>Being stupid enough to cum inside a girl
Good luck with your life lesson, I mean baby.

Don't be black, stick around.


Also OP, next time, get better contraceptives. If she's under 18, she can get an implant for free. 3 years of cumming in her without a worry. Just don't squeeze the arm she has it in. Or buy some fucking birth control pills. There's one made of Ethynl Estradiol Dospirenon on Alldaychemist for like, 10 bucks for 28-30 pills. Do a bit more research, but that should be affordable, eh?

source for that picture? what's the story behind it?


>3rd: Just because she has a period doesn't mean she's not pregnant.

Am I reading this right? Are you claiming that you can have a period while being pregnant?

That would be correct user. A woman can be on her period but still be pregnant.

Did you get your medical degree from a Cracker Jack box? Because no.

Dude its hard to have a kid. People who try fail up to four times before it takes. The body rejects it. The cycle has to be monitored for fertility. Don't worry. I have cum in many women and only one got knocked up. She miscarried after a month naturally.

Didn't remember, but she tracks her cycle?

About a month after I started dating my gf I went on a trip and while I was gone she miscarried, didn't even know it had happened. Shit was scary
But then she got an IUD, and now I cum inside every fucking day

I'm assuming what he meant to say was
>A woman can have enough spotting to mistake the bleeding for a period, while she is pregnant

>up to four times
>up to

That's what I'm hoping he meant. Otherwise...



Blah blah blah blahblah

Take a fucking pregnancy test



lots of JUST's in this thread. Why not just cum in the pussy without condom or birth control like God intended you degenerate swine?