Waifu Claiming thread

Waifu Claiming thread
>Very Lonely Rabbit edition

The rules are simple:
>Claim your waifu/husbando. One claim per user.
>Give the rabbit attention. He needs it.
>No shipping
>Keep RP and ERP to a minimum. No lewd.
>Don't be gay
>We know you masturbate. Stop talking about it.
>No posts with focal point on sexual objects or speech(This includes pictures)
>No Dio
>Insult other waifu
>Pretend to be normal and discuss stuff
Most important: You're waifu a shit

Other urls found in this thread:


Iowa claim

Yuuki claim. I'm gonna lurk for a few more minutes before going to bed.

The Phantom of the Opera is here

>ruri best

Akiko claimed

Still here

Nice edition Spike

>grossest thigh gap claimed


Nice dubs, and is overwatch still in beta? I keep wanting to play it always forget to download it

Also claiming

still here