Who will you support?

Who will you support?

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Croatia because they're actually European.

Turkey. I want to see all the bigots and racists in Europe get assmad when they get rekt by a Muslim nation. Europeans need to become more tolerant.

Turkey because I want them to atleast go to the quarter finals.

Turkey. Allahu Akbar.

Remove kebab.

croatia your country is nice for tourists and you are catholic

Ustase a shit.
Go Turkey!

none, nuke both please

Croatia because reasons.


Croats, the turks are as bad as the russian cunts.


I hope Croatia wins the game and shoots the turkroaches during the celebration.


absolutely fucking disgusting.

Our sweet neighbours.

up the ottos

Depends. If Sahin plays I may be for turkey

Croatia, only mudslims like turkroaches

Turkey. I met a few Turkish lads on exchange in England. Top bros, drank beer and watched football with us despite being moderate Muslims

Pineapple Netherlands, of course.

At least you guys make some seriously good vidya, which cannot be said of the kebab.

Cros are bros.

I don't really care about football, I just want happenings.

I will be a true neutral on this game.

Turkey because yugos should be gassed.


The European team.

Lol are you serious turks made fucking mount and blade


Croatia for sure


Turkey Win Because I want to see the hooligans kick the ass of kebbabs .

Croatia because Modric, Rakitic, Kovacic,Perisic...

Im not lying the devs of the mount and blade series are turks


our stayed home 2bh

Serious Sam > Mount and Blade.


Turks are the cockroaches of the world.




Croatia of course because serbian diaspora

Jebite im... nanu naninu, govna turska.


Croatia, i have a friend from there and half theyr team is from serieA


Shut up, Ireland

delet this

Why do slavs alwas end their names with "ic"?
Lack of originality tbqh, senpai

This is the only answer.

Probability of brawls tomorrow?

I want another Turkey-Germany derby. 2008 was great.

Why do Portuguese people speak Portuguese?
So unoriginal

At least Croats speak Serbian.

Are you asking if there is a chance that muslims might be the cause of violence?
Of course not. What a bigoted and islamophobic question.


my halal brothers Croatia and their muslim captain based Darijo Srna

a nation with over 4 million catholics and they decided to let a muslim man be their NT's captain, truly progressive and diverse!

I'm just asking about prob. of brawls, don't care from whom.

Same reason all Armenians last names end in "ian" or "yan." Who knows.

Croatia because it is my second home. We have two vacation homes in Croatia.


>People actually think Turkey has a chance against Croatia

Jebem ja mater Turcinama a Za Dom Spremni

>people actually think russia can leave the match undefended

Mate pls dis is football it's like rng

see you for Monday night

6/10, medium quality bait.

Thank you greatest ally.

Croatia my old man knows that guy Corluka's family

which one has less muslims?

>pineapple netherlands

>backwards muslim shithole getting deservedly bombed vs. genocidal maniacs

both countries are shit

but Turkey is backwards muslim shithole AND genocidal maniacs

I know but I had to give Croatia something

This turkey shouldnt even be in this tournament


Croatia, they are maniacally christian

why are u forcing this meme, its bad

>rationality says Croatia
>heart cheers for Turkey

To be fair, Turkey has zero chance against Croatia. I think Croats will get 9 points.

Croatia or the mudshits will go around burning down cars.

Bratija Hrvati

Don't you know of the Ancient Persian-Ostrogoth heritage of Croatia it is their duty to fight Turks.


>For the Srnas, that was a big risk. They are Bosniak, and as the war rumbled on, it was soon apparent how difficult it would be for a young Muslim player to be accepted in Split.

local croat source


>"Nisu htjeli da netko muslimanskog porijekla zaigra za Hajduk, a onda su me tražili novac"

bonus source



At kendini evinin camından aşşağıya sümsük vatan haini soysuz piç.

easy choice

The croats

Kadrolara bak orospu çocuğu

We will win tomorrow. Screen cap this.

not big. the ones that like to brawl will be to tired from tonight brawling.

why do all portugese/brazilian names end with -inho?

because both -ic and -inho are in diminutive. this approximately translates to -son in english, although it is not quite the same.

ronaldinho is little ronaldo, while nikolic is little nikola, although in when it is a surname it is understood as nikolson in the modern language

He should have just moved to Slavonski Brod like all Posavina Bosnians

tyb hooligans and bydlos

>Host a tournament during Ramadan
>Expect Turkey,Allah's favourite nation not to win everything.

Wrong image fml.

he endured, they hated him for it, but he choose be the outcast. he made the choice that no one else could make, the right choice.

>Who will you support?
T*rkbros of course.

>Slavonski Brod

You mean Nova Derventa right?


Croatia is a beautiful country and I like their kit
Hope they win desu

Fucking slavs disgust me but I hate turkroaches a lot more. I even killed one today at my gym

Croatian girls are the best in bed.

Kill turkroaches
Plus Croatia are our sons

Turkistan because they hate Leeds to.

Fucking Leeds. No-one likes them. Instead of beating the shit out of all England fans we should team up and beat the shit out of Leeds fans, and we'll all have a happy time indeed.