I like my women like I like my coffee

I like my women like I like my coffee...

Black and stuffed through a fine mesh

hot, pale, sweet, covered in frothy cream, with my name written on them.

In a cup?

Black and fair trade

Inside of me

Ground up, in a bag in the freezer.

lol what

Full of beans

cold and bitter

burnt and full of cream

Cafe au lait, coffee with milk.

2 girls 1 cup


In big cups

In a burlap sack, carried on the back of a donkey, led down the mountain by Juan Valdez.

Without a penis



creamy sweet dirty and picked up from a gas station

With a dick in it

Piping hot, with a spoon in them

hot, black and bitter

Black and on ice

handed over to a hobo

for 5 bucks, to go

Ground up and in the freezer.

Black and preferably fair trade

white and hot?

Bitter and the color of tar?

notifying me when ready


ground up and in the freezer?

With my dick in it

weak and constantly refilled

Flat and white

me likey

me likey