Are you going to support us tomorrow?

are you going to support us tomorrow?

Other urls found in this thread:

No you faggots go back to Chezh



United Yugoslavia when?

I'm not supporting Turks so I guess I'll have to.
Good luck m8


not with that faggy attitude

yep cubebros, go with the power of Modrakitic!

it's not faggy if you're secure enough with your sexuality

>turkey v croatia

i support isis having a terrorist attack on that stadium

>isis bombing non countries
might aswell nuke iceland

Get the fuck out of my country faggot

Sweden is better for you

Croatia is my Eurosfu

and when are you playing your game so we could support you?

keep telling yourself that, homo

why don't you kill yourself, insecure faggot

>cheering for roaches
Fuck Turkey

>Supporting Serbia

Commie kike traitor, tito-loving faggot


>not supporting based kebabland

I will be m8. Inshallah you'll win.

>not getting the joke

Serbia isn't in the Euros

I like halilovic so much


Pachamama gloriosa supports you.
Destroy those nazi fuckers.

naw real nazis don't approve



Deus Vult time lads

go post your degeneracy somewhere else faggot and you should maybe fuck off and die.

The Parc des Princes was renovated by Qatar
They won't attack it

just like in the olden days

>croatia saves europe from turks yet again edition

>implying ISIS gives a shit about anything

those niggers destroy ancient muslime sites and relics all the time
why would they care about some fancy stadium hosting some decadent western game


fuck you and your buzzword faggot

>croatian diaspora
>in australia
I see you fit in well with the kangaroos


You don't understand shit Murica
The Ottoman Empire used to be our greatest enemy and Croatians were one of the few who resisted the Mudslim assault for centuries

Russian bitch detected


>the obligatory serb backs up turks post

me on the left


>western powers invade iceland for somewhere for refugees to live.

>tito-loving faggot

At least he could do whatever the fuck he wanted.
Finally guys we got our hard earned independence now we can carve our own destiny and then in the next 10 years they go on elections join the EU and give away those freedoms and gobble on Brussel bankers cocks for the rest of their lives.

Seriously you can't even make this stupidity up

Nope, I support Turkey


>The Ottoman Empire used to be our greatest enemy
>Being this ignorant about French history

You guys better win today!

>Croatians were one of the few who resisted the Mudslim assault for centuries
by sucking Austro-Hungarian dick, yeah k

I have Modric on my fantasy football team, so I guess.

I'm hoping a meteor will hit the stadium and wipe out both you and the cockroaches.

Alternatively, ISIS.


why so mad at crobros germanbro?

Let's go Srna!

muslim GOAT player of the Euros right here

Croats and defending something...fucking lel

They're chimps.

But he...

nah, he's a muslim bro

>"Nisu htjeli da netko muslimanskog porijekla zaigra za Hajduk, a onda su me tražili novac"

only nations participating in Euros are allowed to post

Jesus do u belive in unicorns?

the guardian

>For the Srnas, that was a big risk. They are Bosniak, and as the war rumbled on, it was soon apparent how difficult it would be for a young Muslim player to be accepted in Split.

Why did Serbs attack Croats in the Yugoslavian war?

I know Bosnians are kebab, but Croats are christians like Serbia?

>pre 2006 102,350 km2
>2006 88,361 km2
>2008 77,474 km2
let's talk about defending lel

>he fell for the remove kebab meme

Keep Sup Forums out of Sup Forumsorts please.


> article makes Hajduk look bad
> is propganda
quiet down serb shit


honestly mate at this point the only option I have is to ring him up and tell him to do an ama here in the thread, but here's source

>U vrijeme Domovinskog rata u Splitu nije bilo popularno biti musliman

Their long held Greater Serbia autism got inflamed (still exists in their minds - they literally have the idea of "where ever a Serb goes that's Serbia)

Absolutely. I have a soft spot in my heart for Croatia

taste the rainbow
Its called cleaning,serbia is multiethnic shit,we need to clean up a little bit and then regain our that kangaroo? or should i say construction worker from Balkan who took shit and lost himself in Aussie

Jesus ride never ends

they thought >we were going to kill them
so they started killing >us instead

here's some serbian sauce homie

why do you even know that movie?

I am

Srbin tri vjere Prince Pavle did nothing wrong


WTF is wrong with u man?

Good luck Croatia ;_;

tito is croatian hero pička ti materina isusova

of course