How can I be less lonely Sup Forums, please help me learn how to make friends

How can I be less lonely Sup Forums, please help me learn how to make friends.

Background info: 22 y/o, listed as permanently disabled so steady income. Disability reason is DID and ptsd, and brain damage all due prolonged childhood abuse.

I can be quite quirky and outgoing but prolong social interaction exhausts me so I always need a few to recover afterwards.

I've thought about hobbies and i like to go to the gym but I've been chicken ing out lately. I'd appreciate it if yall would help. You've been my bro's for years.

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Wtf gave u PTSD?

Not OP but
>prolonged childhood abuse

Also OP, how the fuck do you live with DID???

Obviously OP is a faggot so im out

Heavy meds and therapy gave me more ways to handle it. Sometimes I still dissociate and lose time but not months/years like I used to.

Being raped and abused, mentally, physically and neglected. This was from baby till early twenties

Me again OP

This women has over 100 identities, 13 of which paint the horrible abuse she received POSSIBLY through being involved with Project MK Ultra.


>About her

Go see a psych doc, say you're having trouble focusing and you get restless all the time and also have panic attacks due to social anxiety

acquire xanax and adderall. also if the doc doesnt prescribed anything first appt take it slow.

Start going to punk shows/raves if thats your thing. Smoke weed.

This is coming from a guy with brain damage, ptsd, anxiety, depression etc. Works out pretty ok for me.

illuminati much?

I'm on seroquel and Lyrica now, I'm due for a psychiatrist appointment, I'll see if I can get some of those.

Jehova's witnesses cult actually, not illuminatie

lyrica is a good med, I'm on gabapentin which is pretty much the same but I ALWAYS run out of my meds early, in like a week. fuck.

I hope you keep exercising OP. Exercise, sleep, and a healthy diet are the only things that have kept me from killing myself. Yut yut.

I take 90mg a day, that's three pills. I've heard doses of 300-400ng make you a productive motivated person, but I'm scared to try.

find something that brings you joy that involves being outside and active...... I like climbing rocks takes focus builds confidence and gives a physical release.

I've been on stronglifts program and eating healthy but with the occasional candy. I tend to sink into depression when I have nothing to do, so I'm trying to keep myself occupied. Thanks.

I do drugs and drink with people at bars and shows. Get lots numbers that way

That shit scares the piss outta me. Its like it has to be done tho.

Someone has to figure out our breaking points and how we can be moulded, they do it it animals...

Yea it looks weird when seeing it like that, but I keep in mind that ad a child, I was subjected to such horrible things that I imagined it didn't happen to me, that it happened to someone else. Over time that someone else became more and more and carried the memories of trauma.

this, but as a nurse in mental health institute i dont recommend heavier stuff than weed... seen too many misuse...
>music helps too
whatever can bring you to a "safe" state of mind (ex. classical/ambient soft music has shown good results in anxiety studies)
>see a doctor

this, discipline is your friend. i'd recommend at least 30min per day of exercice (walking counts), healthy diet low on drugs (sugar, cafeine, alchool, etc.),
>sleep routine
(nbr of hours is constant, sleep during night hours (related to melatonin levels, multiple studies)

I'd also add: fool yourself into positivism, placebo effect has impressive results; continue exchanging with others, even us faggots are important as long as you dont feel alone
laughing is da shit too

...well, these are my two cents. good luck user

Do whatever you like to do and eventually you will make friends who enjoy doing the same. Sometimes I emjoy being alone, although I do often feel lonely.

I've tried therapy recently. But they decided it was better to have me like this than me to destabilize again. Weed when needed for physical pain. Music is my muse. Thanks for responding.