What's wrong with my toe?

What's wrong with my toe?

go to a doctor

Get a knife and dig that shit out. Post pics

do it op

It's ingrown you dipship. Go to a doctor, get a hit of local anesthetic and get that thing out. Will hurt for one week.

Ewwww, wtf OP take care of your shit you fucking lazy degenerate. Pull that nail out then dip your foot in some fucking peroxide for the love of God! Also, post results.

Just a flesh wound

A good soak in cum and bleach eased the pain a little

Your just becoming a man

timestamp or faggot

toe is no longer of use
requires fixing

Looks like you already had the ingrown surgery. This is probably infections from being a dumb faggot and not taking care to the surgical area.

looks crushed m8/10

i had that same surgury 10 years ago, no ingrown toenails ever again.

but you're a filthy fuck that let it get infected.

Sorry to say this, but you're gonna have to amputate your foot, user. Put some Orajel on it for the pain.

You'll have to amputate it or you'll dieeeee

you just had surgery to remove ingrown toenail edges do your betadine soaks faggot

it's attached to a faggot

Oh shit, that will spread to the rest of your body. You have to remove the toe

Better cut that toe

As said before: surgery after inguis incarnatus.

soak in hot salt water if ur not gonna go doctor, and use betadine / crystaderm, or any other anti bacterial agent

OP is lie

Staphylococci infection from ingrown toenail

looks alright to me

That my friend is what we call gangrene.

I basically lived with ingrown big toenails when I was in high school. Only took about four years for them to go away. No idea why I didn't just doctor the problem away.

Your toe got infected after ingrown toenail surgery.

Toe aids

Yeah I know I spent like 6 years with a toe like that.


Why the fuck are you asking here? !!! Go to see a doctor, you stupid dick head!!

This is obviously the work of Mexicans

just another reason to vote for Trump

I had ingrown toe nail surgery and then went to the local fair. It was muddy and mud got into my toe (I wore flip flops) . My friend also thought it was funny to continuously stomp on my foot every now again with her muddy shoes.

My toe was fine.

>whats wrong with my dick

To be more precise

Why do I imagine that feeling so good

Ingrowing tonail that has become infected. You need an OP to remove that shit fam, you can't just rip it out because it will regrow. You need to have the nail bed killed on top of that.

Its attached to your face

Eat the removed nail, post results

That made my toe hurt looking at that. Good thread OP. Now pull that nigger out.