late edition
Rangers @ Mariners Game Thread
Go M's
At least Dallas is white.
go Ms
ignore my thread
Ha ha epic man! You spelled a teams name wrong on purpose, I love that meme!
5 min in youre already rustled kek
i found him guys
will do
y u heff to be mad
>dallas is 50.7 white
>seattle is 69.5
Go get your beer now Mariner "fans", youre gonna need it, watch how the white man plays baseball
Rangers 9
Seasshole 2
im about to make some coffee, will that work?
Aoki is a magnet
Only if you fudge the demographics and dont count the 7 million white people in Dallas suburbs, stop fucking lying, libersl hipster states have no honor, Im not shocked that you can blatantly lie and not feel badly about it.
find me some better sources then senpai
>felix out another month
You want to know something funny?
Tacoma is 64% white
I dont believe you
Literally 95% German/Aryan/Anglo
Pic definitely related, now go shove a grande Starbucks coffee up your little asian ass
I don't know if that's a bad thing or good desu
You can't keep stashing Paxton at AAA. He's getting too old.
holy shit someone actually got it
thank you friendo
anyone else triggered by all these soccer threads
>letting fat bastard get a hit
Paxton, pls
>Filtered threads: 16 — Hidden threads: 88
i have never filtered anything but its getting to that point
thank you paxton for not throwing that into the second deck
I have been in most of them so no
robot umps when
kill yourself
i miss tribebros already
robot discrimination is too strong right now
At the game. Let's go M's! They opened the roof before the start when it was sunny for about a half hour. Now there are ominous clouds and a lot more wind. How are the M's supposed to hot dingers?
How do you know they're not robots?
meme magic
its the only way to beat the marine layer
because robots don't throw bitchfits when someone argues balls & strikes
but its 2016
They do if they're programmed to.
I hope we can have Dan Wilson commentate a game in the booth soon. He's good at it
what if we are all robots?
Paxton is looking pretty good but his pitch count is already accelerated. M's need a long inning here.
Don't worry user, I'm definitely not a robot, you can trust me.
how many times have you failed the Sup Forums captcha?
Maybe 20% of the time, more often on mobile for some reason.
my computer crashed for some reason
Zunino woulda had that
kek, what kind of a bunt was that supposed to be?
>tinder date tonight
>went shitty as fuck
>back home drinking alone
Hopefully the Rangers win so my night isn't a complete waste
no joey cora there
where did you take her
I gave up on tinder a long time ago. The only girls who I ever met up with from tinder were either really, REALLY weird or turbosluts. Then again, I'm almost 30 so maybe it's just the older chicks on tinder that are all basket cases.
Generic bar in Dallas, I thought it'd be a quick couple of drinks and then back to my/her place. Zero chemistry.
>Zero chemistry.
bummer, at least now you can catch the game
and he won't catch VD either so it's a win-win
come on pax
paxton PLS
Was definitely looking for a turboslut, but hey, can't bat 1.000
>literally me right now
It's time for some Texas dingers, I can feel it.
too many pitches james
damnit Mazara
Pax got lucky right dur
Them big ass feet
meme magic
big break
should be an easy out Pax lets go
fatman pls
Dammit prince you fat fuck
>it's already the bottom of the 4th
>safeco field state of mind
kek i like it
This game is going way too fast, I won't have enough time to get drunk at this rate.
Enchilada or teriyaki tonight, brehs?
teriyaki. i got some left over panda im eating now
I've eaten chinese food for 2 straight days so I'd have to go with Enchilada.
teriyaki all the way
>tfw made dutch babies for dinner tonight
This game will be over in 2hr, 38 min.
cap this
anyone going to the aquasox everett cup exhibition game this wednesday?
Depends on what you're drinking. Maybe switch to liquor?
i'm going to eventually go to a weekend aquasox game to see based Kyle Lewis
no late night baseball today
Don't have any liquor in the house, drank the last of the beer last night, all I have left is a bottle of red wine.
Seattle fans be like: We won a meaningless regular season home game lastnight!!
Dallas fans be like: yea...but hows your basketball team doing?
seattle does not care about apehoop. hows your football team doing?
Still time to buy beer!
lol epic