Just got unbanned. Ask me anything

Just got unbanned. Ask me anything

Can you off yourself on livestream for Sup Forums?

If this post is quints then yes

why did u got banned?

what was it like?

rolling for quints

I posted some webm's mods didnt like, didnt break any rules just shit mods
I was fuckin bored

What webm's?

Can post the video again ITT?

Do it faggot!


have fun Sup Forums

I have seen this before 1/10
I have not seen this before 8/10

I got banned for those. mod didnt like it. Sup Forums needs new mods

Colon sucking gets you banned?

no, mods got me banned


stupid shit to get banned for OP tbqh. Sup Forums has been turning into reddit unfortunately

Exactly fam. THis board has gone downhill in the last ... 5years? and the last year has went down REAL bad

yeah Sup Forums moreso than others it seems. I still find Sup Forums to be somewhat intact.

Anything can get you banned, if it pisses off or grosses out a mod.

Here there are no real rules and all authority is ultimately arbitrary.

Most likely he killed a mods boner so he got a temporary ban.

Who gives a shit?

Oh wait change the question mark to an exclamation mark.

Oh wait then its not a question.

How about, can you please fuck off?


Nope its honesty. No one gives a shit about your ban. Eat a dick