Fucking Britfags, they ruin everything
Fucking Britfags, they ruin everything
>mfw next World Cup is in Russia and England will probably qualify
>mfw no fans will come to Russia
>mfw they will fail in group stage cuz no fans
>actively going to Russia for anything
kek at you
>mfw next World Cup is in Russia
oh shit, haven't thought about this.
But I don't expect the English to be stupid enough to cause riots in Russia.
Russki Po-Po ain't no froggies.
>implying it will be anything more than just a fine
I think another ban from european and international competitions is in order
Russia haven't had one before, have they?
>wreck havoc in marseille for 3 days
>shittalk and provoke your opponents
>booing foreign national anthem
>get your asses kicked by 20 good slavs
>literally running for your lives trampling your own women and children
>"omg it was just a prank bro someone call the police"
english "hooligan culture"
it's a global kike conspiracy against our peaceful fans.
#falseflag #noerapenal
You forgot the part about Russians smuggling in flareguns and fireworks into the stadium and firing them at people.
Not a smart thing to do considering the security concerns heading into the tournament.
You forgot
>where is the proofs
Imagine it was a bomb smuggled by Ahmed, just prey it was only flares.
those arrogant English fuckers deserved it
You mean over the stadium pitch and not at people. There's literal videos of the flare shots you wank
How is this Russian team's fault?
France should be the one punished for not controlling the fans.
Hooligan culture died long ago, I think the Russians showed up expecting us to be a bunch of thugs but then found out we're now a bunch of rich bankers
We're probably gonna get -3 points in 2020 qualification or empty stadium for 1-2 games there, they won't actually touch current results
>don't be scared homie
booing during the national anthem is still an all time low. cant blame russians when the british provoke everyone they meet.
Good, maybe those thuggish abhumans will learn to not be complete slavs all the time.
France should be punished for not policing the fans and letting the locals attack the irish and polish
hmm really makes you think
Fuck off faggot.
zero casualty despite drunk britbongs shitting up the town for days.
Stick to cricket or whatever faggy sport you have on your island.
get mad nerds
none of you pasty virgins would stand a chance over there
I would be shit scared tbqh. Fuck that.
Shut up Arab. Go and blow yourself up.
>be european
>get kicked to death over soccer
Honestly it wasn't even about the anthem. The first time our team controlled the ball for more than 30 seconds it felt like the entire stadium was booing. That moment I knew there's going to be trouble, because the only way our fans are capable of reacting to things like that is through violence. I bet they were surprised as fuck when the english started running.
you are the arab buying weapon from us.
get genocided by emus and expelled by the brits, faggot
>because the only way our fans are capable of reacting to things like that is through violence
Surely your fans planned something anyway otherwise why smuggle in the flares and fireworks?
it was china
manlets btfo
French security is a joke.
Nique ta mère fils de pute
>why smuggle in the flares and fireworks?
desu it's an ordinary thing here or anywhere in eastern europe really. But who fucking knows. I've been following a blog of one of the travelling supporters, he was excited about having a chance to clash with english ultras, they romanticize that shit.
Tg pd
kde blog ivan?
>Surely your fans planned something anyway otherwise why smuggle in the flares and fireworks
What the fuck does that have to do with violence? Flares and bangers are used frequently and they have no connection to violence.
>clash with english ultras
Unless they have a tardis or a delorean it wouldn't happen
i'm not sure google translate can handle the text but have at it
russians literally let a bomb off in the stadium
>country on high terrorist alert
>"let's bring in things that make loud bangs"
Not exactly the smartest of ideas
By the way the guy admits that english fans beat the fuck out of their group at the end of the day lel
guys, this is uefa's online feedback form. Let's all complain about englel ruining the euro for everybody and tainting football's image, and don't forget to ask for a 5 year ban from european and international competition. Add some personal story to it, like your son crying when england hooligans attacked those russian fans in the stadium and how now he is too scared to watch football any more. Make it credible and dramatic
We can do it, lads, we can get the eternal anglos banned
you done it to yourselves 'congratulations you played yousef'
It's France's fault then. Their securities should have took them away.
Little salty about gibraltar?
Why aren't you at the euros anyway? Not like you have a job to stay behind for
how is it possible to enjoy watching literally nothing happen for an entire 'game'
After the incident in Nice, certainly
Nice-ly put.
This is pretty pathetic even by Spanish standards
From what I read it says their groups ran away from the Brits and he had a head smashed with a bottle..
how is it possible to enjoy a sport that has commercial breaks every 3 minutes?
This guy seems more level-headed than i expected from a retard that traveled through the whole Europe just to fight other idiots. He even admits that they got beaten up because they attacked English crowd 5 times their size and says it was totally fair
top cringe
here's an excerpt from google translate:
We + - Dozens came to the rescue to fit into the time for the boys. There is a junction of the British fall in flies we hail shit. British's spilling out of pubs and jumping the waves at us. At one point per Russian accounting for 5-6 of the English who are staying. Behind heard sirens, police explode sound grenades and tear gas grenades. I turned around, and behind one, the two of us around the British's, begins to arrive from different directions. At some point my head on the bottle is broken. We understand that our retreat and run. Yes, yes it is run, British chase us neebicheskom drive. On the side we begin to press and take the police. We retiruemsya police already chopped with BT.
Let's go through the narrow streets of Marseille. As for me so this defeat. Unfortunately, we did not wait for all of our staff and fit for the Russian guys. We could not have acted differently and acted with scenario 1 to 5. British's driving, including the age of 25-30 years. When we realized that the little insolent and did stupid herd trampled us. British style pure water, but they are entitled to it. Our small number of our problems.
We are going back, but decide to diverge until tomorrow. British's snatched a lot today, but the final battle came after them.
I note above the passive action of the French police. Last time such large-scale disturbances and logging were in the Netherlands and Belgium in 2000. What a holiday street about football!
I'm afraid to imagine what will happen tomorrow - the day of the match when Marcel tighten all Russian hardcore. The main act cohesively and soberly assess their strength.
ps according to witnesses, British Millwall charged, do not want to dream, but it was cool to chop with a truly British hooligans, not the singing clowns
Why are the English always involved in these subhuman brawls?
Casual reminder that despite the banter on here and how we perceive opinions, Spain is the only European country that has an over 50% dislike rating of England and the U.K., and it's entirely because of Gibraltar
yeah exactly it's not thugs fighting in fits of drunk rage. It's guys who live that ultras shit.
This is some reddit-tier level of shilling.
how come russians on Sup Forums are so chill? the only people i see getting butthurt over this are the latin countries mainly (spain, france et al)
Based Brits and Russian bringing the bantz
They show us that footy is not only about slurping semen
Don't talk to me or my wife's boyfriend's son ever again
comes with having a reputation as hooligans that has it's roots in the 70s and 80s. plus working class english lads tend to act like scum abroad anyway. although these soft wannabe cunts aren't a shade on the actual firms of 20-30 years ago.
We Hispanics dont like anglos. You are our natural enemies.
Even Jidf and shillary drones would not do that.
also what else do they have desu?
It's a shame because I like Spain tbqh.
Nice words my son
No shit. In summer you ARE spain
Only the shitty designated parts though.
The beautiful parts of the spain are unknown to you
We like englel because the work and the benefits. The rest of the country is a depresing shithole full of perfidious and cold people.
I can see why you might think that but I'm actually middle class and as such my parents weren't the sort to go to Magaluf or Benidorm.
hahahahaha your welcome father. US stole us 4 states, and UK stole the falklands to Argentina.
2bh i feel for you spaniards who have to deal with our underclass trash every summer. Explains a lot of the hatred for us
>ps according to witnesses, British Millwall charged, do not want to dream, but it was cool to chop with a truly British hooligans, not the singing clowns
There you go. The guy's actually excited to fight a Millwall fan. Bet this will be the highlight of his trip.
>Tfw hooliganism was the last thing we had a good rep for but now we suck at it just like everything else we invent
fuck off with your SJW-tactics shit.
I know middle class brits and they are usually ok
But genarally brits here are massive cunts.
Money still comes in though
This is what we have to put up with, m8
Do you live by the coast? At any particular tourist hotspot?
But it was England? That's what the experts on Sup Forums keep telling me?
A-at least they contribute to the Spanish economy
We're pretty good at being fucking miserable m80
I've seen it first hand mate. I know how deviant it is.
Was in Mallorca over the easter with two friends. There's some great restaurants elsewhere.
Why are the Russians blaming English fans when it's clear to everybody that they are the ones who provoked them to create chaos?
Na but Ive been there a couple of times
This summer im going on tour to mallorca
Here in madrid everything is pretty calm. Lots of americans and chinks
meh, have you read uefa regulations? best case scenario is a €50k fine to russian football union. worst case is an empty russian sector with slovakia. moral of they story: anglos are pathetic uppity btches playing victims whenever getting slapped in their ugly inbred ratfaces
>chat shit
>get banged
>trample your own women and children running away from 50 Russians
Englels lel
Yeah, we all know m8. Sorry about it, least you get a few quid out of it eh?
>This summer im going on tour to mallorca
whereabouts in Mallorca are you planning to visit?
England should get fined as well
To be honest, Mallorca is a breathtakingly beautiful place with great culture and gastronomy. Germans and Brits are simply confined to a few places where they don't disturb the rest of the island.
It's not a very big island m8
>Milner not able to deal with a player running in a single direction
>ali ducking it
>smalling ducking it
>Hart stranded
At least Rose mounted a challenge
beach to do what u guys do but without being total rude subhumans
Not magaluf