So, what's going to happen the next time the World Cup is held in USA and the hooligans start rioting...

So, what's going to happen the next time the World Cup is held in USA and the hooligans start rioting, when about 95% of the country has a concealed carry permit? Will the streets run red with freedom and glory of the 2nd Amendment?

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them hooligans wont have the money to travel to the US.

Why would hooligans travel to the US? It's far away and more expensive than many of them can afford, insanely boring and way too spread out.

Euros are perfect for hooligans because Europe is tiny so you can easily travel across it to watch matches. Sadly Euro 2020 will be trash-tier.

They will be stopped at the border and sent back on the next available flight, a privilege French authorities do not have because of muh EU and muh HUMAN RIGHTS.

No rioting through Copa so far. Would the World Cup be that different?

Think about it this way: It's mutch mroe expensive to fly to the US from Europe/South America than it is within Europe itself.

Thus, you end up with less trash and non-existent hooliganism

lol it costs less than my asshole to get to France from the UK

to get over here would set you back around 5k pounds with hotel accommodation tickets and food

Why would anyone willingly go to a 3rd word country unless it was to give aid?

According to this post EU has more freedom than USA

Another thing is that the cities that would actually host matches don't have European-style layouts. You can't exactly go on a drunken rampage if the public squares aren't surrounded by bars.

In some cities you don't even have many public spaces (Houston, Phoenix, etc.)

Since when is not being able to stop foreign known criminals at the border freedom?

they are sending registered offenders back at the border. they just have to rely on info from other countries on them hooligans.

and French police are just as Nazi-like as US police so whats the diff.

>95% percent of the population has a cc permit
I know this is exaggerated but there are only around 2-4 million cc permit holders in the country and most of them live in irrelevant flyover States. Most of the matches would be played in either Cali or NYC which doesn't allow cc.

noboby riots in burgerland,, everybody is fed and happy

Games would be held in big cities. Chicago, LA, New York, Philladelphia, San Francisco etc all have some of the strictest gun laws in the country so nothing would happen unless the hooligans run into some nigger gangs.

And if nigger gangs and hooligans start killing each other then we're all winners

anyhow, seriously doubt citizens would be shooting into groups of people. so it would hardly make any diff.

I could MAYBE see niggers protesting and beating up tourists because they're upset no one watches their shitty rigged sports anymore.


what do you mean cities dont have public spaces ?

Hooligans woudn't travel that far + too expensive. Just look at the WC in Brazil.


Parks, sqaures, etc. Most amerifats cities are just swaths of private surface parking lots. Makes the city extremely unwelcoming and unlivable but it keeps the drunks away.

>World Cup in Brazil
>Brazil is dangerous, shithole
>Everything is perfect.

Eurocup hosted by a "1º first world country"
>Just one week.
>Shit police who "trained" for weeks and can't even take care of some street thugs.

Tell me what happened Sup Forums.

Also i dont there being riots in euro 2004, so i think hooligans just have enough cash to cross the channel and not much else.

oh, thats...interesting

you seem to underestimate the britbongs.

>nightclub shooting in Florida
Didn't even click the link but I bet my ass it has something to do with narcos.

gay/tranny nightclub. 20 dead.

>Most amerifats cities are just swaths of private surface parking lots.

? I guess you've never been to NY, Chicago, Philly, LA, SF, Seattle...

The fans were busy chasing bunda.

So some Sup Forumsfag decided to shoot some gay people because they triggered him?

no, it looks like the shooter was a Muslim. Although I guess that counts as a Sup Forumstard.

Being gay is degenerate lad.

I live in Chicago. Most Midwest/sun-belt cities fit that description though


>it looks like the shooter was a Muslim
+5% in Trump support in the next wave of polls

>Most Midwest/sun-belt cities fit that description though

well if you're being completely literal, yeah, "most" cities in the US have populations under 400,000 so they aren't very metropolitan. The cities that would likely host a big international event like this have plenty of public spaces near the fields. Soldier Field is right by downtown, and really close to bars, Grant Park, etc.

FBI confirmed the shooter had leanings toward that ideology. Plus bomb squad and devices found scattered and around the shooter. Too much for a Sup Forumstard to do. See Dylan roof. Well, he was a redditor though

French police is a joke and this shit wouldn't happen in most countries let alone USA. There is a reason why terrorists decide to attack France mostly.
>video related

There wont be no fighting as Americans can actually organise a sporting event.

The french Authorities have shown their utter incompetence this tournament. I Can see why there's so many fucking terrorist attacks over there now police and security are a joke.

Hey guys, there is a board for discussing shootings and muslims and degeneracy, it's called Sup Forums, you should check it out!

Are Holland in the Euros?

I was just merely correcting my American brother. Don't be so triggered. But to be on topic, you'll and anyone will be safe coming to a match in the states. Most americans don't care for soccer here including basketball americans.

>doesn't post the version with GOAT music

How can we Fix France lads?

Sup Forums BTFO

not really, because in Brazil this has happens 10x a week. It's just not news there because it's so common.


>comparing a dumb street brawl between drunken fans with murderous gangs and a virus that will fuck up your children if you ever have them.

>95% have CC permit

You mean, have the option to apply for one? Or what? I can make up percentages too.
>100% of Fins are faggots

works for me

>football hooligans dead
>douchebags who have watched too many movies and think they're Dirty Harry in jail


>this semen slurping sport
>hosted in a country where gays get killed

Qatar is unironically more safer than that shithole

Most cities do not have concealed carry.

guess you've never actually been to la. there's more public areas than any other city in the us.

>Just as Nazi-like
>American police kills as much people in one year than French police use a gun.

Yeah... that's actually true.

>muh concealed carry

>mass shootings never get stopped until SWAT arrive

has an american with a gun ever actually prevented a crime

This is the average soccer fan in America.

There's going to be a lot of cops outside the soccer field or whatever you call it. This isn't Europe where you can get away with rioting. These are whites and Latinos who you can shoot and beat freely with no problem. Now African games will be treated differently of course.


>seriously doubt citizens would be shooting into groups of people
no really?????????????

>confirmed for suburban filth


lad, a train over to france is a few quid, a plane ticket to the US is about £1500

>Mudslimes start to shoah faggots
>Libtard Civil War commences


it was a mudshit you stupid cuck

this is strange. I mean, yurocucks are known to be effeminate push overs just look at how they've spread their cheeks to mudslimes yet they chimp out over the most boring and predictable sport in the world.

Implying guns won't be banned by then. It's at least 10 years away


Also, the american hooligans dont give enough of a fuck about soccer to riot or fuck shit up over it. It will basically just be a big party with the world cup on tv as background noise

>be me, a russian/french/slav/etc at euros 2016
>drunk brit says he won the war
>rip off shirt and throw a chair at him
>get tear gassed
>miss the breadline

such is life in europe