Well done merkel

Well done merkel.


I thought knives were outlawed in Germany?

Islam is a religion of peace and if you read the article it says the attacker was mentally ill

only if you are an infidel. if you are a refugee, they give you one at the border during your welcoming ceremony

>the torygraph
Fuck off

All Muslims are mentally ill.



Wasn't even a Muslim. Just a lunatic who pretend to be a Muslim.

>mfw I know this guy in person
>mfw I have no face

Yet I can post his story if you want.

Can it hippy, go take a shower and get a job cucknut

Go ahead, user.

plz share

lol u fucks and your confirmation bias gtfo and go back to pol

Shouldn't you be out learning sharia law or something?

>is nice guy
>cant get laid
>hates niggers and sand niggers
>faps to traps
>tries getting one on craigslist
>cant get hard
>kills self

shouldnt you be crying in a corner about men in caves?

>Man says he's a muslim
>You tell him he isn't

Thats called gaslighting, m8.

Wrong person cuck


This happens if you let in muslims in to your country

Sorry, faggot. Have this ass as compensation.


I want to hear anons story

Well, I met him about 10 years ago when we have practiced Muay Thai together. His mother died of drug overdose and his father ran off so he grew up with his aunt and uncle. It was no secret that he also took all kinds of drugs and his favorite music was Death Metal. He dropped out of school in the 9 th grade and never had a job. Sometime our instructor felt pity for him and gave him a job clean the gym. When he was 16 or so he was banging his 30 year old neighbor who was married by the way. After the husband found out, he got into a fight with him and he bit the husband's ear off. He made parole and paid a fine for that. Sometime later he started dealing drugs and weapons (including hand grenades) from Eastern Europe (he is Russian btw). After he got caught he only had to pay another fine thanks to the German criminal justice system. And sometime he became a hustler. That was the time I never heard from him again. Our instructor told me that and that he was in psychiatric treatment. That was about 4 or 5 years ago. Oh and sometime we went to Manchester, UK to fight there. He then walked before us and hid in a corner waiting for us. Then he jumped out and tried to scare us with a knife. We were like: WTF, dude! Put that knife away! Nobody knew where that knife came from anyways. He has always been talking weird stuff and laughed about everything for minutes, even if it wasn't funny at all.
So, that's all I know from him.


Sorry about the grammar mistakes. I'm stoned.

Was he religious at all?

I think he once told me that he was agnostic but I'm not sure. The last time I heard from him was about 5 years ago.

Crazy man.

Oh and I think he also got molested by his uncle while he was growing up with him. So he was just another Sup Forumstard.


dirty stinking sand nigger detected

Fuck sandniggers

There is a method to the madness