You are in a crowded bus.She is standing right in front of you.Would you grind your hard cock against her hot ass?

You are in a crowded bus.She is standing right in front of you.Would you grind your hard cock against her hot ass?

moar faggot

why is her hand white?

>inb4 edgy 14yr olds
I know YOU wouldn't. I know I wouldn't. I know no one who's posted in this thread would.

not everyone's a nigger, Tyrone

No, I wouldn't.
I would stare at her, and I would try to be discrete about it (and probably fail), but I wouldn't do anytning like that.

>bump hard cock on ass
>try to pull down her leggings

>she hits you in the cock
>she calls you out
>mob throw you off bus
>complete humiliation

>she gets scared
>runs to other end
>alerts mob
>calls police
>spend 5-10 in jail
>sex offenders register foar life

>OP's face when reality hits

I'd slap dat ass so hard the bitch's pelvis would shatter

if i had a cock, fuck yes.

Id grind between those butt cheeks so hard it would cause a fire from the friction.



On the un-photoshoped version of this pic, sure.

>she screams rape as loud as she can
>pulls out cellphone and record
>OP's face is all over the daily news

I love when girls push against my dick in the bus, it gets me so turned on


I would just gently rub up against her, not milk it overly and make it obvious. But would defiantly rub my cock on it for a quick second

We're not on reddit, friend. While this place is overran with underage edgelords there are still one or two twisted fucks lurking. I am not one of them, but lose the holier than thou fucking attitude you fucking nigger.

also is there some kind of porn/creepshots about that?

That sounds the most realistic of all:)


no, because she's not asking for it

No, I would talk to her and see if we are on the way to the same gym.
If we are not going to the same gym I would ask about her gym, then make small talk about mine then change the subject.
Before getting off the bus I'd get her phone number and see if she wants to go out with my wife and I some time.

What a fag

>the neck beard is big


is it a video?

No I'm not some sort of straight faggot you fucking pleb


Leave fag

i was on holiday in nyc once and was walking up the stairs outta the subway thinking about whatever and in front of me was this hot mulatto business woman in a skirt and she had a nice ass. i didnt notice any of this. then the way ahead was blocked and she stopped in front of me and i bumped into her and i could feel my dick pushing into and indenting her buttocks. she turned around and gave me a mean look. for a split second i thought about apologizing but then i was scared she would make a scene so i just stared straight ahead and pretended nothing happended. am i autistic? i felt really bad about it but also it was kinda hot. sorry.

that because it happened on a new york subway kek

Who the fuck can anyone be passionate about gym?? The only argument is bro aesthetics fuck bitchez dominate im god zyzz fuark, but thats not even your case. Fucking kill yourself

I'd berry my dick so far inside her ass whoever could pull it out would be crowned king arthur
