Nothing happening edition
Nothing happening edition
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>Will Griggs scores
I thought PSG supporters were going to do something.
mods plz
With all the destruction on furniture and stuff, do the pubs still turn a profit from this?
Only if they paid the beer. I guess not.
>a french qt police woman
Is there like a stream of this or some shit? I just want to watch the world burn.
waiting eagerly for Poland v. Ukraine in Marseilles, shits gonna go down
It's ogre
Is this euro kino?
It's not covering Euro anymore. But stay with yesterday's stream.
German fans are in France and shout Heil Hitler and Hitler greetings
Do they not get along?
I thought Germany-Poland would be a bigger worry.
Nothing wrong with that.
The roman salute is very common even today, esp in the middle east.
>mfw plebs thinks this is horrible instead of pure enjoyment
oh yeah they hate each other big time because of UPA, Wolyn and muh Lwow
has anyone ever watched this film? how was it?
inb4 germans with "wir sind wieder einmarschiert" or "frankreichtour 2016" shirts
Western Ukraine supports UPA which is responsible for ethnic cleansings of Poles in Wolhynia and Podolia - up to 200000 people murdered, Poles answered with mass expulsions of Ukrainians and forced polonisation of what was left. Russians are playing on both events, setting both nations against each other.
Fuck yes.
Wouldn't Russia-Ukraine be better?
Then there's no cure for your delusion.
All PSG fans do is banter and get rekt.
They're basically the anglos of France.
we are friends with Germans now.
5 euro per pint
Each Englishman drinks 10
The pub visited by a few hundred
So let's say a few thousand quid revenue, not bad
uefa will bann russia and/or england if there will be another happing with their fans
>English chav shit start fights everywhere
>they get their shit pushed in
>now they're the victims
Their firms were disbanded years ago, they have very little numbers now.
The only cities with "hools" in France are Lille and Lyon.
england is going to get banned when their fans get attacked again
just watch
German fans hit cars and make noise. French and ukrainian police watch
Yeah those antique plastic garden chairs are worth a fortune Oy Vey!
not illegal in france
i can't wait m8
This guy got it right
It's true that every englishman pay his drinks?
based cologne user
It's pretty cheeky. Doesn't take itself too seriously thus making it the best hoolie film
Waiting for it.
English delusion sub edition:
Smiffy @SmiffyMFC 1h1 hour ago
If I didn't have a kid to think about. I'd be out there now.
Smiffy @SmiffyMFC 1h1 hour ago
I'd either be arrested or killed. I know that for a fact, that's why I have to stay here
Actually it is, but at this point we don't even care. Just riot along already and stop the cocktease foreplay, even anglos got in the brawl.
>lose next game
>incite a riot to make it look they unfairly got kicked out instead of just plain old failing
>reminder to anyone reading this
in the UK if you get arrested at a football game for instance for running on the pitch throwing a bottle onto the pitch etc
you will be banned from travelling abroad to watch england and will be required to hand your passport into your local police station days before the day of the game to stop you doing so
moar from smiffy:
Smiffy @SmiffyMFC 47m47 minutes ago
We will get revenge. Say what you want about England. Okay, we've been done there. But we are the best. Pretty sure we will have our revenge
That's the Lannisters dude
>dress like englel fan with englel flag
>cause trouble
>get their fans and team banned from competition
someone is going to do it
Slightly offtopic, but how does one mussie kill 50 good gay men and wound 50 more? Why wouldn't anyone tackle him?
Genuinely think we will get thrown out, because there is no way the rioting/fighting will stop
east german neo nazis are in france
>Not asking for payment up front
It is like you dont get tourists in Moortugal
fire up the bombers
that slav squat but still with german robust husky bodies
it looks very strange
They were just being nice to the guy, you know, being tolerant and diverse in the Ramadan season.
dohoho time to end those petty shenanigans I say old chap.
>Good gay
Can anybody tell me the origins of these riots? Why is it England and Russia? There were no evident problems between the two countries in recent years, so why is this happening now?
and nobody is talking about it here. censorship everywhere
slav squat is with heels touching the ground
Some chimpout happened in Lille
>Why wouldn't anyone tackle him?
that would be islamophobic
Imagine the fucking faces of the people of Dresden if suddenly 75 old Lancasters would pop up during of the day, flown by some veterans
> 100 000 English fans go to Marseille
> Only 25 000 have a ticket for the match
Surely they're only here to enjoy the weather
many slavs are in the nazi scene in east germany
Maga lads on tour vs Russians being Russians
apparently German fans attacked Ukrainian in Lille
>Englels getting rekt by Russia.
Ok, this has all to do with hooligan culture but basically english hooligans are seen as the international 'top dogs' as inventors of 'hooliganism', so basically every nation wants to fight with them as it gives you vred. And the russian hooligans have always been known as some of the craziest in all of football.
they want to have a fight, and the locals happily indulge
oh god, germans will get btfo
Probably going to try create Heysel 2.0
Jfc it's like every soccer fan is from Philadelphia.
We don't have any beef with the Russians, it was just ultras trying to start shit. Fight would've probably started no matter who they played.
There's only like a 100 of Russian fans(if even that many, in basically every video and report it's like 20-30 against hundreds, but that might be different groups) that are doing this, but they came prepared and just want to find the English because they're proud hooligans i guess fighting against fat brits is a pinnacle of your life.
Before that it was drunken English vs Police, but narrative has changed
are the germans really attacking the ukrainians right now?
How do you tell euros apart? Don't all of you wear soccer jerseys with Capri pants anyway? Do you just go by worse dental hygiene?
only a small group
Russians have the worst dental hygiene in the world so probably
> Englos thinks they can banter everywhere, because "we wuz hooligans and shit"
> Marseillais don't take any of this shit
> The butthurt anglos will tell you it was only achmeds, wich is quite unlikely since all football gangs are multiracials, their identify as Marseillais, not as Arabs, blacks, white, chinks...
> And this very fact is why they defended their city against those filthy chavs.
> Russians, polite as they always are when visting a foreign country, provided help.
That's all there's to know really
Brit hooligans genuinely look sub-human, dayum inbreeding is a helluva drug
>this coming from a brit
100 well prepared 180+cm, 80+kg hooligans > 500 civilians
yes some of them, but police stopped chimpout, i'll try to find the video
Is it 1950 or something?
please do
England shit up Marseilles as usual, but didn't really have the quality of old to back it up when the locals were offended. Russians came to fight England, and absolutely rekt them.
It's not over though, rumours of big comeback upcoming in Lens as even the banned ones here are trying to get abroad, and some Russians admitted they got trashed overnight.
According to your healthcare probably.
Bonglish are red from sunburns and from drinking their 47th beer of the day, and they talk in Bonglish.
Russians wear tracksuits, don't have beer bellies, and talk in Russian.
In case of doubt, hit anyway, the guys probably did something blameworthy in any case.