ITT: movies you couldn't finish
ITT: movies you couldn't finish
it was decent, but he got schooled by rodriguez 2bh
Wrong board.
That said, I've attempted to watch attached at least four or five times and never made it more than 40 minutes.
Shit, when did I leave the sports board? Can someone point me back in the right direction?
>he didnt see the 17 minute car chase at the end
One of the wost "serious" films i've ever seen
Brick's decent bro, you should stick with it.
I could see the dialogue being pretty difficult if English isn't your first language though.
Fuck off
i thought it was 2 pretentious art-house.
i mean i get it it is noir movie in highschool, but it doesn't matter because no one acts like that in highschool.Maybe i am just overthinking and it is 2deep4me
>not liking Tarankino
bad taste hans
I only watched this because of mew
Same though, only bit that wasn't awful was the scene with Down in Mexico.
It is pretentious, but good story and nice characters.
neighbours 2
Big lebowski
Boring and unfunny piece of shit
the latest Bond movie,it's been sitting on my screen for a month,
I was tempted to drop The Revenant desu
shaolin soccer
I actually kinda liked that film.
Fuck you
Big Lebowski was ok for half an hour, but got old fast
I've heard it's supposed to be decent enough and I really like the subject matter, but can't get through it man.
same desu
any porn film
I actually see a lot of ends of porn because I'm a skipper
>not skipping to find the positions you like best and then skipping to the end if you're not gonna cum to the video
I don't remember it being overwhelmingly shite or anything. I do enjoy a good mission to mars/moon/arse end of marseille Sci fi though
Feel-good bullshit with the kind of humour French housewives must love.
Under the Skin
Only Lovers Left Alive
Upstream Cover
In the Mood for Love
2001 Space Odyssey
Valhalla Rising
Only God Forgives
>Watching porn