Hey b what is this spot on my gums?

Hey b what is this spot on my gums?

Its not a canker sore. Its been there quite a few months and is painless.

I saw a dentist recently and he pointed it out to me as well but didnt seem to know.

Dentist didn't know? What a fucking idiot mongoloid. It's probably nothing man. Don't worry. Could just be discoloration.

>dentist doesnt know
>expect people on Sup Forums to know

Sup Forums has yet to fail me


Inb4 cancer.

herpes doesnt last for months and forms outside the mouth


the dentist didn't fucking know? that's mouth cancer. a sore anywhere in the mouth that doesn't heal for months is likely mouth cancer.

what kind of ghetto-ass dentist do you see!? mexico?

i use a dentist in the ghetto lol.

your gums are withering away
that's the root of your tooth showing.
get a good dentist and visist him asap.

canker sore you fucking twats

>"Nah nigga, you straight. Here, have a lollipop, fam."

if dubs, pop it with a needle


he literally had a hangover from going to vegas for my initial visit.

you do know that the roots of the teeth are sunk into the jaw, right?


its not a boil.

>canker sore
What is it flying or something you stupid faggot

do you know what canker means?


because a real canker sore is cancer. and real canker (cancer) sores last for months. mouth cancer. do some research you damnable pederast.

different pic

it is not an ulcer.

how interesting... it's almost as if your gums are degenerating. just look at how thin that gum tissue's become.

show your upper gums immediately.


Deteriorating gums? That's total bullshit. Does the tissue move when you try to nudge it or does feel rigid?

rigid, doesnt seem recessed, slightly prominent

Dentist here, OP is dying.

its irritation if you brush really hard on your gums thats what happends

My first thought was lipoma, but if it's rigid it's hard to say. I would really recommend seeing a otolaryngologist.

Again, just jk.

If it's firm and doesn't hurt, it's probably just bone. I'm not sure if it's the same term in english but in spanish it's called an exostosis.

Also, learn how to brush properly, those gums are disgusting.

Just gums thin in that area. My sisters looked like that from teeth movement and eventually formed a hole that almost needed a skin graft because of braces.

How peculiar, because the upper gums are suffering from inflammation. but the lower gums have degenerated and become extremely thin.

do you take prednisone? do you have any autoimmune diseases?

I recently was infected with HIV

good call

> kek
Actual dentist here, what you have is a gingivitus homocecas
In other words you're gay

See a Dr....if a dentist doesn't recognize it as loss of gum tissue see an ear nose throat Dr.

not true dumb fuck, canker doesnt mean cancer. You can have canker sores without it being cancer. You should do your own research.

You have gum disease faggot, stop smoking and eating like shit. Brush your teeth.

Change your habits, your slide # 1

Dentists tell you not to brush your gums because it causes receding. Mouthwash is for cleaning gums. Not OP.