Picswap thread continued

picswap thread continued

Post what you get, repost favorites from other threads

Other urls found in this thread:







Picswap. Org/success
Free pics




literal shilling

some spanish fucker @dowrow on twitter, shilling his site on Sup Forums every few hours to try and make a quick buck off of us.

user, just use Sup Forums. its an image board. share pics here.


just one spanish fuck, putting 19 scripts, 2 ad services, and generally wasting your fucking time.

appreciate the bumps mate, how's that stick feel in your ass?

horseporn just isn't enough for you these days? you have to publicly humiliate yourself to get off? I get it, Sup Forums fucks people up.


dude no one cares. it's cool that you don't understand why people like this site, but your posts just make you look like cancer.

ooh and the instadiego this time! I feel so honored to have an actual shitstain talking to me. how much money you making off the retards this time, doesn't look like much. A few cents?

oh, and your site is vulnerable to XSS ;D

same diego castano is same.

keep the bumps coming! Again, it's not my site, my names not diego, and you can do whatever you want with the shitty site. you do understand it takes all of thirty minutes to make a site just like that one?

you are single handedly keeping this thread on the front page. I can't think of any way you could help us out more.

woaaaaa you're not diego? I really believe you! I'll gladly let this post be on the front page if everyone scrolls to the bottom and sees how cancerous you are to the community, mate. if pictureswap is so easy (especially when you're just script-kidding your way through some bootstrap and javascript libraries), then delete the site and try again. It sucks. Although I wouldn't expect much better from University of Madrid.