Cubs @ Braves Game 3 official Game thread

Since no one made a thread, you get to deal with this.

let's go cubs

And the rape train is starting up early.

comfy sunday ball games are the best

What the fuck

Lester won't be in long

John Lackey is for sure autistic, holy shit

How many balks does Gant have in his career

What is this little league game

We /LittleLeague/ now

>so many errors this weekend

This ump is actively trying to piss off Lester

Like a fucking carnival.

Who /developingstockholmsyndrometowardsJD/ here?

Blink twice if you're being held against your will

somebody explain to me how the fuck gant's delivery is legal. i know it's only a balk if there's a runner(s) on base, but how is he allowed to go into the windup, step back down, and go into it again?

A pitcher is restricted to a certain set of motions and one of two basic pitching positions before and during a pitch; if these regulations are violated with one or more runners on base, an umpire may call a balk.

With a runner on base and the pitcher on or astride (with one leg on each side of) the rubber, under Official Baseball Rules, it is a balk[2] when the pitcher:

switches his pitching position from the windup to the set (or vice versa) without properly disengaging the rubber;
while on the rubber, makes a motion associated with his pitch and does not complete the delivery;
when pitching from the set position, fails to make a complete stop with his hands together before beginning to pitch;
throws from the mound to a base without stepping toward (gaining distance in the direction of) that base;
throws or feints a throw from the rubber to an unoccupied base, unless a play is imminent;
steps or feints from the rubber to first base without completing the throw;
delivers a quick return, a pitch thrown right after receiving the ball back, with intent to catch the batter off-guard;
drops the ball while on the rubber, even if by accident, if the ball does not subsequently cross a foul line;
while intentionally walking a batter, releases a pitch while the catcher is out of his box with one or both feet
unnecessarily delays the game
pitches while facing away from the batter;
after bringing his hands together on the rubber, separates them except in making a pitch or a throw;
stands on or astride the rubber without the ball, or mimics a pitch without the ball; or
attempts to throw to a fielder in a spot not directly at a base

seems legal but shoudnt be

He's allowed to do whatever the fuck he wants with no men on base. Like Len said earlier on the cubs broadcast, he could do 8 leg kicks if he wanted to. It's as simple as that.

Incoming intentional bean ball next inning from Lester. Stay tuned

What the ever living fuck was that Folwer?

That wasn't even going fast or bouncing.

4 fucking errors in ONE game

>barves completely incapable of capitalizing on all these errors

Based Bill Murray

Get Bill out of the heat before he turns to dust

can Bill Murray announce for every game? This is gold


My fantasy team would have like that homer

that whole Dan Akroyd story was sublime. Yeah the hardest would be the spelling. I tried spelling it on the fly. did i do good?

Big deal Braves

Probably would have struck out anyway

it hit his cup
>double tap

kris should have got that

Sucks like hell he's forced to shill for that awful new Ghostbuster reboot under threat of lawsuit from Sony.

No it's Aykroyd...
Jesus, what's that y doing in there?
>cubs in charge of fielding

>stadium is literally nothing but cub faggots

>Guy in a Gnats jersey at the game
What the fuck?

>Barves in charge of having fans

Coghlan confirmed elite again


300 RBIs

ty based grandpa

is Coghlan the happiest man in America

>be a part of last year's team
>banished to oakland
>clearly depressed, hitting like .150
>all of a sudden back with his bros on the best team in baseball

I wish there was video of him getting the news

Why are the Braves such a bunch of whiny spics?

Just take your loss and go away. You're not going to amount to anything this year anyway.


>reviewing when a guy was just standing in the baseline

what is this sport becoming

what in the actual fuck

he was literally standing upright in the baseline, it's a rule you have to slide now?

How come the Cubs matchthreads aren't as active as other boreball threads?

Watching the game rare flag man, also we're just going through the same motions of shitting on Heyward, the bullpen when they blow the Run Differential and whatever Cub is currently going through a slump.

Plus Cubs fans tend to act reactively to banter as opposed to being proactively involved.

>Plus Cubs fans tend to act reactively to banter as opposed to being proactively involved.

this is true, we are usually too drunk to incite banter

inb4 lester salami

>Commit a fuckton of errors
>Leave countless people stranded on base
>Still keep the other team from scoring and win
I am confused as to how this happens.

Was it Lester or Lacky who comes off as the autistic rager?

MFW Lester is the new Ace

Outside of Hammel our starters are all elite.

Braves this year are the biggest piece of shit




hey a dinger

>Braves fans try to start a rally chanting 'Let's go Bra-aves!'
>Gets drowned out by 'let's go Cub-ies!' by the 4 chant

Tell me someone got a picture Murry after the Baez homerun


How can one team be so >barfs ?

>cubes saying goodbye to turner field in style

Would you believe it if I told you the cubs made 4 errors in this game?

> be cubs
> have 4 errors
> only give up one (1) run.
How havnt braves fans committed suicide already?

Don't get a false sense of security from beating the Barves, literally the worst team in baseball this year.

Cubs tend to play at the level of their opponents. I mean they've committed 7 errors in the last 2 games against them and won them both

Actually the white cux have that title locked down.

Atlanta fans are very used to disappointment in every sport. At least the Barves didn't give us the hope of making the playoffs, only to get shit on, this year like every other Atlanta team does.

12 of the Cubs losses are to teams under .500

not to mention its 13-1 rn

Atlanta and Minnesota both have 18-43 records the White Sox have a 31-32 record. Pretty sure quantitatively Atlanta is tied for worst team in the league.

bullpen at it again





Fair enough, just didn't want any Cubs fans thinking it's a good sign to be up 13-1 against Atlanta. Didn't want you guys to get your hopes up to have them beaten down by someone decent or good or really just not Atlanta shitty.

when will these selfish teams learn

> he thinks records actually qualify a team as worst or best.

>Ump calling meme strikes on the Cubs
>Tightening up the zone when the Barfs are up to bat

Tell me why this guy is actively trying to lengthen the game and fuck >our differential

>he doesn't read the word quantitatively
>also Barves are the worst

Lol don't care. Nice try fag

We're beating down teams with winning records left and right, last time we faced the Neets (Next cubs Opponents), we swept them.

>tfw you remember fedora is on the team

>Heyward has gotten on base for all his at batts
Did they sacrifice a chicken to Heyward's voodoo god?

they sacrificed soler

Good for you guys, don't know a whole lot about the Cubs this season. Good luck and all that shit.

>fuck it we're still putting hector in

>Bringing in the closer in a 13-2 BTFO game

Suck a dick Barf niggers

Yeah, almost all their loses have come to teams with records below .500 and to what are normally considered shitty pitchers. But of those games, almost all of them were losses by 1 or 2 runs.

I think the lose to the Braves in this series was the largest margin of defeat for the Cubs this season.


Care to explain why does that happen? Do they use those games to rest their players or something?


baseball is a weird sport

The Cubs have incredible depth for their roster where a lot of their bench players would be starters on other teams. They have a tendency to play at the level of their opponents and not take games against weaker teams as seriously, or they overthink things and shit the bed. You have to remember, there are a lot of games in the season so individual loses don't matter as much too.

The roster is also still very young. And baseball is a weird sport. There are only 14 teams that have ever finished with a .700 winning percentage or better. The Cubs have had outstanding pitching all year, but they still aren't great every day, and hitting especially ebbs and flows.