>Northern """""""""""""""""""""""""""Ireland"""""""""""&q

Is Northern Ireland an actual nation? In what way can you brits justify its existence as anything more than a lousy excuse for the British to maintain presence in Ireland

I was truly surprised to see that NI was still real, I thought that problem was sorted out years ago

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i dont know bolivia. i just dont know


right? boggles my mind

It's not a "problem" anymore. The Irish republic conceded that the British will never leave Northern Ireland and now we're all good friends again.

i dont know lithuania. i just dont know

Can someone explain why each constituent country in the UK has their own team? Why not just have Team UK like in the Olympics?


Northern Irish are Brits though, your question is invalid.

Northern Irish are Irish, the clue is in the name lmao


>tfw a chair turns your eye into a black girl's pussy

Eternal anglo at it again

They actually dont have an official flag

Literally who?

That way they have 3 times more chances to win the euro

At least they have sea.


t. Shithead Catholic

But it dilutes talent. One good team is more likely to win than multiple mediocre/bad teams

>the highlight reel for Northern Ireland was only 10 seconds long

Because there's too much national pride from each country. For example, Scotland and England have been bitter football rivals since the 19th century. Scotland would never want to join up with England. It's just pretty much impossible that it will ever happen.

Out of Ireland, N. Ireland & Wales, only Bale would make it to the English NT so it doesn't change much, really


you missed the memo.... the Northern Irish see themselves as British

Southern Ireland's won't be much longer tomorrw

>18 shots
>1 goal


Jesus Christ, you people have been joined together since 1707 and you still can't get along

>you have to be religious to be a nationalist


That's because all the other nations that aren't England have a chip on their shoulder about England.

Fucking Europeans and their long-ass grudges

t. Dellusional Anglican

More easily explainable by saying that they're intruder brits who just can't get out of Ireland


We either don't give a fuck about the others or actually like them, meanwhile they sit there seething with anger because they're irrelevant and rely on us for everything.

Le Irish bus parking

The real problem is that these fake nations are denying other real nations to participate

no we don't

t. wales

Also, each team has their own national stadium, and if they formed a UK team there would be constant arguments about where home games should be played. The Scots would be constantly whining about having to travel 9 hours to London to watch a game.

They're not real nations if they can't even qualify when half of UEFA gets in.

We've got a habit of cucking countries like this

>more than a lousy excuse for the British to maintain presence in Ireland
It stopped being of any strategic importance decades ago.
The vast majority of Brits would rather we just gave it back, many think we already did.
We and Ireland are good lads these days so we both just leave the Northern Irish to their games.

I was just memeing

He's from South America though, he's almost guranteed to be Catholic

Because when association football developed on the British Isles, we only had eachother to play against in terms of international teams - this is the case with many sports coded in the UK. Each nation of the UK set up their own FA, which led to the creation of the IFAB...

>IFAB is made up of representatives from each of the United Kingdom's pioneering football associations—England's Football Association (The FA), the Scottish Football Association (SFA), the Football Association of Wales (FAW) and Northern Ireland's Irish Football Association (IFA)—and Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the international governing body for football. Each UK association has one vote and FIFA has four. IFAB deliberations must be approved by three-quarters of the vote, which translates to at least six votes. Thus, FIFA's approval is necessary for any IFAB decision, but FIFA alone cannot change the Laws of the Game—they need to be agreed by at least two of the UK members
>The International Football Association Board (IFAB) is the body that determines the Laws of the Game of association football. IFAB was founded in 1886 to agree standardised Laws for international competition, and has since acted as the "guardian" of the internationally used Laws; since its establishment in 1904 FIFA, the sport's top governing body, has recognised IFAB's jurisdiction over the Laws.


The FAs of the UK guard their independence closely, and it's why despite the GBR men and women qualifying for the Rio Olympics, we won't be sending them because the Scottish FA have blocked it.


This is actually a good response

In reality I'm a >fedora atheist, religious scum GTFO my boards REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

No, but really, not catholic, just think the very existence of NI is non-sensical

your country doesn't even have water

>since 1886

Jesus Christ even baseball has modernized since then, and the whole point of baseball is that it's a peaceful, old-timey game

British people living in British land.

> "Intruder"

I'm pretty sure Northern Ireland could beat Bolivia.

>British people living on Irish land are not intruders

Why so butthurt?

Did a Protestant bully you or something?

The rules of football go back a bit further to 1848 with the Cambridge rules, the IFAB is for the international laws of the game. No one else was really playing soccer all that much before the 1880s apart from the likes of England vs. Scotland all the time.


They could just settle the issue completely by giving it to us

We're currently in the longest stretch in American history without having added any new states, and the most likely option (Puerto Rico) is broke



Best response I've seen here yet



Northern Ireland is a money pit. They milk us and give nothing back.
The Republic of Ireland in contrast is an extremely useful economic ally. Rather ironic considering our history.
Northern Ireland is a mistake.

(Most of) the people in Northern Ireland have always wanted to be a part of Britain, so they've chosen to be so. The rest of Ireland wanted independence so that's what they did.

I guess it's just a cultural difference.

Do you actually need more inbred hillbilly born again christian retards who think the earth is 6000 years old?

And your... eh, jurisdiction? can't even freely elect their leaders

Blue masterrace here

Is that all you can say retard?

Mate the British had a presence in Ireland before your shitty country even existed

Maybe that's why?


Do they have natural resources? Viable industries?

Better than inbred Pagan pseudo-Christian Catholics

Because we invented football (in its modern form).

The home countries (England, Wales, Scotland, and originally Ireland) were the first football associations to play international matches.

These four countries still have 50% control over the rules of the game (FIFA has the other 50%). They sit on this board called IFAB which is above FIFA.

They only have Englands dole

If you're so bummed out about living in North Ireland why not just move to Ireland?

>Spanish Colonial Country
>Complaining about presence of """""foreign""""" invaders taking land from """"""natives"""""

The irony levels are off the charts

Go back to making your cocaine, Jose

Compared to the ones we already have, they can't be too bad

It's more of a country than fucking Bolivia

>Natural resources
>UK bailed you out not long ago

Your entire island is a shitheap.

All four crests are pretty sexy to be honest.

Isn't Ireland just a giant tax haven?



Pretty much, the major companies pretend to be based in Ireland while having all their offices in England though.

Nah, it's clearly you who's retarded m80

Thats only because they can pay their office slaves lower wages in cuckland

Don't worry Nigel this isn't a >complain about something that happened 200 years ago thread, I truly see the existence of NI as non-sensical

>mfw I actually make more money selling coke to brit tourists here than you'll ever make in your entire life

Jokes on you. We are nothing but an economic burden

So it's basically Delaware

Ehhhhh. Maybe we don't want them. The search for #51 continues


This happened over 800 years ago.

Educate yourself Pablo.

More like no-one wants to live in Ireland.

>The Irish republic conceded that the British will never leave Northern Ireland

no we haven't, don't you brits know anything about your own fucking country?

That must be why we have 300,000 English people on the dole here, since the dole here is worth more that they would get paid for a 40 hour work week at home

Well done Paddy! Now you have got it!

Fun fact: the population of Ireland still has not recovered from the Potato Famine and resulting diaspora

Poland did gods work today. Dziekuje chłopaki

are you fucking srs wtf i hate famines now

>5 percent of your population is unemployed english people

i don't think so

Shouldn't you be getting your head kicked in by Russians but still claiming you won?


They only took over some of the east portion of the island. Got BTFO in Munster.

Currently one of the top destinations for white flight Londoners.
Sorry Ireland..

nigga there are literally millions upon millions of Irish living here. They've been migrating here for centuries.

norn iron was never part of britain

>this butthurt paddy
It's not Irish land. But try telling that to these bog-brained murphies. You'd have more chance of getting a blowjob from the pope.

1841 population was ~8.2 million

Current population is ~4.6 million