/winners/ general

You may only post ITT if your national team won, or is going to win, its group in either of the two major tournaments going on right now.

Not so fast England.


Google confirms. USA is elite.

Who do we play next? Ecuador or..some other Mexican country? I can't seem to find a straight answer.

>tfw it might be Brazil or Peru

I srsly hope it isn't Brazil


All I know about them is that they own the Galapagos Islands and that they put ketchup on ceviche

Wait no I'm wrong

It's still TBD

Wales reporting in

didn't Colombia win the group?
or is GD the tiebreaker?

i shouldn't be posting in here though, i'll take my leave

>didn't Colombia win the group?
>or is GD the tiebreaker?

I'm not sure I believe people actually live in Wales. It strikes me as a European version of Delaware, an invented place that doesn't actually exist.

I'm from PA right by the Delaware border. It's a real place, but it's kind of a meme

>tax haven
>no sales tax
>alright beaches (better than most of Jersey's, not as good as Maryland)
>the DuPonts are stupid rich, inbred, and crazy

That's basically all you need to know

England gonna walk the group lad.
Wales and whichever Slov it is are gonna get shit on

I still don't believe you, and I won't until I meet a person who was born, or visited there. Until that happens I'll continue to believe that Delaware is nothing more than an elaborate Jewish trick.

>couldn't even beat russia
Shoo, no failures allowed.

Nobody even knew there was an international tournament over there so congratulations to you in whichever country it's being held. Nice to know you're watching us though! You topped a group of four teams, that's pretty neat! Considering how hard your team must've worked to get to the tournament in the first place! Congratulations all round!

Colombia got rekt by Costa Povera yesterday m8

>he thinks we're watching the euros
Nigger we aren't even watching our tournament, it's baseball season. But we do enjoy being better at your national sport than you.

Nah m8 they legit and fairly won (even playing with 10 against 11). It's nice to celebrate when you win, we all know that.....oh wait...nevermind

you've got a point.

Aren't they like literally the only spics with any money though?

I was watching the Euros and the US game yesterday when there was nothing else on

But today is Sunday's so it's all Bar Rescue and Naked and Afraid

No seriously, congratulations on winning those two group games. If there ever was a sign of greatness, it's winning two games.

They are not spics. They are whiter than a true blooded argie. Hence, they are rich and cultured.

>If there ever was a sign of greatness, it's winning two games.
Indeed. Maybe one day England will be able to manage it.

>Have 6 Spuds in starting XI

Lol England won't make it out of the group stage. Spuds are natural born chokers.

Hmm, I went there one time for a few days due to being pissed off over a delayed flight. I don't remember them being white but I do remember them being bros, granted I was drunk the entire time..

Honestly all I know about Costa Ricans is they love Americans, hate Mexicans, and like to buy me drinks. I don't really need to know anything else about them, they're good people.

reporting in, cockroaches got btfo

Two more than you won in the last WC.

I know a lot of Americans retire to there because it's safe and cost of living is practically nothing

Idk why Hondurans Salvadorians don't just go there instead of coming here

>the US has won more games in international tournaments in one week than England has won in four years
Let that sink in.

>Idk why Hondurans Salvadorians don't just go there instead of coming here
They try from what I've heard. Apparently Costa Rica deports the bejesus out of them.

I don't know. Never even spoke to a costa rican irl. There's a few of them here and they seem to be nice people.

It was a real fun weekend. Ngl they're by far the best Mexicans I've ever been around. San Jose is fun as fuck.

>put ketchup on ceviche
We imprison people who do that kind of shit.

Didn't Nathan Drake go to one of your prisons?

Idk I saw it on one of Anthony Bourdain's shows

I wish I had Anthony Bourdain's life..

i know, but usually in these competitions head to head is the first tiebreaker

We didn't make the rules, we just showed up and won.

I think it's because the US received fewer goals against than Colombia.

obsessed lad

USA are a pretty hot meme right now I'll give you that.

And England is a hot mess. To each their own I guess.

Everybody does

Though if you read his book, his life has been a whole lot of shit

I read it. And I did all that shit, heroin addiction and all, but I don't get to travel around eating, drinking, and being snarky for a living. The man is truly blessed.

we will upset germany lol

Poland confirmed for Euro Champions.