I'm on a computer without Adobe Flash and can't install any supported Mega.nz browser here

I'm on a computer without Adobe Flash and can't install any supported Mega.nz browser here...

Please, can someone download this:

And upload it somewhere like zippy?

It's 24 Mb and will only take a minute. Please help me. Pleeeease.

Other urls found in this thread:


nice try

I need it. It's a soundpack for a synth and I want to playyyy bro.

its simple, download flash...its free :/

I went through deep trouble removing Flash to protect my computer. :/ All the usual youtube, netflix and porn sites work perfectly without it.

you just need javascript for mega.nz

unless you have ie8 or lower it should work.

How legal is the sharing of that file?
I'd do it but I'm in a country with copyright nazis.

u wot m9

I didn't want to tell anyone... I use Safari, and it's not supported by mega.

The vandalism guys are just some bedroom music producers, they don't have the legal anything to go after someone.

I spent 2 hours trying to find this file. :/

It's awesome. No flash means no flash exploits. No flash means no animated flash ads. No flash means much better video quality by the native built-in player instead of some archaic flash wrapper. It's awesome and I'll never reinstall it. It's as good as dead. :)

So you use a Mac?

A hackintosh, so I can run Logic Pro X.

yup I have that too.
all sites that I use have html5 video support. All those that don't I have abandoned.
flash is just a annoyance by now.
You can selectively activate it though if it's absolutely necessary (and those are only some game sites)

Yeah I almost never reach a site that requires flash, it's usually just some weird, tiny porn site occasionally.

fuck im out
dunno why people expect more from a incredibly limited market scheme

firefox --no-remote -P
Install it in a separate profile

fuck user, i've seen it today in a journal tend and thought I was wrong for seeing bats, that shall've been black panther

I am still looking for the file. Can someone please help putting it on zippy. Installing a different browser is insane for one file :(

Same browser, different profile. Look up how to do it for whatever you use.

Learn to feed yourself, user.

>Installing a different browser is insane for one file
Could have done it by now.
Then you won't have beg again Faggot.


Op is being a fag. Everyone out of this thread.


nobody uses flash unironically and you certainly don't need it for mega

I found a way to get it without installing Flash, a different browser or torrent client. I really did not want more applications shitting all over the system with their crap.

Solved it at last via the Unix terminal... Enabling command line tools, installing homebrew (brew.sh), and then just:

brew install megatools

Finally just:
megadl 'mega.nz/#!Vx0mSDjS!FaPmO_N6afbiehFmo9-xEU_FZDAtv3sL71E2MxbLx5g'

I feel dirty... but some command line tools are better than installing a whole application just for this.