Where to stream my suicide? I am going to lethally inject myself with some medical grade morphine...

Where to stream my suicide? I am going to lethally inject myself with some medical grade morphine. All I do every day is play video games and post on Sup Forums. I can't take it anymore.


Il b there

> play games video and post on Sup Forums

Sounds like an easy life, how can I become you?

Live with your parents.

Well then stream it phagot

Not kool this is what I do you telling me to kill myself ffffffffffffffuuuuuuucccckkkkk you

How old r u? Doesn't sound like a good enough excuse to an hero to be honest

I'm 27.

Sounds like a dream life, OP...what the hell is wrong with you?

Where do u live? Have any friends? Virgin?

Timestamp your needle an morphine

UK. No real friends. Yes I am a virgin. Just rub it in.

op should fucking try to go outside


are you the user who lives right in the middle of burgerland?


not OP but it's fucking 90 degrees outside right now. i'd much rather be indoors

Please don't kill yourself. You may have no friends right now but you can change this. You're passionate about something, maybe it's video games maybe it's something else but follow your passion. People will accept you for who you are and you'll be happy. It's not worth it to kill your self, it's selfish and you will hurt your family.

Omg your changing the world fer sure

Not trying to rub it in user, I feel bad when I see these threads and plan to try to help a fellow user in need of they are local to me

Are you fat and bald ?

yes please go kill yourself


Why not make something useful and kill as many bad people as possible before you get killed or an hero, whichever is first. You can change your life around in a day

FUCK YOU YOU SELFISH PRICK!!!! You're living the god damn dream and you want to check out? I hope you rot in a furry hell.

Theres still hope then.

Abandoning thread

I had a horrible god damn day. I lost custody of my fucking son and I have nothing else to live for. Was hoping to laugh at some good pictures for once.

I asked nicely for no spamming with fucking sumo pear, and that accounts for all spam.

To all who spammed, just sit there and read this.

You, yes you, are a fucking tumor. You will forever be a fucking virgin. You will never succeed. You are worthless garbage, and should kill yourself.

Abandoning thread, because you have fucking ruined Sup Forums

Fucking losing my shit, sage

hey I am and still got a girl and a job, like any decent human being. OP, do it.

Ha, this shit is hilarious. That's why you wanna die OP? Seriously? Atleast when I pump my tent full of Carbon monoxide this summer and slowly escape my body I won't have a shred of fear, doubt, or remorse in my heart when I do it. If any negative emotions are present during suicide odds are you aren't gonna go thru with it. I'm not overly depressed, I'd just rather go hangout in the dimensional overtones for awhile before I re-incarnate into a fresh body. I think dying will be very therapeutic for me lol.

where do you live in the uk?

This guy has the right idea do this

At least have sex with a high class call girl before you do it. You'll die happy.

>having a girlfriend is required to be a decent human being

this OP
can do it on phone or computer I think

YES! put a Isis shirt and create more havock than already is!

If you are looking for a sign to not do it, this is that sign.


we got another faggot that wanna kill himself.. oh wait just someone that need some attention

being able to get someone to like you, is required.
otherwise you're just a boring ass prick.

No, he should yell, in the name of Jesus Christ and confuse everyone


Makes no sense to me.
This fool is trying to turn his insecurities into rules everyone should avide

i can get anyone to like me. but the question is whether i want to fuck them or not. and if i choose not to try, that makes me a bad human? i don't think so, prick.

found the mad virgin

Final words

hey, that's just my opinion!
you can still be on tumblr screaming that you are assexual for all I care



Found the insecure virgin

>implying you know when i'm mad
>implying i'm a virgin

OP dont let his dubs go to waste

my girlfriend will be surprised to hear I'm both insecure and a virgin, considering I'm neither :^)

Again, I thought you were gonna make a valid point but you choose too keep your projections and delusions

Lol why do you even have girlfriends. Do any of you even still like the bitch after a year? I mean, if you wanna fuck around for 6 months and get some companionship, I get that. But trying to score some long term relationship is fucking retarded in this day and age.

a ril humin been?

>Faking on Sup Forums
>Expecting to sound believable


base morphine?
How many Grams?

But seriously OP, definitely kill yourself. If you don't, you'll wish you did tomorrow.

I won't wake her up just for a timestamp, so you can safely believe everyone is as miserable as you are m80

its normal to be in a relationship, get married and have kids and shit.
Why is it normal? because it's what is best for most people! If you are in a different group of people that really think its best to be alone, I cannot tell you that normal is better, but it is the usual.
do you find that valid or nah?

I know right? People could an hero and do something out of their miserable lives but they would rather be selfish and an hero in a miserable way. Become a legend

who are you trying to impress motherfucker? you really think nobody on Sup Forums has ever gotten laid before? fucking kids these days make me sick thinking it's a fucking "accomplishment" to get laid.

i've got something for you.
since you don't seem to care anyways, there's no reason not to do the following:
just grab a backpack, a swiss knife or something similar, some extra clothes (not too much, just another pair of pants, a shirt and two or three pairs of socks), dried fruits, nuts and some oatmeal to last a few days. also, a hammock and a sleeping bag. bring as little money as possible but keep you atm card close, just in case.
then go to the next road and start fucking hitchhiking!
seriously, do it. travel through europe. you will get to your limits but you will break through and grow.
i promise you: you will see life in a completely new light. you will meet people and ultimately your self.

and i'm not just making things up, i've done it and would recommend it to everybody. just not everyone can do it.
what's your excause?

Be the change you to be.

For normal people it's obviously no achievement, but for the average btard it is

OP you already backed off? cmon become a legend do something amazing burn a church packed with niggers

Your use of the word normal keeps invalidating your arguments but I understand what you mean so let's say yes, you made an argument. Congrats

Yea I thought so

I agree

You forgot the fapping. OP, you live a great life, Zambezia man have to kill lions to survive. They get worms in the penis and take water in the crocodile river.

You can buy a bike and travel instead, visit new places and meet new people


Op you still gonna do it?!

do you want to play dead island with me?

Eviscerate your lower torso and take a picture and post it here as a momento.

great choice of game for a suicide

>not thinking of holing a timestamp with her in it sleeping

>dead island
this is incitation

Shit tier game

Kek. This guy. Me and my 15 wives are laughing at you.

well consider me an above average Sup Forumstard then. cuz i never had a problem getting pussy not that i'm bragging like some people in this thread that think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. only underage faggots who never got laid themselves and insecure boyfriends call other people virgin.

area? near london?

This guy gets it.

wtf has this thread become

lard-gamer OP isnt even here anymore
people fighting over who has a cumdump

There are millions of people around your age and a virgin in the same situation. Me included. Get over it. Everyone's eating the same shit sandwich you are, you're just the one bitchin about it.

>implying OP wasn't a faggot all along

at least i didnt lose my wife and child today

>kek at how shit ur life is

>Keeps projecting
Kek having to feel like you're proving yourself to a bunch of people who don't even know you exist

Fuck sake, just do it
>want to an hero
>doesn't an hero

I want some entertainment, just get this shit set up, stream it, and do it.


Yes. I'm in Dover.

Well he didn't an hero so

This! OP u still here? Do this!

just because you think someone is projecting doesn't mean they actually are. it's called an opinion, maybe you've heard of it. and yours is shit. keep bragging about how you have a gf and nobody else does though. i'm sure it'll make you feel better, being this insecure.

how in the actual fuck can you still be a virgin at 27? do you ever go out and socialize?

don't kill yourself OP, what if the afterlife is just sitting around in your parents house playing video games forever in limbo?


I found the mad virgin
