>"MUSTAFI, son of Albanian parents!"

With such an euphoric voice like he was waiting the whole time for one of the Mediterranean guys making a goal. Can you explain why?

I don't understand leftist minds.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jew media

Cause it triggers you and it's hilarious

It sounds progressive

Because Gauland.

And who wants to live in the same area with boateng?


>where are my kartoffel genes gone

fuck off cuck

You never had one.
You roman germanized slaw from denmark!!

he did?

it actually was an insult

>With such an euphoric voice

oh wow lol

What would have been the "right" tone in your stupid mind? Or should he not have mentioned it at all? Wouldn't he be "enabling the stealth usurpation of the Fatherland" then?

funny, the same shit happened here

>Can you explain why?
maybe he was happy that we scored?

I really don't understand Sup"""minds"""

The biggest newspaper in Poland had the entire front page dedicated to shilling for immigration with an article about Ibra/Alaba/Khedira/Pogba etc

>commentator explaining the unusual surname for one aryan looking motherfucker triggers the autist that is OP

If a french announcer said that about one of our players it'd probably be considered racist kek.

>Bosnian player scores for Germany
>we scored
What's the point of national teams if every team is full of non-native players?

I want to fuck Lena.

brown dick only kid

Wtf dude?

It's an interesting tidbit of information behind the player, like how Vardy used to play in the lower leagues

He was born in Germany and feels german, that's good enough for me.

Because it triggers the pol scums like you

What's Albania even like?

Are the beaches nice like in Croatia?

fuck off mohammed


top kek

Thank God our national team isnt fucked up like german and french. I couldnt support my NT if some random brazilian or nigger played there.

>Hector or whatever

Muh german right.

fuck ride never ends

>motherfucking European championship

Sand beaches. No fucking stones like croatia

Exactly, we are cucked by our people

Feels good man

>"European" Championship

>sacrifice your own nation to get a few good football players

Yea, real good...

Doesn't an ethnic Albanian play in your NT?

Hector is an ethnic german


embrace diversity you cuck

Where are you gonna support your superior team then?

Yea and Hitler dindu nothing wrong

Do you visit turjey every summer?

I don't care for my national team because it's not even swedish. Really fuck this dhit.

they are "native". Do you really think any fucking country would advocate for any regulations that only allow ethical Germans, French etc. to compete for their team in the tournament?


yes it must be awful for germany, winning the world cup and all that. much better being a serb, sitting at home watching a tournament your team wasn't good enough to get into.


if a man feels like a woman, it doesn't make him a woman

You are what you are, you can't change your looks and heritage.


>still mad about 1992


No because Europe no longer has countries, just boring grey shapes filled with a random mess of people not native to those boring grey shapes

>impying I would spent a cent in a shithole dicatorship like that
like you can only be either a nationalist or a commie goatfucker

he has french DNA 2bh

like many germans in the rhineland

Stupid German Kartoffel doesn't underatand that this is an example of typical German racism. The commentator wanted to stress that Mustafi 'actually' isn't a real German.

nothing wrong with white french dna

Mad pegida supporter can't celebrate german wins anymore, i won't miss them

he was born and raised in germany you autistic shitstain

Genders are not the same because they don't exist on a sliding scale. There are two distinct options for gender. That's not the case with ethnicities.
Every country is a blend. Obviously there are national ethnicities, but there is no set point. It's like if you look at colours and something like a red turning into a purple. There are distinct points where you can say "this is red" and "this is purple", but it's hard if not impossible to say when exactly it turns from red to purple.
And in a similar manner, you can't pinpoint ehtnicities. How many generations in Germany, having chilren with germans does it take to turn one foreigner german? There's no answer, so not go with something simpler like "born here and feels german? good enough".

>inb4 one drop rule

All the good Germans died in World War 2. What's left are third world shit skins and people brainwashed into hating a national identity

he only wanted to assure people that he's a white person from albania and now some middle eastern turk nigger

I wad implying that you're a turk.

>you can't pinpoint ehtnicities.
Yes you can

>how many generations does it take for a foreigner to become a German?
Infinite. They are not german and never will be. They will never belong to Germany and the German identity. Ever.

>Genders are not the same because they don't exist on a sliding scale.

wow check your priviledge shitlord

>one drop rule

>Comparing genders with nationality
>Boateng born and was raised in Germany

Fucking Sup Forums is full of stupid autistic kids...

>I bet he's not even minding his pronouns in public.

exactly. they are german citizens but not true germans and their grandkids won't be either

desu mustafi looks pretty white, I thought he was german before I heard about his parents

There are tons of albanians in greece, some of them look pretty white, blue eyes, blond hair and the like.

There are rats born and raised in stables, does that make them horses?
Boateng's not German either. His roots are in Ghana. His brother even plays for the Ghana national team.

So why label your "born and raised in Germany" types as x-German? Or even completely skip the German part?


>Or should he not have mentioned it at all?
Yes? Why mentioning he isn't German? What's the importance?

White people are so weird.

>There are rats born and raised in stables, does that make them horses?


Watch the edges, son

>Boateng's not German either. His roots are in Ghana. His brother even plays for the Ghana national team.

Well, he's ID, passport, birth certificate, the german gov and the german football federation says otherwise.

We already know only rape can redpill Germans. You should hope they lose against Turkey.

>Well, he's ID, passport, birth certificate, the german gov and the german football federation says otherwise.
It's a shame that people in Western Europe would rather trust the government's word than their own eyes, that's for sure.

I'd like to believe that the east has learned to think for themselves since the USSR was extremely blatant with its lies, only serving to make the population skeptical of anything a government official says.
The younger generation seems to have lost that ability, though. We're slowly heading towards falling into the same hole that the west has.

I want to fucked by Sammy

So is his half-brother who also has a german mother is ghanaan?
Jerome boateng was born to and raised by a german mother.
He is more of a german than his half-brother could ever be a ghanaan.
He never lived in ghana, so is he without ethnicity to you or fucking what?
Estonia shitposting to the max

>Muh pure race

Haha, welcome to 2016, kid

Nah, it's pretty funny, actually. Like watching a dog trying to drive bicycle.

*ride a bicycle

>le current year