I've been to Florida many times for vacation during peak vacation season...

I've been to Florida many times for vacation during peak vacation season, but I always wondered what it was like for the non-retiree non-Cuban native population. Full-time Floridians, what are your thoughts on your state?

Off season is the best time of year, we have the place to ourselves.

sw florida (sarasota county and charlotte county/ft myers area) if you are not rich is not pretty. homelessness a big issue and peoples only solutions is to try to make it ticketable. drug use is out of control as well as the crime that comes with it. just had a drive by 1 block over the other night and i live in a jungle. florida is shit.

Florida Fag here,
Basically its just like any other place in the US except there are lots of older people (depends on where in florida).

It's also incredibly hot and humid from about April till October.

Overall it's a decent place to live as long as you aren't in the bumfuck middle of orange acre farmville in the middle of the state. It also rains about everyday at about 4 pm on the summer. Can set a clock to it.

floridafag here
i want to leave

are hurricane parties a thing?

Also everyone hates Pinellas county (where im from)

I was born in florida, don't remember anything from it, since I moved when I was 6, but January is an amazing time, I recently went there this january and I have this story to share, which is why January is the best time to go.

>driving out towards Key West
>See car barreling down highway
>Look in car
>In the driver's seat i see a skeleton
>no one in car
>just skeleton

props to whoever did that.

why do people hate pinellas county? i'm from there too.

plane tickets on the house

We're considered massive snobby urban cunts basically.

You bet. Luckily there haven't been any major hurricanes recently so it's not really been too prevalent.

Hurricanes are fuck awesome. Lighting storms too.

This. I've lived in bumfuck rural town and Jacksonville where nig nogs are everywhere. Overall, willbemoving/10. Yes but only in rural parts where most people are retards

Ill sum up florida for you.
>Too Hot
>Always rains
>Bad drivers everywhere
Best state in the country

Ancient saying: There are only three counties in Florida, Dade, Broward, and Palm. The rest is lower Georgia or Alabama.

Reminds me of washington state

>Either way too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer
>Always Rains, but never snows
>Horrible traffic all the time

Around the Destin/ Fort Walton Area it's pretty chill

beautiful place that most people don't appreciate

majority of the 'natives' are really just first or second generation transplants

they all live in shitty mass produced town homes or mcmansions. Constantly developing more land to build another strip mall etc.

Old, natural florida is beautiful, there just isnt much left

Pretty much spot on except its only too cold in the winter because the people that live here are bitches and cant handle 70 degree weather

Bad things:
humid as balls
mosquitos in summer
being a gamer during rainy season
internet in SW FL is complete dick
too humid to wear leather as much as I'd like to
legal swords and guns. I carry a switch as my edc
technically segregated, so i have to go out of my way to be around the bad nigs
not a city. I was born in philly. not a nice place.
flora and fauna. I grew up catching snakes, lizards and turtles.

Very true, I currently live in jacksonville and drives around places used to have meaning but now everywhere I look it's just more shitty apartments

full of cubans and jew yorkers. i can tolerate the cubans. at least they can cook.

Ayyyy a 904 native. I live in one of those shitty apartments while attending UNF and can't wait to get out of this shithole

I mean, its a place. Looks pretty in spring, dicks the rest of the time. Drivers are all fucking stupid, schools are either snobby or ghetto, no happy medium. The beach is boring as shit after so many summers and my being too stupid to use sunscreen. Internet is dicks unless its cox or the UF internet. Tl;dr, everythings dicks including the states shape. 352 bois.