Post your most played champs/highest mastery

Others guess your rank.

Pic related,

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Plat 2

wood 3

High plat/low dia


Dia 5/3

Silver 1

(op here)
Oh my...
You flatter me. Silver V actually. Climbed my way up from Bronze V in a month, actually if that means anything.

High gold

High silver

Legolás, eune


Mine should be pretty obvious

(post above yours)
Silver indeed, gold in few games

Dat Cho carry doe
Ehhh... Low gold maybe?

Hey it's me I have more

I put thresh in BC I have like less than 1k for mast 5 so it's close enough

I fucking forgot the picture

yeah man, finally you'll be high elo gold! ez game ami right? XD

get on my level

Different fag here
Gold is good enough for me. I get end of season rewards and even though it's shitty, gold sounds more respectable than bronze or silver

+ bard at 77.9k mastery

My niggu
High gold/Low plat maybe?

Gold 3
Low silver
high silver/low gold



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Three/3 communications/explanations/informations/texts of a technology:
1/One: body muscle movement caused/since of energies at human caused/since of energies sent from machines far of miles/kilometers;
and/or/an-other-communication of 2/Two: human of technology of machines...machines transmit/send at/striked/hitting metals in human...metals moved/ of in of body so...body muscle flexing of human of living of tensing/slackening of muscle;
and/or/an-other-communication of 3/Three: STIMULATION OF BODY-MOVING/LIKE-SENSE SINCE OF ELECTRICITY OF CAUSED OF IN OF BODY SINCE 1. tiny metals in human 2. metals moved since of energies striked/hitting metals 3. energies sent/from machine far/distant/not-close/no-nearness of miles.
I got/received a text of communication/question/ask of technology of body muscle flexing caused of energies of machines far of miles:_"\_ Everyone knows this already. How do you fix it. _/"_:-_ . I am of communication/answer/reply of letter of word of language of text of:_"\_ Humans of policing/military live of:_[\_ slackening/tensing of muscles of earlier and later of slackening/tensing of muscles since of brain of body of since of human of living of brain of body of since of sense/sensation of communication/text/speech of computer program software of language of words of anything/everything/eachthing/allthings of human of living of _{-\_[-\_ slackening/tensing of muscles of earlier and later of slackening/tensing of muscles _/-]_{--\_[--\_ and _/--]_ and _[--\_ or _/--]_/--}_[-\_ flexing of muscles so of living of muscle of nearer and and or farther of muscle _/-]_/-}_/]_:-_/"_:-_ .


the morde is pre-rework mostly

You anons and your flattery. Silver 5 actually (op)

Im Bronze 2 :P



I don't even know

low silver


mid gold but thinks he belongs plat, all janna players think that.
low silver
high silver /low gold

i'll be 5 with blitz and kennen in 2 games i just haven't got around to it

people still play karthus? this guy is either a karthus god or bronze 3

only rank is premade 5v5 all else is 1600 0 games unranked

defence of the ancients map is a minigame within the wider genre of rts games


i'm in plat, so i'm neither.
but to be fair, i'm there because i never play meta shit so it's my own fault

Full lvl 5s

what do you think of my list can I download child porn and how can I kill the president

Gold 3/4

don't other meta midlaners shit on karthus?

well i either win lane if the enemy doesnt respect the Q poke, or i dont feed, stay 3 miles back and outfarm them, so he's in a pretty good spot imo.
Just have to ban zed and soraka because fuck that shit.

woar got me so funny and stuff

mid gold

high gold

high gold/low plat


plat 5

go for it bruvs

plastic 27

clearly you don't respect the yisus

uninstalled for exams but here are my stats from LoLKing

I only play ARAM

u can actually go pretty high with any champ if u are one trick pwny (well lets say 2 or 3 champs).
i only play talon/ahri/malphite and i got diamond 3 with that last season.

>uninstall for exams
dis nigga smart

still not actually doing any work though :(
it's the finals for my whole degree as well. fml

ayy let's go



guess you faggots.

dem mechanix m8
>only S+ on ahri lel

all up to Vi are one game away from level 5

Havent played at all really since that new tweak. Maybe four or five games in the past 2-3 months. This week an additional 4 normals that i did completely rubbish in.

Mid lane got so much power right now. IMO it's best position to carry. Diana/TF with hextech items are so fuckin broken. DIA here i come



I need to get back to diamond asap so ill probs just spam Diana. Hows Vik these days?


You got some nice champs there but

Still can nuke ppl with his combo but now there's way more valuable champs to play. Vik was strong in 6.4-6.7 patch



I play Smite, cause I like fun

Gimme your best guesses


>mains support
Easily diamond