Hey Sup Forums i want to tell you a story...

Hey Sup Forums i want to tell you a story. First stop being fat/overweight getting no pussy never even hugged a girl before.

In high school i was that obese kid that no one liked, i just changed my habits and exercised and my life changed girls were hitting on me etc... now a year later i'm fucking a new girl every 2 weeks. Guys if you are fat loose weight it's worth it.

Need advice ask!

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this triggers me

No motivation. What do?

Ok bro. Look at the motivation videos on youtube they really helped me. Just think i'm going to change myself

I used to bee more fat in high school. I just finished a year ago and i lost a bit of weight but im really self conscious about some stretch marks i have leftover.

i dont get fat people. literally all you have to do is stop eating as much. cut your portion size down, eat some fucking fruit and vegatables

it really is that fucking simple

stop blaming depression. stop being weak. take control of your mind

This is my diet


I did the same as OP. Broke up with my fat, gross ex and started dating and fucking real women. I have more energy, I can take my shirt off in public, and my confidence soars. Actually going to go work out right now, it's ab day.
>went from 210 to 172
>this is only the beginning

what did you change except the obvious things like diet and workout?

That's like telling a Sup Forumstard to fap just once a week, sounds easy but there are trap threads daily

Not OP, I'm the other dude. But drinking water helps a lot (sort of part of diet, but one a lot of people forget), as does taking a multivitamin if you don't.

>was a little chubby
>dropped a few pounds

Try explaining that to people 300+ pounds; how they could stand to lose over 100 pounds of fat. These people have built a lifestyle around food and it has become an addiction. Going from 210 to 172 is a cakewalk compared to what morbidly obese people need to lose to become healthy.

I'm right now sitting at 225 and my doctor tells me I should consider losing weight. I told her it wasn't going to happen because at 225 I can place 12th in my state for squats in this weight class.

if it were that easy then 2/3 of the united states wouldn't be fat
and 1/3 wouldn't be obese.
obesity is rising worldwide.
it's more complex than you think.

>inb4 found the fatty

Go back to r3ddit faggot

Fair point, I was never that far "gone" (although as much as it pains me to say, I'm 5'11", so I was not an attractive 210). I'm not trying to say "hurr durr fat people r dumiez", just tryna motivate some Sup Forumsros that want to make a change.

Does your pennis look bigger now that you don't have that much fat around the pubic area?

I've been wondering this for days now.

Yeah, noticeably

So are you down to 300 pounds now, OP?

So I'm looking forward to loosing 30 - 50 pounds, do you think mine will get that much bigger or nah?

Yes, it's common sense really. Fat accumulates over your entire body. Fingers, arms, neck, face, and even your pubic area. As your pubic area becomes fatter, your dick is essentially 'sunk in' and looks smaller as a result.

In general losing weight almost literally adds length to your cock because there is less blubber in the way stopping you from going as deep.

your dick won't get bigger, you'll just be able to see more of it. stand up straight, then push your hands down on either side of your cock and push the fat inward as much as you can. This is what your dick will look like when the fat is gone.

I'm chubby and still get loads of pussy from insecure chicks

Going to give everyone here a bit of advice. This doesn't look bad. It may not be healthy and you may need to cut back on fatty foods later on but to reiterate this doesn't look bad.

Large guys who are pushing into the 300 range and are looking to lose weight just stop. Don't think about losing weight. Instead think about getting stronger.

Eat the same as you always do but start spending time lifting weights. 15 minutes at first all the way up to an hour or more in the coming months. Look up dirty bulking. Understand the amount of calories you eat. Understand the amount of calories you burn.

Losing weight is torture. Lifting weight is life.

>caring what you look like
>caring what other people think of you
>caring how big your dick is
this entire thread makes me sick.

just live life to the fullest, you only get one.

By being unhealthy you are choosing to drastically reduce the chances of living a long life.

If your motto really is 'you only get one' you should probably shed the years off of it.

Who in the right mind wants to live long enough to see friends and loved ones die off?
I would rather be the first one out to not have to endure that burden.

No it isn't. People are just less active now.

Then you are just a weak kid. No one past their 20s would ever consider saying something like that.

You should honestly just consider killing yourself now then if that is how you see life.

Oh man, that looks big.

Btw, I've been fat since I Was a kid and my eyes look kind of asian, if I lose the pounds I don't need, will my eyes look normal?

I live my life to the fullest faggot, I just wanted to ask about my dick.

Nothing will look normal. You will have excess skin and even more stretch marks.

Oh man, that sounds bad, can I un-fuck my skin by any other method besides plastic surgery?

>loose weight

Does the "loose" weight jiggle when walking?


There's literally no reason to loose weight if the goal is to fuck. I'm 6ft and about 240lb and I have no issues getting ugly chicks, good looking chicks, and everything in between.
You don't even need to look very good, you just need to be able to talk to strangers as if you've known them for a long time.

Fuck losing weight, just practice talking to women, it's literally all you need to be good at in order to get laid.

I weigh 460 lbs and i'm 23 my parents already know I'm going to die young.

Depends on the weight.

All you really have to do is set realistic goals, don't lose too much too fast, and apply creams or lotions to skin.

However just go to the 2:00 mark.


Maybe but have you never been fit? You get so much more attention, it's just easy

Motivation is bullshit, it's about habits and discipline. Find something small you can do every day, rain or shine, no exceptions. It builds up the habit. Create an environment where failure is harder than success.

why lie?

Fat fucks pretending they're successful because they bang 6s and 7s lol. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about until you join the upper 10% of men.

>Maybe but have you never been fit? You get so much more attention, it's just easy

Not sure I ever considered myself fit, I didn't used to weigh this much tho. I haven't seen a drop off in sexual partners, rather a slight increase since I'm getting more and more smooth talking to women the older I get.
I'm sure if I got fit it would make things easier but there's literally no reason to. I don't find it hard nor time consuming to talk to women. I quite enjoy it actually.

Do you have any experience with women?

I assume that you would consider yourself belonging to that "10%"?

I'm not in the 10% anymore, to be honest. Priorities changed. But once you've lived that lifestyle there's no way you can look back and think "yeah, you can totally get it without being a 9/10". You just don't.

Well, women also get sluttier as more and more good girls get married and the remainder get desperate. But being hot makes a huge difference. I don't think guys who have never been in great shape understand.

Please. That fabled "10%" you're going on about would consist of type A millionaires and celebrities with enough good looks and money to not having to even look at a woman in order to have her fall on her knees and blow them.

You never belonged to that "10%" and the fact that you think that is pretty sad.

youtu be/75aX9mlipiY?t=51

Can anyone watch this video and honestly say being fit doesn't matter?

I don't worry much about that, I've an awesome and hot gf, I'm into the weight lossing stuff because of me, I know I can fuck hot girls even if I'm fat, I've scored with other 7's, 8's and 9's.

Thanks user, I'll give it a look after, right now I'm at school.

I get what you're saying and I have known ridiculously good looking men who didn't have to work much at all in order to get laid. I do very well for my size and way better than what I thought I'd be doing when I was a sad virgin teenager.

You get all of these fat virgins coming to Sup Forums, asking for advice and every response is telling them to lose weight. All i'm saying is that you can do very well for yourself, regardless of weight, as long as you know how to interact with women.

I don't think you understand percentages very well. In a classroom with 40 males, I'm talking about being one of the 4 who looks best without a shirt on. That's it.

Of course it matters in the way it makes things easier, but there are several ways around being a fat fuck virgin besides losing the weight.

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I didn't realize you were still in school.

Let me tell you what the real world is like when you grow up. Women and men start developing different views on sex and attractiveness. Well, not so much the men, who will always try for the most beautiful woman in the room. Females on the other hand will realize that there's sex appeal beyond physical attractiveness. A man who's confident, successful, and can keep an interesting conversation becomes progressively more sexy.

I agree that depression isn't a huge cause of obesity, though it does factor into it, but telling a person with depression to just "take control of their mind" is like telling a person with Parkinson's to take control of their body and stop shaking so much. People cannot just alter imbalances in brain chemicals through sheer willpower alone, and if you believe they can you are truly ignorant. Also, as I said earlier, though they of course shouldn't blame depression entirely for being overweight, you have to factor in that it is one cause of it, and most people with depression are either far underweight or overweight. While not impossible, finding the motivation to do anything, let alone lose weight, while being clinically depressed is acheivable, but far more difficult than you could understand without having depression yourself.

Yeah, probably more than you too. Women want hot guys, just like men want hot girls. If you think anything else matters you're either hitting it with women who are fat or just straight up lying.

That's a cute world view.
How old are you, friend?

i once fucked a fat chick

she tasted like ciggerettes
but it was still nicer then being alone
now its all i want
if it wasnt for alcohol id still be a virgin
if it wasnt for cannabis id be DEAD

I'm that kid in the classroom, the twig who is really salty towards most of his peers

It's called an example. I've been a doctor for 8 years now. I do agree with everything you wrote on sexuality, but you seem to forget that the change in preference for females comes with aging and loss of their femininity. 30+ year olds put status and career way above looks, it's true. But the hottest girl at the beach isn't interested at how well spoken you are, mate. It's all about if you yourself are the hottest guy there. If you want to consistently pull 9s in the 19-24 y/o range, looks are what it's about.

And yet they are the ones that need to die. All you fogies not dropping off around 50 anymore is the reason much of our government still acts like it's living in the 60's.

OP, serious question, what's your dick size?
I'm insecure because of a 5" dick

the average dick size if you live in america is 14.2 cm (5.6 inches). So dont be so insecure.